I told you about the lessons I learned in going bigger in business, and how there were many people who helped me get there.
There’s another woman who helped make it happen, even though she didn’t design graphics, take my photo, or help me shop for clothes.
What she did for me was just as powerful as all of those things. She helped me get past the fear of making the wrong decision and reminded me that I always know what’s right for me.
Trusting my intuition, and not trusting it
I had new photos taken. I loved them, and I hated them.
I had a new header designed. I loved it, and I hated it.
I was getting both a YES and a NO from my gut at the same time. What was I supposed to do with that??
Naming my confusion
Frustrated, I called on Diana Dorell. She promised me she could help me sort out why everything felt so right and so wrong at the same time. Here’s how she helped.
The new header
I loved my new header… and I didn’t. Was it the colors? The photo? Something else? Did I like them, or didn’t I? Several close friends said, “It’s perfect for you!” I wasn’t so sure.
Here’s what Diana said about my internal tug-of-war.
Part of the reason you may oscillate between loving and hating your header is that the colors you have right now represent “speaking up and communicating from a peaceful place” (blue) and “fire, action and unbridled creativity” (orange). They are totally opposite energies, but it really works for who you want to attract and what you can offer.
I LOVE both of these colors for you because you are essentially helping fiery, creative, big thinker, non-detail-loving clients to communicate and get clarity in their businesses from a peaceful place so they don’t burn out.
If that’s what you want to keep doing, they are great colors for you.
She calmed my panic by showing me why the colors were making me feel the way they did. She also made me feel aligned on moving forward with that design.
My photo
I’ve never been a big fan of having my photo taken. I got over it and was pleased with what I had. At the same time, there was something off about it. Should I go for a third shoot? That felt heavy, but something wasn’t right.
Here’s what Diana had to say about the photo.
Your intuition is correct. It is the picture that’s throwing off the wow-factor, but you don’t necessarily need new pictures. Instead, zoom in on your face so we see your eyes and your smile. People connect to the energy of your eyes and right now they are hidden, so it feels like you are energetically hiding something.
Your Life Path is 11/2, which means one of your lessons is to overcome perfectionistic tendencies, particularly when it comes to your health and body image. You may tweak this photo and design to your heart’s content and still feel like it’s not good enough. It is good enough. You can stop being so hard on yourself!
Perfection? Me? Yeah, I know. Her simple insight of zooming in on the photo made all the difference. That, and letting go of wanting to look different than I do.
Launch date
The other area where I was waffling was when to put it out into the world. I had no external deadline. No one was counting on me to put the new design up. I wanted to hurry and make it happen, yet I was afraid to move.
I told Diana I was shooting for the end of August. She suggested August 28, “Media Day,” a perfect day to spread the word about me and my work. I planned for that day, but it turned out that a few details were lingering, so we pushed it out to September 5. Diana said that it was “instant manifestation day.” Sounded like the perfect day to me!
A new tagline
I also knew it was time for a new tagline. When I launched jennyshih.com 18 months ago, “You’re changing the world. I’m here to help.” was perfect. Although it still fits, it felt like I really needed to declare my new mission.
After agonizing weeks of brainstorming, the perfect words showed up: “Business doesn’t have to be so hard.”
I asked Diana to analyze the tagline. Would it work for me?
Her first reaction was that we should avoid “not” in taglines. The Universe doesn’t hear the “not.” But “Business can be easy” just doesn’t feel right, especially since business isn’t always easy! I tried all other combinations or removing the “not” and came up with nothing.
A few days later, Diana sent me her report.
In numerology, that tagline adds up to a 123/6. This is what that means:
1. It is a highly fortunate vibration, meaning it is one of the abundance numbers that we want to see, so you hit the jackpot with this specific phrasing.
2. The 6 vibration ensures that business will go as you want it to. It’s ideal for a service-oriented business.
3. Leave out “Because, meaning don’t make it “Because business doesn’t have to be so hard.” Doing that will change it to a 13/4, which will just mean more work for your life path 11/2. If you want to manifest with ease, I would go with the tagline spelling you have.
The lesson from all of this
The one big lesson I learned from all of Diana’s analyses was that my intuition was spot-on, and it doesn’t hurt to have someone backup your intuition with a totally different approach.
I asked Diana to sum up how these types of analyses do for business owners, and what’s beneficial about having these types of numerology assessments done. Here’s what she said.
As entrepreneurs and business owners, you have a ton of creative ideas floating around in your head. Decisions need to be made on a daily basis, often quickly. While most people who get into business for themselves have strong intuition and instinct for what is the next big thing or what new direction they should take, there is an element that goes beyond simply gut instinct or unrelenting passion or drive.
This element is unseen and it is critical to anyone who wants to launch something new. I call it the “Subtle Force.” Simply put, when it’s your creation or your name that you’re so excited about, it’s beyond difficult to be objective and ask, “Is this really aligned with who I REALLY am and what I’m REALLY about?” It can be really difficult to know if you’re making the right decision.
In fact, there are certain business names, color schemes, and dates that align with who you are at Soul level which can cause clients, prospects and industry people to invest in you and your business. There are other ones that no matter how much you love them will keep you scattered, broke, and wondering if you’ll ever serve the people you are meant to.
Here’s a quick example of perfect alignment: Google’s name adds up to a number that, even before it was launched, proved it was poised for instant manifestation. It also helped position it as the #1 search engine.
