As busy entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks required to run a business. It’s as if email, social media, and sales pages have become the focus of our lives.
But are email, social media, and sales pages the real reason you created your business?
I doubt it. My guess is that you created your business to support a bigger vision you have for your life.
In today’s video, I’m going to share with you the one question you must ask yourself in order to create a business that supports that vision.
Thinking about this one question is what allows me to go mountain biking on a weekday morning, train to run a marathon, teach my dog to fetch the newspaper, and learn how to garden, while still making a living, spending time with my husband, and getting 9 hours of sleep every night.
If your business isn’t enabling the life you want to be living, this video will help put you back on track.
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In the comments below, tell me…
1. What have you enabled in your life by creating the business you created?
2. Do you ever get distracted by the details and forget why you created your business? How do you get back on track?
I can’t wait to hears your answers.
As always, thanks for watching!
Jenny thank you for this video. I especially love the bloopers. Makes it relatable 🙂
To answer your questions:
1- The reason I got into my artistic business as an author is so I can have the freedom to travel and explore the world. As a result of experiencing the fascinating parts of the world I am inspired to write. Every moment I make the choice to live a happy and full life, traveling reminds me of that. When I get stuck in a routine then I get crabby and unhappy. and nobody wants a crabby latin woman. hahaha
2-I have to admit that right now I do not get distracted. I have not reached the level of financial freedom I would like. My business is not supporting my monthly bills or my expenses therefore I have remained on track to get where I want to go. This video is a great reminder so later when I reach that place of financial freedom with my business I will not forget where I was today.
Love your reason for creating the business you have, Sandy! Freedom to travel and explore the world — sounds wonderful!
One thing I left out of this video (I thought of it after it was done) was the idea that we can go after the life we want now… not put if off until the “some day” when we reach that level of success we aim for.
So my challenge to you is to think about how you can experience the freedom of travel and exploration with your current level of financial success. Maybe you can’t take a 6 month trip around the world, but what can you do that connects you to the reason you’re in business in the first place?
Food for thought!
Thanks for being here and sharing your thoughts. I’m grateful for that!
Last year I closed my business that was working against my lifestyle and future goals in many ways. I’m jumpstarting my new biz that “supports my dreams” and I can’t wait to see it grow.
So, this video really hit home! I’m hoping that start-ups don’t take this advice lightly- its SO crucial. If only I would have seen this video before my first venture 😉
Thanks Jenny!
Glad to see you here, Kristy! And I’m even more excited for you that you’re jump-starting your new dream-supporting business. You are going to be changing the world and loving your work at the same time 🙂
Luv luv luv this video!!!!!! so cute! I love it that you took us on a ride! 🙂 And I love how Mei Mei is in all of them! Too cute!
And…I want to go mountain biking with you! ahaha I have a fancy pants road bike that I rode the NYC Century with…but I’ve never been mountain biking.
Ok…sooo far….I’ve created a lifestyle where I can get the amount of sleep I need and less stress from commuting. I’m still working on the rest…as you know…but I’m almost there! 🙂
Next time you’re out here, Kelly, we can go for a ride together! I love the trails here in Corvallis–we can do some easy ones if you’ve never been.
Yes, you have created so much of what you want in your business, and you’re on track to creating the rest. What I love about you is how you are connected to why you do what you do and what you need to do next to create the business and life you want.
I’m cheering you on!!
Reason 1 – Location independent.
Reason 2 – Flexibility – can define my own schedule and go to appointments when I have them.
Reason 3 – Autonomy – can do things professionally and personally when I feel like it.
Reason 4 – Get to work the way I want to (groups or individuals).
Reason 5 – Can make changes when I get bored.
Reason 6 – Get to connect with people I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet, Malaysia, Sweden, The Ivory Coast, Georgia to name a view places where I’ve had clients.
Love, love, love this video Jenny, particularly the outtakes. Great, great work!
LOVE this list, Bev! You are a shining example of someone who has created a business around your life–an approach I love love love! You’ve been doing it for awhile and really show that it’s possible to love what you do, work for yourself, support yourself doing it, and design your work around your life… and be happy and change the world.
