What’s that thing that you’ve been putting off doing but want to complete before 2011 is over?
Pitch and write a guest post?
Write an ebook?
Finalize your website?
Hire an assistant?
I know you know it’s time to get it done.
Last week I made a list called My Final 2011 Priorities. It has 3 things I want to accomplish before the year is over. I’ve been dragging my feet on those 3 things for a few months, and there’s nothing better than the turn of a new year to move me into gear.
One of them is scary. The other two simply require me to make time to get them done. I can do them. I will do them.
What about you? What final things do you want to accomplish before 2011 ends?
Take one simple step: Make your list.
Once you know what you want to do, carve out time in your calendar and commit to getting it done.
Tell me: What are you going to get done this year?
Please share in the comments below.
The bookkeeping 🙂 I’m a bit behind on that. Otherwise I’ve got a number of posts, videos and crafts on my list. Plus a couple of articles and the plan for my book.
Sounds like you’ve got a plan. Nice going, Linda!
Thanks 🙂 Now I just have to follow through 😀
Oh, Jenny – thank you for this little loving nudge. I plan to
1. write my first guest post
2. book an hour a week to review and organize finances – I want to start 2012 with that habit in place
3. have a nice file purge
xo! Happy Thanksgiving to you, and thank you for all your support this year. You’re one of the people I’m grateful for.
You’re so kind, Max! It has been great getting to know you, too.
Looks like you have the perfect 3 part list. I can’t wait to see that first guest post. Tell me when it’s up.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.
Alright Jenny. Thanks for the kick in the arse.
1. Finish my filing and send ALL that evil paperwork to the accountant
2. Get my puppy in obedience school
3. Just suck it up and sign up with Basecamp
Thanks for giving me space to declare my intentions. Now I have to!
Happy to provide the kick.
Love what you’ve listed. You’ve got more than a month–you can totally get it done.
1. Organize my paperwork
2. Create awesome new website
3. Find a job!
Those aren’t small things, Doka. Are you setting yourself up for success?