I hear you: You want success on your terms … but you’re not clear on how to achieve it. For example, you want to hit your business goals and also honor how you feel on a daily (or even hourly) basis. But from where you are today, you don’t know how to make it happen. The question is, how do you do this? How do you go after something when you aren’t sure how to Continue reading...
Steal This! New Client Intake System and Email Scripts
Is your new client process a bit chaotic? Could it have a bit more of a professional feel? Let's streamline your system for booking new clients and automating as much of the process as possible (without over-complicating it). Use the checklist below to create and implement a system that works for you. 7 Steps to Your New Client Intake System Here are seven Continue reading...
7 Secrets to Working Less Without Making Less
Back in 2012, I taught a totally free class called The Secrets to Working Less Without Making Less. Although some of the specific wording I use today to talk about these ideas has shifted, the core concepts are still applicable to anyone wanting to build a thriving business without working to the bone. Heck, it even works great if you're an employee who wants to work Continue reading...
Looking to Grow Your Business Next Year? Be Sure to Nail Your Niche First
Quick question: What’s your top priority for growing your business over the next year? If you’re like most of the business owners I work with, you want to find your perfect prospects and convert them into paying clients, so you can quit your job and earn a full-time income from your business, while still having time to do what you love. To make that happen, you know Continue reading...
What All Perfectionists Need to Know About Overcoming Fear and Overwhelm
How do you approach building your business? Do you wait until everything is 100% perfect before you talk about it? Over-analyze every opportunity before you make a decision? Do you start things and never finish them? Think of hundreds of ideas but never act on any of them? Do you feel a pang of jealousy when you see other people doing things you wish you could Continue reading...
Steal This! My Seven-step Plan for Growing a Successful Online Business
Most of my clients start their businesses because they want more freedom. They no longer want to work 40 or 50 or 60 hours a week. They want more control over their future, their schedule… and their paycheck. And they want to do work they’re incredibly passionate about. But making the transition to entrepreneurship can come with a pretty steep learning curve. Many Continue reading...
4 Daily Habits You Need to Bring in a Steady Flow of Clients
What would change for you and your business if you could wave a magic wand and have a steady flow of perfect clients? Soooo much, like… ...You’d finally be able to make consistent, reliable money doing the work you love so you could quit your day job. ...You’d have the freedom to work on a schedule that fits your life, allowing you time to pick up your kids from Continue reading...
3 About Page Mistakes That Repel Perfect Prospects
About pages. Whether you love them or hate them, you know your website needs one. Not only is it the second-most clicked page on your website (after the home page), it’s also where potential prospects decide if they can relate to—and trust—you. This means your about page gives you the perfect opportunity to authentically connect with your target audience, build Continue reading...
How Stephanie Gets a YES to 90% of Her Consultation Follow-ups
It’s a common problem for most business owners: Not knowing what to do when your prospect utters these dreaded words: “I need to think about it.” Even worse, knowing that you should follow up but have no idea how to do it without coming across too pushy, needy, or desperate. The indecision and uncertainty leaves you feeling frustrated, powerless, and utterly Continue reading...
What You Need to Know About General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and What to Do to Ensure Compliance
Have you heard the buzz about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)? Whether you have or haven’t, know this: It’s a big deal for your business. Today I’m happy to offer some support and guidance as you navigate these new guidelines. If you’ve joined Get Your First 1000 Subscribers, you’ll find these specifics in Module 1. Just one more thing I’m doing to help Continue reading...