Another example where numerology played into success was my own name change, which resulted in my business skyrocketing. I wanted to be an intuitive/spiritual entrepreneur but I was also holding down five jobs! My legal name is Diana Dorel Gutierrez, which is fortunate in Numerology. However, when that number is put against all the other numbers in my chart, it indicates that my business and life feels chaotic, scattered and unfocused. It allowed me to be seen in the public eye, but it was hard to make money on a consistent basis. When I learned how to shift the numbers, I changed it to Diana Dorell. Within a few months, I dropped all but one of my side jobs, moved into my own apartment and was offered a radio show to talk about spirituality and intuition. This stuff works, and since then I will never look at numbers the same way.
As a psychic coach trained in Numerology, I help my clients pinpoint and uncover what they can’t see. It saves them time, energy, and money, so they’re not putting efforts into something that won’t pay off, launching on a day that will make it more difficult to make money, or using colors in their headers or websites that contradict the vision they have to share with the world.
I help my clients shoot the bull’s eye before they even begin, as opposed to shooting in a dark room, like most business owners do. When my clients’ creative genius gets to take center stage with all of the Universe aligned behind them, they shine, money flows, and they’re doing the happy dance at 3 am… instead of staring at their computers all night obsessing about whether or not they made the right decision.
And I will say… that’s exactly what Diana did for me. No more fretting, second guessing, or worrying. Everything said I was pointed in the right direction, so I simply let go…
Be sure to check out Diana’s website to learn more about her and download her free report, The ONE Question You Must Ask To Stop Second Guessing Yourself.
Your turn
I want to hear from you! In the comments below, tell me…
1. When have you found yourself stuck in fear of making the wrong decision?
2. What have you done or who have you consulted to help you move forward?
3. Do you have any specific questions for Diana? Post them here as well!
Of course, if you have other useful tips and resources to share, please do so below.
I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got!
This was incredibly fascinating! Thanks so much for sharing this, Jenny.
I feel like you and I share a lot in common in how we’re able to serve others through simplifying the details and in having perfectionist tendencies. So, sharing your personal struggle, breaking down where it was coming from and what to do about it in such depth was personally very helpful for me… I’ve been struggling with my site’s look as well. In fact, I tend to tweak it here and there which is probably a big “no-no”. I’m excited now to check out Diana’s site. Thanks again for sharing Jenny!
PS –
Hi Tiffany!
Just to speak to what you shared about tweaking, it’s totally natural to want to do this, especially for entrepreneurs. 🙂 Let me know how I can help or if you have a general question I can answer, feel free to ask it on here.
Glad you found Diana’s info helpful, Tifanie. I think there’s also a balance that can be made between perfectionism and tweaking. One of the things I love about internet businesses is that we have so much flexibility. We can tweak things easily and often, and I think that’s great. It just becomes a problem when we spend more time tweaking our site than doing the big picture things to grow our businesses 🙂
PS- I think your new site look and layout is fantastic. Very organized and clean. Easy to “get” 🙂
Thank you!! I was definitely going for more clear messaging with this update.
I love the look and feel of your new site Jenny. Great article too. Numerology sounds great for gaining clarity in times of overwhelm and confusion – thank you
This was my first real exposure to it, and I have to say, it was fun and insightful.
This is fascinating. It sounds like Diana was a truly useful resource on many levels in this often exciting and yet frustrating process of site redesign. The numerology thing is relatively new to me and it was interesting to see some specific analysis using its principles. Finally, I have to say, as a “fiery, creative, big thinker, non-detail-loving” entrepreneur, I absolutely LOVE your new tagline. I found myself wishing I could click a giant “like” button (a HUGE like button) when I saw it. That kind of promise is music to our ears.
Thanks for being here, Michelle! I love having lots of fiery, creative, big thinker, non-detail-loving entrepreneurs to hang out with 🙂
Thanks so much for the feedback on my tagline. I love it, too. Yes, it is a promise of what’s possible.
Hi Diana, numerology is not my forte. I’m planning to design and create a website 3 months from now for my spiritual work. I will contact u to hire a consultation with u about couloirs and names. I have an intuition about it but I would like to get yours as well. In terms of my personal name I have a lot of doubts myself numeroligically. It’s like yours a long 2 last names spanish name. I know it’s not a good thing complete but would like to get your opinion of the best variant. My originally full name is Patricia Navarro Sebastian I have used Patricia N. Sebastian and Pat Sebastian but I am not sure At SJ I have Patricia Sebastian. Could u help me with this? Pat
Hi Pat,
Thanks for your post. I’d love to help you with colors and names-it is so important to pick a name and feel that speaks to your unique essence. I have a current name report consult available and the best thing to do is email me from my site directly and I will get back to you ASAP with how it works and all the details. I’d love to help you. intuitively, I can share that seeing your full name gives off an energy of someone who has many healing gifts and wisdom from many lifetimes, some of which you are using and others which you are on the cusp of tapping into provided you trust yourself. As far as the other names you are using, I’d love to do a comparison and run the numbers. Depending on what you want to call in, I would make different suggestions and spellings. Look forward to connecting. Blessings, Diana Dorell
Oh how I relate to this article. Loving and hating aspects of your business that leave you frozen is my life right now! It’s so frustrating. Becoming an entrepreneur is so interesting in that it brings all the story lines and beliefs up to the surface. And you absolutely cannot continue to serve and be successful until they are dealt with. I was fascinated by the work Diane did with you, how helpful. As always, thank you Jenny for your contribution and help!