Today, I’m going to cut to the chase.
No fluttering around. No story telling. No metaphors.
I’m going to give it to you straight.
Let me ask you this: Are you stuck?
Do you ever get stuck?
Are you unsure how to make your idea happen?
Ever worried you’re off-track in your business?
Been panicked that you haven’t found “your thing” yet?
Here’s the solution:
Take action.
Do something.
Clarity doesn’t come from thinking, ruminating, worrying, or contemplating.
Clarity doesn’t come from planning, scheming, or organizing.
Clarity comes from moving forward.
Take your best guess and move in that direction, if only just a little bit.
Take one step and see how it feels. Is it hot or cold?
If it’s hot, take another step in that direction.
If it’s cold, move in a different direction.
If you’re stuck, move.
Staying still just keeps you exactly where you are: stuck.
To get unstuck, you must move.
Got it?
So simple, but so true. Thanks for the reminder.
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for this gentle reminder–I tend to get caught up in the “thinking” realm and forget that small steps forward along with an evaluation of forward progress, makes total sense.
I’m looking forward my coaching call with you soon.
One small step at a time… Simple but sometimes still difficult to do. Talk soon, Babs!
Starting is always the hardest, but it’s really just a game our minds play on us, as once we start, things nearly always seem to flow so much more easily than we “thought” they would! Thanks for this reminder Jenny and welcome back!
So true! Hard to get moving but everything flows from there.
Great post! Came to the same conclusion lately. For me, it’s necessary to say the word, “Action!” I think of it like filming a movie…you might not like the scene for some reason–the acting, the backdrop wasn’t quite right–but you can edit it later, or even re-shoot it. Until you see it–you can’t possibly know if it was the right thing.
Until we get out there with actions–how will we know what it feels like so we can improve upon it later. Thanks for the inspiring post!
I never thought of that before, Marti. What a great example. Thanks so much for sharing that here. I have a feeling I’ll be borrowing that with clients in the near future 🙂
Great advice. I often get stuck in my head when I feel overwhelmed about project I’m creating. The best action I’ve found to take is to do nothing…well not really nothing… just something else, like take a nap, go for a walk, wash the dishes. I guess that’s what can be done when you get in what you call the cold spots.
Thanks for your insights and inspiration,
Oh, you’ve nailed it, Sandy: Overwhelm is a mental game. It’s got nothing to do with the actual tasks and everything to do with our mental state. Planning, taking small steps, and anything else that gets you out of your head will help. Sometimes it also means going for a walk or moving physically, with ideas like yours and what Judy mentions below.
So true. Great advice. It’s important to do this, to trust our feet and our hearts. It helps me, and some of my clients, to turn on music and just practice continually moving. It’s amazing how powerful this is – like a moving metaphor for getting unstuck!
Love your little stick figure drawings, do you do them yourself?
Great idea, Judy. Before I saw your comment, I hadn’t thought about using physical movement to help my clients move forward. Great idea and I’m going to borrow it!
Yes, I draw my own images. A little fun and play into my business. 🙂
Hi Jenny! I just had this “problem” this weekend. Was feeling “super stuck”. After allowing myself to sit in it for a bit, the idea of: “just move” kept coming up. Its the best way to create change that I know of:)
Thanks for this:)
Awesome, Jill!!