There’s an interesting commonality I see among successful business owners that might surprise you.
It’s something I’ve been thinking for the past two years but have been too sheepish to say out loud.
I’ve remained quiet because I know that some people will hate me for saying this. It shines a light on a truth that many don’t want to admit.
But I’m tired of holding back because someone might be offended. After all, I’m here to help kick-ass women build kick-ass businesses they love. And sometimes we need a kick in the ass to make that happen!
First, I want to tell you a story.
In April of 2009, I gave notice that I was quitting my job.
I had been making a nice six-figure corporate salary with five-figure bonuses and a fat benefits plan. But I was tired of corporate America and ready to embrace freedom and entrepreneurship.
I walked out the office building for the last time on June 12, 2009, and never looked back. I was determined to work for myself.
I floundered for over a year. I wasn’t making much money, and honestly, I wasn’t enjoying entrepreneurship.
I was, however, willing to live on beans and rice and not spend a penny on new clothes before I’d consider crawling back to my old job. I was willing sacrifice everything to make my business work.
I kept at it.
12 months after leaving my job, I finally got clear on what I really wanted to do for my business. I regrouped for six months and launched on March 1, 2011.
My new business as a project manager, virtual assistant, and make-your-ideas-happen coach took off quickly. I finally had some momentum.
But let me be clear: momentum didn’t mean I was raking in the dough. It just meant that money was finally coming in. I wasn’t making enough to pay the bills each month; I was still relying on savings.
And that savings was nearly gone. There were about two months’ of our meager living expenses left, and after that, I had nothing to fall back on.
I didn’t have a trust fund.
I didn’t have a rich husband.
My family wasn’t financially supporting me.
And I was NOT returning to cubicleville.
My back was against the wall. “Making it” was my only option.
I think you know what happened next, but in case you don’t: My business kept growing. And growing. I kept pushing forward, determined to make it work.
Just as the savings vanished, my income met our monthly expenses. 18 months later after launched, I hit six figures. And as they say, the rest is history.
When your a** is on the line, …
I know, without a doubt, that a big part of the reason my business exploded like it did, when it did was because my ass was on the line.
I did not want to go back to my previous job, or any job for that matter. I had no more money and no other means of paying the bills.
My only option was to make my business work (or move in with my in-laws, which, in my mind, wasn’t an option!).
Making my business work WAS my only option!
You see, when our asses are on the line, we’re pushed to make things happen. Unless our back is literally against a wall, we shy away from doing the hard things. The scary things. The risky things. The chancy things. The OMG-I-can’t-do-that things.
Business isn’t easy. We have to learn about marketing, bookkeeping, taxes, delegation, technology, and so much more. All just to be in business!
If my ass hadn’t been on the line, would I have made it work?
I’m not sure. After all, I hadn’t made it work until the last possible second, when there was no other option in sight.
Where’s your a**?
Is your ass on the line?
Do you think you want your business to work or do you really need your business to work? There is a HUGE difference. Tweet that!
Putting It on the Line
If your ass isn’t on the line, it might be time to put it on the line… if you really want to make things happen in your business.
Maybe you’re fortunate to not have you ass on the line. Maybe you have a trust fund, a huge savings account, a rich husband (or just a working husband), a job, or some other means of support. Maybe you have something that keeps you from really needing your business to work.
Now, I’m not suggesting you throw away your securities; that’s absurd. You’re likely grateful for those things and that’s the perfect attitude.
However, if you really want your business to work, you might need a little fire under your derriere to make it happen.
You might need to fine or create a way to put your ass on the line. You can…
- Make a huge, public declaration about what you will achieve in your business.
- Take the leap from your job into your business (with a plan, of course)
- Put something on the line that will light a huge fire under you to make it happen
Theirs Were on the Line
Like me, my friend and former client Kendrick Shope had her ass on the line. She was struggling to make her business work and considering returning to pharmaceutical sales to bring in money and pay the bills. But the thought made her want to vomit. She kept moving forward, determined to make her business work. With her ass on the line (and husband breathing down her neck), she finally made it happen. She’s created a reputation as one of the best sales coaches around and is a truly inspirational success story.
