Marketing doesn’t have to be painful. If you’ve never done it before, it is challenging, but a good challenge is inherent in growing an authentic and thriving online business.
Last week I suggested you get to know your ideal customer so well that you can use her words to describe what you offer. This makes it much easier to sell your products and services because your ideal customer will be able to identify herself in those words.
Another trick to make marketing easier is
Focus on being of service
For everything you do in your business, focus on how it serves your clients and customers. Every blog post. Every class you offer. Every product you sell. How is that thing enhancing or improving your client’s life or business?
Focusing on service before focusing on money sends out a positive energetic signal to potential clients and customers. They’ll feel, even if it’s subconsciously, that you’re there to help them. People love that.
I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t make money. I’m not suggesting you give your stuff away for free. You absolutely should make money (and a lot of it if that’s what you want). But making money should be secondary to being of service, especially if you’re in a business that stems from your heart and soul and leads with authenticity.
”If people spent as much time worrying about how to make a difference as they do about how they could make money, then they would soon find themselves rich beyond belief.” -Brendon Burchard in The Millionaire Messenger
Assess your offers with these questions.
Look at your current products and services and any new ones you’re about to launch. Ask yourself..
- Is the focus of those offers serving my clients and customers deepest needs and desires?
- If not, how can I change my offers or my sales approach to address service first?
What action are you going to take right now to be of service to your ideal customers?
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