I hear you: You want success on your terms … but you’re not clear on how to achieve it. For example, you want to hit your business goals and also honor how you feel on a daily (or even hourly) basis. But from where you are today, you don’t know how to make it happen. The question is, how do you do this? How do you go after something when you aren’t sure how to Continue reading...
Stop Working So Hard
How to Fall Back in Love with Your Business Again
A reader asked me to help her with this: I want to fall in love with my business and be interested in it again. Aw, I feel you on this one. As someone who's been self-employed since 2009, I can assure you that the ebb and flow of love, excitement, enthusiasm, drive, motivation, you-name-it in business is real. Whether this is something you’re experiencing now or Continue reading...
Steal This! New Client Intake System and Email Scripts
Is your new client process a bit chaotic? Could it have a bit more of a professional feel? Let's streamline your system for booking new clients and automating as much of the process as possible (without over-complicating it). Use the checklist below to create and implement a system that works for you. 7 Steps to Your New Client Intake System Here are seven Continue reading...
Steal This! Boundary-Setting Email Scripts
Having trouble setting boundaries with clients (and non-clients)? These email scripts will help! You can use the templates as-is or tweak them to suit your personal style. These emails tend toward the more firm tone because, in my experience, when most women realize it’s finally time to set a firm boundary, their clients have gone way overboard and firm is more Continue reading...
7 Secrets to Working Less Without Making Less
Back in 2012, I taught a totally free class called The Secrets to Working Less Without Making Less. Although some of the specific wording I use today to talk about these ideas has shifted, the core concepts are still applicable to anyone wanting to build a thriving business without working to the bone. Heck, it even works great if you're an employee who wants to work Continue reading...
How to Take a Break from Work—Guilt-Free!
Entrepreneurs are a funny lot. Many of us say we’re overworked and need time to rest and recharge. But when we do get downtime, we’re too guilt-ridden to make the most of it. Can you relate? Do you feel massive guilt when you’re not working all the time? If you answered yes, then you know what it’s like for a lot of business owners. You’re exhausted. You’re Continue reading...
How to Take Extended Time Off—With or Without a Team
At some point in your business, it’s going to happen: You’re going to want to take extended time off. Maybe it’s to have a baby (like I did). Maybe it’s to travel. Maybe it’s to take care of a sick loved one or to recover from illness yourself. Whatever the reason, you need to still have income, even if you’re away from your business. The question is, how do you Continue reading...
How to Delegate Effectively (Even If You’ve Never Done It Before)
As your online business takes off, you may find yourself thinking, “I’m too busy. I’m stretched too thin. I need to delegate…. But what tasks do I delegate and how?” Maybe you’ve been putting it off, because the idea of having to recruit, onboard, and train a new person can feel overwhelming. Or maybe you’ve gone as far as to actually hire someone … but they ended up Continue reading...
3 Simple Yet Powerful Beliefs That Help You Get What You Want Faster
I was thinking about you the other day. About how some days our enthusiasm supports us in doing the hard things, facing the big challenges, and keeping going no matter what stands in our way. And how other days, there isn’t a drop of motivation to get us moving even the tiniest bit. This came to mind recently after I got some disappointing news about my health. Continue reading...
The Secret to Building a Business You Truly Love
You thought that running your own business would be an all-day good time. You imagined waking up every day feeling like it’s the best day ever, full of gratitude and excitement that THIS is what your life looks like now. You thought sitting down at your computer would feel magical. Like you couldn’t wait to get started. Like you’d be so happy you’d have a hard time Continue reading...