When Anna Kunnecke left Japan three days after the 2011 earthquake, she took one suitcase and no plan. She and her four-year-old daughter camped out in her brother’s spare room in Portland for weeks while she dealt with the emotional aftermath of the tragedy and figured out what to do next. In Japan, Anna’s coaching business had simply been an enjoyable hobby, something she never planned to do full-time. But with her voice acting career in Tokyo suddenly over, her ass was on the line to support herself and her daughter as a single mom in a new city… while starting her life over from scratch. You guessed it; she made it happen.
What’s your reaction?
Have you had your back against the wall (in business or elsewhere) and did it help you achieve your goal?
If your back isn’t against a wall but you see the value in it, how do you plan to make that happen?
I can’t wait to read what you have to add to the discussion in the comments below!
For a different perspective, I think the main key to making your business work is DRIVE, and having your ass on the line is one of the most potent TOOLS for channeling your drive.
Maybe people with trust funds (which most people were born into and can’t really control), a rich husband (another thing the individual can’t control), etc. don’t have the financial need for their business to work, but they likely have other reasons to make it work that are equally as motivating (i.e. reputational reasons, emotional reasons, etc.). These people can make their business work if they have a really high DRIVE to make it work.
See Gary Vaynerchuk. He was born into incredible wealth and still had the drive to make his business work VERY well–even without a financial NEED to do it. Instead, he had drive!
Totally agree, Leah. I use the word DETERMINATION but it’s the same as your use of DRIVE. It’s about a commitment to make it happen.
Some people (like you!) make it work because you’re driven and committed to doing so. Others need a little external pressure to keep them motivated — and ass on the line can help.
Happy 2014 to you! Can’t wait to see you kill it even more in the new year!
I love this, Jenny. Thanks for making this message loud and crystal clear.
My ass was on the line from the start. Like you, I didn’t have a trust fund or financial support when I set up on my own. My husband supported my decision but that didn’t stretch to paying my share of the bills / mortgage (and why should it). I had to make it work from the start myself because I quickly realised that NO WAY was I going back to a paid job.
That was the driving force to make it work, and as my meagre savings ran out I felt a definite shift in my efforts to save my ass!
Cheering you on from here! A x
It’s certainly an uncomfortable place to be — our asses on the line — but it’s an amazing motivator to getting us to do the hard stuff, especially when the alternative (like getting a job) feels so painful!
I love seeing all that you’ve created for yourself, Alicia. You are definitely a woman who makes things happen. Woohoo!!!
I’m cheering!!! My ass is on the line and so is my heart. Never been a big risk taker before but I am all in on this one and I am making it happen. 🙂
Cheering you on, Kelly!!!
Great post. You will only piss off those who won’t put their ass on line, everyone else will totally cheer you on!
This is the year to make my personal brand happen. Declared and now my ass is on the line.
You’re totally right, Lee, about pissing people off 🙂
Can’t wait to get an update from you later this year when you tell me you’ve made it happen. Cheering you on!!
Great post Jenny. I totally agree with you. I see many coaches and related entrepreneurs that don’t really have their ass in the game meander around having a real business. It is sometimes frustrating to see so many great people with great ideas never go all in.
Then there are the people in my life that don’t know why I persevere through the slow times and eat a bunch of peanut butter sandwiches. I think it’s worth it to come up with the cash to invest in growing my business to the next level.
I totally agree, Miriam! I was willing to not spend money on anything — no eating out, no new clothes, etc. — because I was so determined to make it work. Now, having made it to the other side with twice my corporate salary and half the working hours, it was worth every single sacrifice. I know why you persevere and I’m cheering you on the whole way!!
That’s exactly where I am Jenny! I was downsized in October, 2012 and decided my own business was my best option. I’ve worked through my savings so now it’s time to make it happen! 2014 is my year!
