Have you noticed that I tend to dish a lot of secrets on this blog?
Business system secrets, secrets for getting more clients, and my smartest business investments, to name a few.
Today I’m going to let you in on another secret.
This one simple idea helped me become a successful corporate manager at age 26, quit my job just a few years later to start my business, and reach 6 figures in my first 18 months at jennyshih.com.
It’s something you can do wherever you are in life or in business and it will help you survive your biggest challenge or surmount your next big goal… and it doesn’t cost a penny.
Check it out in today’s video.
Success isn’t created in a vacuum. You must have people in your life to support you. Tweet that!
Now it’s your turn! Tell me…
Are you part of a success circle?
Do you have people in your life who can support you with the unique challenges you’re facing?
Do you have any tricks for finding a group in case someone reading is looking for some guidance?
I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got in the comments below.
As always, thanks so much for watching, and I’ll catch you next week!
My favorite part of this video?? the last part LOL, you’re too funny Jenny! It’s funny that you bring this topic up because I’ve been thinking about it A LOT…I really think it’s time for me to get with a few girls, get to know them and bond over our businesses so I am going to work on find my group!
Woohooo, Stephanie!!! Yes it’s time, girlfriend!
Jenny, just got back from my first Mastermind weekend with Nisha Moodley and am amazed at how creating my success circle has given me the support I so desired in building the business of my dreams.
I wrote down an intention from RHH Live that this would be the year of creating my Success Team and boy have I manifested that with flying colors. I’m part of four different groups that focus on separate areas of my life/business. I may be a tad overzealous right now, and will scale back when a few courses that I’m in wrap-up but in the meantime, I’m loving the support. I’ve found longterm support through my Mastermind, and would love to have a local support group. Do you meet with you AWE’s locally or over the phone/skype/hangout?
The best tip I have for creating a group is to ASK who wants to be part of one too! It’s amazing what can happen when we voice our desires and look for how to fulfill them. It’s made a huge difference for me. The places I’ve looked to find likeminded women: the comments area of blogs I follow, private facebook groups of courses I’ve joined, and programs specifically designed to build community.
Hope this helps others. Having people in your corner makes all the difference. Thanks!
So happy to hear you’ve got incredible support behind you, Sara!
My current mastermind meets by phone – on a conference line, same time every week. My group when I was in corporate met in-person since we worked for the same company.
Good idea: just ASK! Comments on blogs and in Facebook groups sounds like the perfect places to start. Cuz yes, having people in your corner does make a helluva difference!
Hi Jenny,
I love the simplistic and fun way you offer and inspire business growth ideas.
I was just talking to a friend of mine who works from home. He just moved to a rural area during a heavy winter. He is feeling down as a result of the isolation and poor weather. I think one of the best benefits to having a group is the community. Lack of community can be a real downfall for business owners who work from home. The isolation can really get to us. For me, I have found my community through joining business edu programs, going to the live events, meeting people, and (here is the key) staying in touch with them. Befriending people who are on the same track and making times peer coach with them has been invaluable to me and has helped prevent isolation.
Look forward to getting more of your tips.
Great tips, Tysan. I agree, it can be isolating having an online business and doing it alone. Working with clients 1-1 is one thing but it’s not the same as having an intimate group you can openly share struggles with and create community
Yes, it certainly takes effort to stay in touch and keep it going but it’s oh-so-worth-it!!
For sure—great message to hear. we all need sunshine. Carl Rogers,
was once quoted as saying, “in a warm appreciative group I seem more myself, more giving. In a cold, hostile, unappreciative group, I don’t feel much like anything.”
An older teacher of mine, who died last year at 90, said “without
an “essential we”—we are doomed. The quality of dialogue—determinds the essential
quality, and direction of your life”—-What is dialogue???. . .it is play. . . openness. .
wonder. . . co-creative. . . risking fluidity. . . (finding god, in the Pizza—Quote from Adam..Beck’s son)–whew!! that’s quite a “out-there–remark!)–still. . .out it came.
So, yup. . .we need love.
