Have you ever had something on your business to-do list for so long that you wondered if you’d ever get around to doing it at all?
Fear and perfectionism can be two of the biggest roadblocks to doing what we know we want to do in our business.
Simply calling attention to the situation can nip it in the bud and get you moving.
Today is my first video blog ever. I have been stuck in a trap of perfectionism for quite some time and finally said, “It’s time!”
In this video, you’ll hear what was holding me back and how I shifted out of it. You’ll also hear how you could be doing the same thing and how to get past it.
In the comments below, I want to hear from you. Tell me…
1. What you’re not doing in your business that you want to be doing and why not.
2. Your tips and strategies for getting past fear and perfectionism when trying something new.
Thanks for watching. If you like this video, please share it with your friends!
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Jenny bravo on your first video! It was great, inspiring and I loved seeing your pup!
So for me — I’ve been feeling really afraid to NETWORK in person. But I think it’s something I’ve just got to start doing. I realized that it’s more of a mindset and that what I think may be holding me back (will have something to say, etc.) is just a thought and one that I can change! I also know that once I start doing it, it will get much easier.
Thanks for the inspiration!
I hear you on networking, Marissa. In person networking isn’t my favorite thing, either.
Here are some things that may help.
1. Whatever it is that makes you nervous about networking, make that thing unimportant. For example, if you’re nervous about selling your services, don’t sell your services. Instead, just get comfortable being at the event. Or if you’re nervous about having something good to say, be the person who asks a million questions of other people. This will help you take your mind off of whatever makes you nervous and helps you get comfortable being there.
2. Work on creating an answer to “what do you do” that you feel good about. See this post for ideas. https://jennyshih.com/2012/02/the-easiest-answer-to-the-toughest-question/
3. I had a recent realization (like huge light bulb a-ha) that most people don’t like to network either. I thought I was the only one π Take that insight and (a) realize you’re not alone and (b) consider if it may be more enjoyable to make your job at the networking event to make others more comfortable.
Not sure if any of those resonate, but try them on and see what happens.
Thanks for sharing your business challenges here!
I have tons of stuff on my todo list that might not get done. But it’s not confidence or perfectionism that’s stopping me. It’s my body. I have a couple of limiting conditions holding me back, and it’s very annoying.
Sometimes it’s true that physical limitations keep us from doing everything we want to do. I have a colleague who is putting her entire business on hold because of illness. It happens.
I will say that sticking with the story that “I can’t do this because of physical conditions and that’s annoying” (with the unspoken words “and it shouldn’t be like that”) will definitely make it worse. The Work of Byron Katie may be helpful to you here, Linda. http://thework.com
I also hope you get well soon.
It’s a chronic thing. I do a lot despite of it. I just get annoyed sometimes when it gets in my way. That’s my lack of patience talking π
Jenny you are so gorgeous, we just want to see your bubbly face and hear your voice!!! Yay for video!!!! You did so great.
Now, something I’ve been thinking about doing is webinars…. they seem like a great way to connect with people, but what scares me is they are LIVE. Which shouldn’t really matter, since if I gave a presentation in person it is live too… but something about being online and messing up gets my perfectionism muscles flexed.
As for getting past perfectionism? Always a deadline – in my art career it was an exhibition and in my new gardening biz it’s been launching a course. Deadlines squash my procrastination like no body’s business.
Keep vlogging Jenny – I loved seeing you and your dog π xx
Glad you liked the video, Nicola!
If you have done in person presentations, webinars will be a no-brainer for you. Before you do your first official live webinar, practice with some friends to get all of the controls right. Then, you’ll nail it. I’m sure of it!
Oh… Deadlines! That’s a great one. You’re totally right about that helping. Some business coaches suggest that once you have a product or class idea, put a launch date out to the world to help you hold yourself to it.
Thanks for sharing your insights here!
Oh boy, do I agree with the deadline part. I just did that myself. I’ve been wanting to run a Myers-Briggs workshop here in Seattle forever and I was letting perfection get in my way. I finally published in my newsletter that I’m doing it on 3/29…and suddenly I’m doing what I need to make it real. The public deadline works well for me!
Great video – one of my fears was vlogging too – i waited 3 months and then just did it (and mine had black bars on the side I still haven’t learned how to get rid of let alone do intros etc – i shot it 4 times (each in 1 go) just to avoid editing fears). The way I got past that fear and most others I battle is asking “what is the worst that can happen”? – most of the time that worst case scenario wont’ happen and if it did I could live with it so go ahead.
My next fear is launching my 1st online programme which I am doing with a partner. Like Nicola we were thinking webinar, but like you I started thinking about the 85 technical things we have to overcome. So for now – to get it out there – we are choosing the email (including audio and some video) / facebook group route as that will make us take action and that is really what gets rid of fears and perfectionism – “just do it” and keep doing it until it gets easier! We will learn more as we go, but in the meantime will get past that “first product” fear and hold up stage.