I know that spot well, Quay. Dig deep. You can make it happen!
Bravo, Jenny!
What a kick-ass post. I am cheering. I am also getting clear on the truth that my ass has not been on the line, which has allowed me to drag my ass and take incremental steps when bold, (planned) massive action is what it’s going to take to get my new project moving. Thanks for speaking the truth! Onward & upward in 2014 🙂
I LOVE your honestly, Evelyn! Bravo!! Seeing the truth will change everything for you. Onward and upward in 2014!!
I love this post Jenny! I don’t see how anyone could get pissed at this, as I think we all know deep down it’s the absolute truth. Anything in life gets accomplished when you “truly commit” instead of making up excuses, being controlled by your negative self-talk and then ultimately falling back on what is comfortable and “safe”. It’s just a matter of that “tipping point” when there is no other option – you WILL make it work. Period.
What gets me “pissed” is not your truth here, but in my case, I am pissed at myself for not being able to get my blog profitable, and I’ve unfortunately run out of time to make it so. As you and other commenters here have mentioned, our savings have simply run out. My husband, bless his soul, has been super supportive of whatever ventures I want to do/try, but at some point, bills gotta get paid, and doing it with one salary with a family of four just isn’t cutting it.
I too have that pukey feeling at the thought of going back to “corporate”, but the stress of money running out and the toll it takes on a marriage is all just too much to take. I am on the hunt to go back to a J-O-B, but feel so out of alignment with this, that I get sick just thinking about it.
So, yes, that “fire” is definitely lit for me, but I feel helpless, because like most people I’m sure, I need a decent income NOW – I am so passionate about my blog and what I think is a great help, resource and inspiration for moms, but the cold truth is I have to go back to a J-O-B and perhaps try to keep my blog going on the side.
I’d love to know everyone’s thoughts on this. I am not asking for a pity party and I know the tough love answer of “spend every spare moment” to make this work. Between two young kids and some other side work to try to make some money, the spare moments for me are limited, and believe me, I try to make the most of them – writing, social networking, learning (from great resources like Jenny’s site!), guest blogging, creating, etc. I haven’t watched TV in years and truly try to make the most of my precious moments to myself. I have to look in the mirror to admit perhaps I am doing something wrong, or to be more kind to myself, I may be on the right track, but need some tweaking to really make things take off.
I’d love to know what people may have done in similar situations to realize their dreams, stay true to their passions, stay out of those cubicles!, yet realistically deal with their real-ilfe pressures and demands.
Sorry this is so long- but this post obviously struck a chord with me! Perhaps my next blog post… haha.
Happy new year, peace and passion to everyone. 🙂
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, Amy, and that may mean going back to a job to make ends meet. That is the reality of life — we do need to pay bills and take care of family!
I know one woman in particular who had quit her job to make a go at her business but it didn’t work out. She went to work and realized how much she really wanted to make her business work, so she put in a lot of effort when she wasn’t at work, hired me, and really committed herself to making it happen. She needed to go back to work to realize how much she really wanted to make it work. The job provided financial support so that she could create something she loved that was 100% in alignment with what she wanted to do — something that we don’t all get to do when there is financial pressure.
There’s nothing wrong with going back to a job to make ends meet. Sometimes that’s exactly the path we need to take. If that’s what has to happen for awhile as you build your biz on the side, it’s okay. Promise!
Thanks so much Jenny! It helps to know that all does not have to be lost by doing what we have to do. I will keep the dream (along with the effort!) alive. Who knows, maybe it’ll come back to life better than I ever expected. 🙂
Absolutely! Great attitude!
Great one! I agree with you completely. Without your (or mine) ass on the line, nothing really gets done.
This is the absolutely truth.
My ass hasn’t been enough on the line, and I know that’s part of the problem. What is on the line though is my sanity, and my happiness. Total commitment.
