Let’s be honest, building a business isn’t as easy as we’d like it to be. But just because it isn’t easy, doesn’t mean it has to be so hard.
When I first started as a client attraction coach, I was able to book over $10,000 worth of business and build a 3-month waiting list to work with me in less than 2 months. It wasn’t easy, but it also wasn’t that hard and I’m going to teach you exactly how I did it.
Tip #1 – Use What You Already Have
Even though I was just starting out, I had already made some connections in the online and offline worlds, and I knew those connections could help me get booked solid.
Businesses are built on relationships, so I made sure to work on building strong relationships with people I already knew (and creating new ones as well). I sent out regular emails to these people, providing them with valuable, relevant things like articles, referrals, and potential opportunities that would be perfect for them.
And guess what happened? They responded back and more often than not asked how they could support me. That would give me the opportunity to talk about what I was doing. No, I wouldn’t give them a sleazy sales pitch! I’d have a conversation with them about what I was up to so that the next time they or someone they knew needed help, I would most-likely be top of mind.
While this may seem sneaky and like I was only in it for myself, I honestly love being the kind of person who helps other people. I love that “giving feeling.” Sure, it may be a little selfish in that respect, however, ultimately my intention was to come from a place of giving.
It’s like the BNI (Business Network International) motto: “Givers Gain.” When you give, you’re more likely to get.
I made sure to use the networks I already had (as well as keep growing them) and give, give, give so that I could potentially have the opportunity to get more leads right away and in the future.
Tip #2 – Narrow In
I attribute a lot of my early success to choosing a specific target market – a group of people I wanted to work with – and focusing solely on them.
You might be thinking, “Won’t that actually limit the number of people who’d be interested in working with you?”
Potentially yes, but in a very good way.
You see, once I decided on a particular target market – in my instance, health coaches – I was able to benefit in three very important ways:
1. I knew where to find them.
If I had decided to work with just anyone, it would’ve been hard for me to figure out where I could find them, because they could’ve been anywhere. It would’ve been overwhelming to say the least.
By narrowing down my target market, I was able to generate a succinct list of places I could guest blog, network, show up and be helpful, and work on developing relationships and getting my name out there.
2. I made them feel special.
Let me ask you this: If you have a BMW, do you want to go to any old mechanic when your brakes need replacing? Or would you rather go to a mechanic who specializes in BMW’s?
Your potential clients will feel the same way about you. If you narrow down and focus on a particular group, they’ll feel like you get them and like you know their needs and desires. They’ll also feel like you’ll be the best person to help them.
3. I got them to market for me.
Once you start doing your awesome work with the people in your target market, guess what’s gonna happen? They’re gonna share how awesome you are with the people who are in the same situation that they’re in.
We love our groups, communities, and forums. We love that feeling of belonging. So when you work with people in a particular group and they’re an ideal client, it’s so simple yet effective to say, “I’d love to work with people just like you. Know anyone?”
Then they’ll head off into their online and offline groups and gush about you, telling everyone they know to work with you.
Tip number two is all about narrowing in so you make it easier on yourself to get more clients, more quickly and more reliably.
Tip #3 – Own Your Awesomeness
I was just joking with one of my mentors the other day that I have no problem being myself in my business. But it wasn’t always this way. I used to feel like I should be like someone else or no one would want to work with me.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Being myself has allowed me to attract ideal clients who love me for me. And they end up getting even better results because we click on a deep level. It’s a total win-win.
If you want to get your first 10, 20, 30+ clients, I need you to promise me something: that you will show up fully self-expressed and not let anyone tell you to be different in order to make a buck.
You are perfect just the way you are (and that’s how your ideal clients will see you), so don’t feel like you need to be like someone else in order to get more clients. It’ll actually backfire on you because if people get even a hint of fakeness, they’ll be turned off. I know I do; how about you?
I want you to have the confidence to say, “This is who I am.” Own your awesomeness.
Tip #4 – Stand For Something
My husband Adam often jokes that he knows when I’m passionate about something because I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make sure everyone knows how I feel.
As humans, we crave leadership. We crave someone who says, “This is how I feel. Are you with me?!” We crave the ability to stand for what we believe in.
Not everyone is going to agree with you. Not everyone is going to like what you’re doing or saying. Not everyone is going to constantly pat you on the back and tell you how amazing you are.