You are a true ROLE MODEL!
first off – LOVE the video! very fun, and I can totally relate! we have an amazing tow path I travel near my home – 2-3 days a week, I ADORE it there! I tend to find lots of answers out there too, as I’m sure you do as well…
So, I’m still working on my business – well, there’ s 2… I keep getting in the middle of the other – they don’t really “overlap” – but , recently, I’ve started to blend the two> I teach for 10 mos out of the year (still a “full time job” ) , on the “side” I began teaching Reiki, I love it. I’ve also been in love with photography for years and have a few clients building here and there. I started a course that now intertwines learning Reiki basics through the eye of the lens 🙂
1.What have you enabled in your life by creating the business you created?
I don’t take any more part time work that I don’t enjoy, I only do work I want to do – no more work just for the sake of a check. The money is important, but if that’s the goal – it doesn’t work. We still are faced with $ issues, but I don’t allow that to be the motivator to any of what I do any more. Yes, it’s a benefit, but not THE reason… I’ve also enabled more “Real life” dreams, things I can see , hear , touch – they’re all right there… I feel like I’ve opened a GOOD “can of worms” 🙂
2. Do you ever get distracted by the details and forget why you created your business? How
do you get back on track?
yes -LOTS. Having a full time job (although I LOVE teaching, with the added benefit of summers off!! 🙂 , it’s still tough to fit it all in.. I’m hoping in a year or so I’ll be able to be on my own, still teaching – but not for public schools any more 🙂 I want to be able to be home more for my daughter and build on my creations… To get back on track, I usually hit that tow path, or, the yoga mat … my pals!
thanks again for the inspiration!!!
I’m so fascinated by Reiki through a camera lens! So intriguing!
Good for you for not taking any more un-fun part time work. Sometimes a few extra bucks for selling your soul just ain’t worth it!
Sounds like you really have a clear path and plan and see where you’re headed. That’s huge!
Thanks for being here and sharing your story, Tara!
Nine hours of sleep every night? Now that’s inspiring!
Self-care is very important to me, and I know I can’t function well if I don’t sleep. What can I say, I tend to be pretty clear on my priorities and live them!
I LOVED this video and I’m so glad I came across you and your website! : )
I started my business several years ago because I was bored and I needed a way to work from home since I had a 3 month old at home now! After a few years of working for anyone who wanted to give me money as a virtual assistant (which included being tied to my email all day and not being able to plan my days the way I would have liked) I recently re-launched myself as a virtual consultant who offers strategy and training sessions on social media and online marketing. Now I have the flexibility to schedule calls and work around my life as opposed to waiting for someone else to send me work at any given moment.
I definitely still get sidetracked and distracted but my distractions are more my internal thoughts and doubts. I worry that I still haven’t found “the thing” that I am supposed to be doing. I worry that I’m not doing enough or I’m doing the wrong things to build my business. I get scared that even though I think I’m awesome and that what I am offering is awesome that other Creatives won’t see that and won’t be interested.
So far I haven’t found a cure to my distractions but normally a good beer and an episode of Star Trek clears my head enough for me to get back to work for awhile. hehe
What a smart move you made, Sara! I can totally relate to not wanting to be tied to email all day long. I did some VA work for extra income when I was first starting out. It was great work, but the limited flexibility told me that it wasn’t my long term gig. I love how you’ve reshaped your work to really jive with what you want. Awesome!
I can totally relate to internal distractions. I, too, always wonder if I’m on the right path. Some of us are wired to always seek our purpose, and I have a feeling it may be a life-long journey for me. Maybe, you, too. A beer here and there doesn’t hurt, either 🙂
I’m glad you found your way here. I love your attitude!
I am still in the planning phase but I really want to be able to spend time with my children and have enough money to travel and pay my expenses. I enjoy my job but it is very draining and often I do not ” switch off: when I am at home.
Great that you know what you want, Lauren! That will help you plan your business around what’s important to you.
As far as “switching off,” I totally understand how tough that can be. One thing that I found helpful was “calling myself out” on thinking about my job when I didn’t want to, and stopping myself mid-thought. It took an insane amount of practice, but over time my brained learned that I wouldn’t let it go there off-hours. If you feel inclined, give it a shot.
Thanks for being here!
This is such a good grounding topic to help me keep in mind that success at all costs is not the reason that I started my business. I get so caught up in making it perfect and being well received by people that I take the fun out of it. I started my business to make a difference in the world with attitudes about health particularly the DIY attitude and helping people regain their own healing powers. Need to keep my eye on that prize. Thanks.
I’m so grateful for your honesty, Angela. I appreciate that you shared your experiences and how get caught in the trap so many of us do, yet are also afraid to admit. Thanks for being a role model here and sharing your truth.