Amen sister!!! This is soooo true!!! My ass is TOTALLY on the line now…so I know I have no choice but to go hard (make it frickin happen) or go home (go back to cubicleville….which makes me literally want to commit suicide). So guess what??? Through hell and hot water I am DETERMINED to get a business going that not only serves me financially, but serves the world….as in my business TRULY makes the world a better place. Thank you for this post! Happy 2014.
Go for it, Torrie!!!
Thanks Jenny,
My ass is on the line… geez. I have hope that this means getting closer to success!
This one made me think Ms. Shih!
I totally appreciate your sentiment that when it’s gotta work you’ll be more ready to do whatever you can to make it work, even uncomfortable things… that motivation can push you through a lot.
I’ll also note that this equation seems too simplistic to me: Ass on the line = success.
Instead I’d propose: Ass on the line + previous experience with success + confidence in your abilities + time + capacity to invest in support + access to a relevant network of potential clients + clarity + willingness to do the scary things = really good chance at success.
I believe this is a more accurate description of at least three of your four examples. I’d even rate quite a few of the other variables as being even more important than ass on the line. (What a fun phrase!)
Also, what about folks who put their ass out, but are still building some of the other parts of the equation? I think there are many routes to success, and some of them may involve multiple iterations of ass outedness and regrouping until it’s possible to get a business standing on it’s own two feet. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
Fair point, Alison!! I definitely boiled this post down to a single concept. To say that success = ass on the line is definitely simplistic! It takes a lot to make a business work, including every single idea you listed above. And even then, it’s “really good chance” of success, never a guarantee.
I jumped on this soap box because of a strong correlation I saw between ass on the line and success. And also a lot of people “playing” in their business without doing the hard stuff that’s sometimes required to make it really work.
Thanks for taking the time to lay it out in this way. I know it will benefit many readers and commenters in this thread to know the other things they need to consider to make it work in 2014.
Ahh, gotcha. Thanks again for the food for thought!
Hahah love this Jenny!
It is so true-I know for myself, without that FIRE under my ass, it’s hard to get into motion on the bigger, more scarier dreams.
And you know more than anyone, the fire under my ass is LIT…neon, bright-ass, sparkly pink but lit all the same.
Here’s to everyone’s success here for 2014! it’s time to kick some major ass 🙂 and have an awesome time doing it!
You’ve done a great job lining up some fire for yourself in 2014. I’m so excited to see all that you do to make the most of it!! xo
Hi Jenny, Happy New Year !
And thanks for your post, it gives me some material to think about. A new year is starting and I still have to figure out what do I want and how I am going to make it happen !
Enough to do I guess.
Thanks for your support during this past months, getting to know you is certainly one of the most positive things of 2013 for me : )
All the best for everybody.
Thanks, Sonia! I’m always happy to hear when posts strike a chord with readers. I’m thrilled that you feel ready to really go for it in the new year and I wish you the best. Go get ’em!!
Jenny – I totally agree with you! For me – unless I put it on the line, as long as I have an escape route, I won’t make it happen. I need the push. So far, I’ve taken the safe route. But not for this year. 2014 is my break out year!
I don’t believe that everyone operates this way, however, and they will methodically make it happen.
Thanks for the kick in the ass!
Some of us really need that push and the pressure, though it doesn’t work for everyone. Like Alison said, there are lots of factors to success.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts — and I look forward to watching you make it happen in 2014!!
Go Pam! 🙂
You are the bomb! Always authentic, reliable and on target. Keep telling the sets me free.
This post made me cry. So it must have struck a truth-nerve somewhere. I am about to finally lift the “work in progress page” off my website ( – I have been working on my business for year. It feels so good to put my work out there but honestly having a cushy job has helped me stay…well… stuck. I work on everything I do for hours and double guess myself and slowly leak content out because I have the luxury of doing so. Having a full time job has made me feel confident that I can invest in my business and that life will be safe and certain. But I keep pushing the deadline for myself back further and further on when I will quit my “safe job” and really go after my dreams. It’s been 8 years. Wow, I’ve never really admitted that. Jenny, you may have just saved me years of my life. Thank you. xoxo (ps I’ll see you at Make it Work! What a perfect time to dive into this program!)