Here’s a techy tip for you, Deb. When you embed the video on your site, change the width dimensions in the html embed code. That will eliminate the black bars on your site. If you view my video on YouTube, you’ll see black bars on the sides.
If you record yours in iMovie using a built-in iSight camera, you can also change the dimensions of the movie when it records so it’s wide screen. You need to be careful that it doesn’t cut your head off, though.
I love that you asked, “What’s the worst that can happen?” That’s a great tip.
Good for you for coming up with a way to deliver your program so it can get out there. Getting it out there in the first place is more important anyway. You’ll get feedback from your participants, then you can make it even better on the next round.
Thanks for being here!
I love your video Jenny! It was perfect timing for me as I still haven’t created a freebie because I want it to be perfect, and today I was actually inspired with a simple idea and am going to sit down and create it now. So, keep your eye out – amazing imperfect freebie coming soon π
One strategy that’s been great for me is to schedule things, before I know how to do them. This is a strategy I learned from you and I used it first for my first free class, then for a teleclass, then for a 4 session local workshop, and now I have 2 more teleclasses scheduled – one is actually a joint venture. There are so many things I have to create that I’ve never done before in order to do these – class content, handouts, power point slides, a squeeze page (and squeeze page copy – yikes!). Individually each of these things freaks me out a little and if I waited until I knew how to do them to schedule them, they would never happen! But, when they are on the calendar, they are happening no matter how imperfectly! So, I say just schedule stuff, even better – schedule stuff with other people – and then do your best. It’s a really great way to learn – and let go of being perfect!
Yay for imperfect inspiration! I can’t wait to see your freebie up! It’s going to really help with your subscriptions!
Sounds like you have lots planned to keep you on track. That’s definitely a great way to go. You’re totally right–just doing it helps you learn how to do it better, as opposed to thinking it over and over and over…
Thanks for sharing what you’re doing!
I’ve been wanting to do a ‘Seize the Deal’ (Living Social type advertising) in my area, but feel like I can’t yet because I don’t have my website done or even a business Facebook page set up. I’m afraid I’ll bomb (or the company won’t even take me on as a potential Deal to be seized!) because I don’t have the professional, polished appearance that a coach/writer of my experience needs. With ten years as a coach, I’m starting over fresh after a year long sabbatical and another year of health issues that kept me out of the mix. It’s all new, & I’m worried I can’t really open myself up or put myself out there in this way yet b/c I’m still refining my niche, what I have to offer now, my branding, my website, etc.
After watching your video, I’m thinking I’ll just connect with the Seize the Deal folks & perhaps completing whatever summary of my biz is needed for their advertising purposes will be the catalyst to get my niche/branding even further along. Thanks, Jenny!
Those fears certainly will keep you from seizing, Ani!
Connecting with them is a great idea. I know someone who did something similar in our area and she was new to business and had only a skeleton website up. You’re definitely stuck with perfectionism here.
Sounds like you’re ready to go for it. Woo-hooo!!!
Jenny, thanks! I love you setting a great example. SO helpful!
When I’m getting all fingernail-bitey and starting to put off whatever’s next, I remind myself that Brooke Castillo urges putting out your B+ work.
Now I’m also going to ask: Would Jenny Shih tell me to make it perfect first? Or would she suggest just doing it?
Thank you!
I love that you’re going to ask WWJSD?! So glad to be in your head for such a good reason.
I’m so excited to see you go for it, Max!!
“Put out your B+ work” — that’s great!
Jenny —
I love your energy and confidence. You simply are simply radiant on screen π
Perfectionism totally limits me — but I’m ready to appear imperfect to the rest of the world so I can get my message out there!
You’re so sweet, Michelle!
Perfectionism is a bugger, isn’t it! Embrace imperfection and get your message out there. The world needs people like you!
Hi Jenny!
Perfectionism and fear stop me dead in my tracks. So I am not a blogger or a coach. I am an herbalist. Within in my business I create natural herbal body products… everything from the what goes inside and outiside the bottles and jars. My biggest set back is perfection in creating a perfect label… Arg… it gets me down everytime. I create a “new” label or “new” logo because I am never think it is perfect enough. Then there is my actual product! Everyone says my procuts are great but, I don’t seem to believe them.
Can you help Jenny!! Thanks so much and great job on your video… yay!!
Jen – Sounds like you really are in a perfectionism trap. The best way to get past it is to do just what I did in this video: DO IT ANYWAY!
You have to call yourself on your own BS and move forward. It’s going to be uncomfortable, but that’s okay. Moving forward and making big strides in your business is going to be uncomfortable–that’s how you know you’re growing.