I have a MistressMind group…truth to tell, it took a while to come up with the right fit and I went through a couple of “wrong” groups. We are local women and we meet in person. We realised that we all needed to be engaged in more or less the same model of business though radically different services, and that we share a common spiritual approach. FOr example we start every meeting with a meditation. How did we find eachother? I think from needing eachother and putting out feelers, so I would encourage others to be clear about YOUR ideal group and go searching!
Good point: get clear on the attributes of the people you want in your group before you start searching. Thanks for adding that reminder to the conversation!
You know, I haven’t found a group that fits well as of yet but you certainly have inspired me to start my own! I have a couple of people in mind to ask if they would be interested in this kind of support and will take it from there.
Thanks Jenny – you are so inspirational!
Inspiration is the first step, Lucy, and I’m excited that you’re ready to reach out and find your group. Woohooo!!!
Thanks as always for your inspiring ideas. I think as a solo practice/business owner, I tend to be a lone ranger. I’ve peeked around a bit at meet-ups and women owned business groups. It may be time to make that happen! Great energy exchange!
Yes! Make it happen! I just got off with my Friday Mastermind group and the energy, support, and virtual hugs keep us going week after week, even if we are working alone in home offices. Do it! 🙂
What perfect timing of this video! I’ve been dreaming of a Mastermind group for years and am now a part of an incredible success group based on the principles of Abraham-Hicks. I am loving it so much and it has given me so many insights that I’ve decided to begin running Abraham-Hicks Mastermind groups later this (preparing for the launch now) so others can experience this powerful format to support one another!
Thanks for the post,
You bet. We call ourselves the dynamic trio. Pretty casual and very effective. Three women entrepreneurs in three totally different fields. I love it.
Having a name for your group is awesome. Something about that seals the bond!
I really want a success circle but I have a couple of issues getting there.
One, I am an introvert and have social anxiety, so networking groups seriously freak me out. I’ve signed up to go to a couple of events, only to cancel last minute. I go into a full-on panic attack thinking about the event and having to speak in front of everyone. I don’t know what to say and I’ve never been to one. I think that’s my problem. I don’t know what’s going to happen. So I haven’t been able to meet anyone local due to that reason.
Two, I’ve also tried to make friends with other female business owners in groups, but I am terrible about keeping in contact. Even my friends that I consider close and have known a couple of years know I may message them three days in a row and keep a conversation then disappear for a couple of months. My ADHD makes it hard for me to remember to contact those people. I remember late at night or when I’m in the middle of something. I think to myself oh I need to call/text/message/email so and so then it slips my mind completely until the same thing happens or it’s months down the road. I try to take notes, I have a notebook I keep with myself and write everything down. I make reminders on my phone and have yet to find something to help me remember to stay in contact with someone.
Three, I tend to be a huge oversharer when I meet new people and kind of scare people off as I share too much trying to relate to them. I am working on being a better listener and not sharing a similar story to what they are sharing in a way to relate to them. I’ve just found out that people think it’s you bragging or dismissing their story when in fact for most ADHDer it’s our way to relate to people to let them know hey I know exactly what you went through it happened to me. I thought that was the way everyone related to each other. Now I’m trying to just listen to their story and make the right comments at the right time. I then don’t know what to say and the conversation kind of stops.
These reasons are why I haven’t made friends with very many people, especially in the last year since I opened my business. I want to have a “success circle” but I’m not sure how. I’m nervous to ask, as I don’t know how to talk to people, what’s appropriate to say to someone and what’s not, and how to stay in contact with them consistently.
Do you have any advice? Sorry for the long comment. Hope you have a great and wonderful day!
Hi Melissa. As far as advice, it sounds like you’re really clear on what’s holding you back from having the peer group you want. What that also means is that you have a clear plan on what you need to personally work through / work on to create what you want.
Look at the things you shared in your comment, and that is your personal action plan to create what you want. In the process or working through those personal challenges, it will unlock a lot of other possibilities in your life as well.
If it feels like a lot to do on your own, a good coach or therapist could be incredibly helpful to you.
Wishing you the best on your journey <3