LOVE your honesty, Krissy!! The luxury of a job is definitely a double-edged sword. I’d never say to give up financial security, but it does a great job of holding some people back from really making a go at their business.
I’m really looking forward to working with you in Make It Work as well — I can feel that you’re really primed to go for it. Cheering you on!!!! xo
Just wanted to pop in and say your website with its newly-lifted veil is GORGEOUS!!!
Big kudos!
Definitely cheering! I think this concept applies to many areas in life. Sometimes we need to reach the level of survival before we take action – business, financial, health and in many other areas of life. Is this fear of failure or success at play? Great Post Jenny!
Fear of failure is a huge motivator for me personally. Having to go back to a job was just that, a failure. So I did everything I could to make sure it didn’t happen…. especially once the real possibility of it came close.
Just imagine all the business knowledge and guidance we would have missed if you did go back to the corporate world.
In fact imagine if all the people throughout history who failed and struggled before eventually making significant change, hadn’t moved through and beyond it?
Everyone in this conversation has something driving us to do what we uniquely do, for a unique purpose, and we’ll get there in our way with the right combination of commitment and advice from people like you. Much appreciated 🙂
Happy New Year to everyone!
Hi Jenny,
I completely agree with your post 🙂 I’ve been in that situation, being put against a the whole and faced with a decision to make: do we keep trying or do we give up and look for a job? it had been going for 6 years and money was running out. Strangely this is when we know we have no choice but to success that we somehow make it happen, I can not explain why, but there is this survival mode we get into that make us do things we would have never done when our ass was not on the line. I don’t know that it will work for everyone (I know too many people that failed and went back to corporate world) but it certainly works for some of us 🙂
Interesting to hear that it pushed you that being in the rock vs hard place made you go for it as well. Funny phenomenon, isn’t it?
You’re right — it doesn’t work for everyone — and Alison pointed out some great reasons, but it does work for some of us. I think it’s a great question for those who are dabbling in their businesses to ask: Do I really want it to happen? Am I doing the hard things to make it work?
Wishing you much continued success!!
I think that what made the difference for me was that there is 2 of us running the business (me and my husband) so there is also that will to not let the other one down that played a big part. He absolutely did not want to go back to a corporate job and I think that if I had made that decision (I had sent our my resume, did interviews and got 2 solid offers I could have taken) then the business would not be where it is today that’s for sure 🙂
Great post!!! Your words affirm my desire to take my biz to the next level. I am putting my own self on the line, bare ass and all that comes with it! 2014 will be the year that I create an income that I desire/need/want because that’s just how it is. Feeling the pressure, breathing my way through it. It’s only day 2 of 2014, right? I can totally relate to the vomit feeling of going back to old ways! I’ve worked so hard, I deserve this! I am going to Brand Camp, I am going to grow/expand/learn and share with other visionaries. See you there!
Cheering you on, too, Trisha!! Do the hard stuff. Challenge yourself. Do what you need to to make it happen. It’s early in 2014 and there’s so much time to get it done. You can do it!
And I’ll see you at Brand Camp!!
Jenny, you’ve hit the nail on the head with this one. I did precisely what you are recommending now, some30 years ago. Add in 3 kids in diapers and some debt and that was me. Today the business turns over 6 million dollars a year and I’ve retired. Keep up the good work Jenny. Andrew.
Congratulations, Andrew!! What a great story!
Hi Jenny – yes!
you and me and everyone who’s ever going to make this happen will find their sweet touche on the line at some point. I’ve been in business for years, but coasting and not building. Last year was a tough one and for me it’s giving up on ever expecting to be paid a debt of quarter’s client fees from a business that’s gone bust. I spent all of last year waiting for that money to come in and not pushing hard to move forwards and leave them well behind. I’ve made the transition now, and yes, I’m going to make this work! Not only that but I’m rebuilding my buiness in a new way so that I don’t ever find myself so vulnerable to cashflow again.