Trying to get everyone to like you will be an exercise in futility, and more often than not, it’ll keep you from playing in the big leagues.
“To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” – Elbert Hubbard Tweet that!
There will be haters. There will be criticism. There will be moments of self-doubt.
That’s normal. That’s part of developing a super successful business. You need to stand for something in order to stand out.
I stand for integrity – I will not tolerate any slimy, sleazy tactics just to make a buck, and I strive to do what I say I’m going to do. Always.
I stand for action – I will not tolerate excuse after excuse without taking responsibility.
I stand for compassion – I will not tolerate bullies who think that the only way to get anywhere is by breaking people down or beating them up.
What do you stand for?
This fourth tip to getting clients is all about standing for something you believe in and sticking to your guns, even when the critics are knocking on your front door.
And that, my friend, is how I got my first 10 clients (and how I continue to get more and more clients). Of course, there were all sorts of other sales and marketing strategies that I used as well, but those things are always secondary to having a super solid foundation.
If you don’t have a solid foundation in place, your marketing is going to fall flat.
Use the network you already have (and keep building it), narrow in, own your awesomeness, and stand for something. Tweet that!
I’m confident that these four things will be key to helping you get as many clients as you’d like. Implement and master these, and you’ll be well on your way.
I’d love to hear from you!
Please tell me…
What resonated with you most about these ideas?
What have you personally done to get more clients?
What action are you going to take this week to get more clients?
I can’t wait to read your insights and experiences in the comments below!
As a client attraction coach and consultant, Jenna Dalton helps health coaches and other service-based business owners get more confidence, clarity, and clients. Her clients are passionate, driven, positive go-getters who are ready to dream big and make an impact. To learn more about how you can get more clients quickly and consistently, sign up for her guide – How I Went From Zero Clients to a Waiting List – it’s free!
Great article! What resonated with me was “standing for something”. This principle also aids with branding. In a world of competitors, what makes you different? I think that standing behind the things you support relentlessly can make that difference. I just tweeted that great quote!
Thanks so much, Miranda!
Yes, standing for something is definitely a key part of branding, I believe. It’s easy to be a wallflower and sometimes hard when you feel like you’re ruffling feathers but the people you’re meant to work with will love you for it 🙂
Thanks for sharing the quote, it’s definitely a good one, hey?!
Hi Jenna! Nice to see you here 🙂 what stands out to me most and will be my theme in 2014 both personally and professionally is building authentic relationships. I believe that’s where everything starts. Being true to myself and others by giving first. This is my first priority and as long as I focus on giving I will never have to worry about what follows 🙂
Love it, Teri!
Relationships are so, so, SO key. As much as we’d like to think we’ve moved beyond high school, life really is a big popularity contest! The more you focus on building strong relationships with the right kind of people, the easier it’ll be to build your business.
Great theme to have for 2014 and beyond 🙂
Awesome advice! I especially love what you said about using the relationships you already have-so true!
Thanks, Marilee! I agree, relationships are such a biggie, and using ones you already have is pretty easy.
It can be so easy to look around and think you don’t have anyone – especially when you’re just starting out – but that’s usually not true. You don’t need to rub shoulders with the big-wigs to make a difference. And, sometimes it’s just about having the right people in your life to keep you accountable and challenge you to keep moving forward.
Hey Jenna, love your 4th tip on “standing for something”, because people don’t always focus on this so much and then they get carried away in what they think they “should” be doing…which may be out of alignment with their values 🙁
Thanks, Anna! It’s true that it’s easy to fall prey to thinking there’s a “right” way, and that being outspoken and sticking to your guns is the “wrong” way because it may ruffle feathers.
I say ruffle away! Those people aren’t your dream clients anyways 😉
Thanks so much for this blog. Starting out with a new business can be intimidating. I plan to refer clients who are in launch mode to this blog. I know they will find each idea very useful…even though I have been in business for a few months and have more than 10 clients:) I discovered many useful tips. My favorite was “Own Your Awesomeness”, it is a great mindset reminder.
Thanks for sharing, Lissa!
Own Your Awesomeness is definitely one of my signature things and I work hard to help my clients step into their authenticity so I appreciate you saying that 🙂
It’s hard when you’re starting out, and looking at all the success around you, to think it’s enough to just be yourself. I definitely am on a mission to help people feel comfortable in their own skin so thank you for sharing.