If you can’t do it on your own, find a life coach. They are really, really good at helping people work through that sort of thing.
It’s time to get your products out into the world!
Jenny!!! I’ve been thinking about doing a vlog for about 3 months. You are giving me courage to just do it. Freak out. Your video was super nice, warm & genuine. Glad that you went forward with it. See…and I needed to hear just that.
Do it, Mic! Do it! π
You are so pretty! Loved watching the video and your enthusiasm!!
Boy, do I know about fear and perfectionism from moving forward. I am working on getting over those two “getting things done” killers. This video came at the perfect time for me, now onward to launching my website!!
Thank you for the reminder!
Awesome, Julie! Onward for launching your site is right! Go for it!
Awesome, Jenny. Very relatable real world example of how perfectionism can squelch our creativity! I’m happy and inspired that you made the leap π
Of all the things I am planning for my businesses, video is currently on top of my To Do List. I made a few last year after pushing through the inertia that perfectionism brings… and actually didn’t die of embarrassment. (Victory!) The new excuse is that I want my content to be focused like a laser beam and crystal clear. On that, I’m extremely close. And then I’ll have no excuses left.
What works for me in terms of getting past perfectionism is to be really present in my body and tune into my heart. Then I can FEEL my original excitement, interest, and motivation about the project. I focus on those feelings and it sort of melts away the fear.
Thanks for sharing your journey and broaching the question. More videos, please, because you are a joy to watch/listen to π
Sounds like you’re almost there, Lauren. Videos and clarity sound like great goals.
Remember that clarity is an every-evolving process, so sometimes “good enough” is good enough. Sounds like you know how to know when you’re there.
I agree that being present in your body and heart is an excellent way to return to what you’re here to do and how much more important that mission is than the details of fear and perfectionism.
More videos will be coming soon. Thanks for the encouragement!
LOVE your on video girl! LOVE IT! You are a natural! The crowd is chanting… we want more. We want MORE π
Aww, shucks, Mayi! You’re the master of videos, so to hear that coming from you makes me smile. Thanks so much for being in my cheering section!
Ohmygosh, you are so adorable! You ARE a natural. So … what I’ve been holding back on is just putting my Self out there in a concerted deliberate way, especially with video. I’m really camera shy and really feel like I need to add that dimension to my presence, but have no idea how to shoot a video, edit a video, post a video, what to say, any of it. So, I’ve avoided. When you don’t know what to do, you do nothing sometimes … but, I have started assembling resources to LEARN finally. I need to at least start there, right? Once you learn it, you can do it. But this video from you today is a great reminder to just put your Self out there. I loved finally getting to “meet” you this way. You are different than I expected. Not in a positive or negative way … but just different and that goes to show how important this video element IS to our online presence so that others can more deeply/authentically connect with us. Thanks for being such a great “just do it!” example, Jenny!
It’s your time for video, too, Chris! I can feel it!
Yes, “I don’t know how” is a great excuse. You an always learn something or ask for help, so you are showing up as a great role model here for those who say those dreaded 4 words and let that stop them. You can learn any tricky techy stuff and DO IT!
I really love this, Jenny. It’s always inspiring to see someone “just do it”.
Congrats, and keep up the awesomeness π
Thanks, Jason!
hey jenny, well congrats on your video post. So often we get in our own way don’t we? I’ve been thinking about starting my own blog for about 2 years then finally did it π
Success, I’ve found, is like driving… you don’t see every step of the way, you have to adjust as you go along, but as long as you follow directions and keep moving forward then we arrive at our destination. Take care.
You’re right–we certainly do a great job of getting in our own ways. I love your driving analogy. All we can do is take it one step at a time.
I keep putting off updating my website. I’m afraid I’ll mess it up, forget something, or…..that my web person is too busy.
My trip for trying something new is to take a class or do it with a friend…or do a youtube search on it! Lots of tips for nearly everything out there.
The buddy system is a great idea, Jeannine. Thanks for sharing your ideas here!
Perfectionism is a halting feeling for sure. I recommend my clients and I also practice myself to breakdown what I am trying to achieve in smaller chucks so it doesn’t feel like I am not moving forward. Doing little things that make a big difference is the best answer.
That’s a great tip, Araceli. I find that to be true with clients as well. They see a huge long list of things to do for a project and overwhelm halts them in their tracks. Small tasks are much easier to bite of and chew, so to speak.
Thanks for adding your thoughts here!
Well, I have yet to start my business officially. I tried once and I couldn’t keep up. I called it a failure and moved on. A perfectionist I am not, but I do let fear drive me all too often. I have decided this is Fearless Fourteen, but I am not sure how to start. Maybe, like you, I should…. just do it?
Yes — just do it!! π