Hooray for getting the arse on the line post up, it’s a game changer.
Delighted to make your acquaintance and looking forward to hearing more and getting to know you. Have a great 2014.
Excited for all that’s to come for you, Jenny!!
Hi Jenny, I loved your guest posts but it’s really good to hear from you again 🙂 My a** is semi on the line, I quit my soul sucking full time with benefits job last fall but kept a side gig to help my husband pay the bills (and credit) while building my biz. This post made me realize that I really need to be building like my a** is 100% on the line, job or not. I’ve got my husbands support, pushing with the weekly question “how many clients do you have this week”, but he believes in me which is so awesome. Working for other people is just not an option anymore. I’ll keep my part time gig for now but no more excuses, full steam ahead, thank you Jenny 🙂
Love that you’re really going for it, Teri! And thrilled that you have your husband’s support — I know that’s not always true for everyone. Full steam ahead sounds fantastic!
Jenny! I’ve been ‘lucky’ enough to always have my ass be on the line without much of a safety net and I somehow always squeak by and make it work. Somehow other opportunities and jobs no matter how much of a perfect fit they seem- have never worked out in the past.
This past year, I finally stopped looking and started focusing on my own business. What a freaking difference that makes. Hello, momentum!
I totally agree with your post + love it!
You always seem to be making it work, Kristy. One of the things I’ve found amazing about you! Love that you’ve started focusing more on your biz — I know that will continue to help you build and grow. Here’s to more success in 2014!
I totally share this sentiment Kristy! I often feel “lucky enough”. Like even if the going gets tough…I always have the feeling that I will be able to survive. I think it’s based on confidence that has built up from all the little successes I’ve had in my life. It gave me the cohones 🙂 to take on bigger challenges time and time again.
Wowser Jenny, what a kick ass article (as always!) … true confession time. I’ve skated, made excuses, let my perfectionist streak take control of the wheel, put myself deeply in debt because I didn’t believe in myself, what I know and what I can do for others (partially because I couldn’t name it, partially because I didn’t see it’s value and partially ‘cuz I was flat ass scared to put myself out there…heaven forbid someone not “like” me…jeez…and risk failing). My soon-to-be ex supported me and I got myself deep, deep in debt because of my insecurities and not knowing how to partner with the right team for me and the way I work. The core bills were paid…although 5 surgeries in 3 years kicked the debt load into high gear and drove my self esteem and energy into the toilet. As he was leaving and saying some very cruel things so he could “justify” his affair, a couple of things he said were true, even if said in a mean way. One was “you could be an ffin’ millionaire with all you know and here you are, $60K in debt, limping around the house from another damned surgery.”
Wowsers, Ouch. Truth.
Because I’m an idea person, those come quickly…implementing has NOT been my strong suit. That changes now. in 2014. And I started by honoring my commitment to include one of my workbooks as a resource on another site.
Plus I’m doing the “Content Throwdown™” in late Jan/Feb. On 5 live calls, I’ll take on the challenge of helping 10 people discover at least 21 ways to repurpose, on purpose, their content so they don’t have to fight with the ContentBeastie™ 24/7.
Whew, the concept was shared with me last night (1/3) and I’m putting it out there to put my ass on the line to complete the promo pieces. EEKKKKKKKKKKKKK!
Much love to you and thanks for being all you be!
Laugh Lots, Love More!
YOWSER! What a lot of recent trauma– multiple surgeries AND a painfully ended marriage. That’s a LOT to recover from. Wishing you lots of restorative healing, as you move forward, and cheers to momentum for all of us.
Thanks Susan! Appreciate the support for sure. And yup, it has been a challenging time for sure AND I’ve been blessed by so many gifts of support, like yours.
Got the structure done for the Content THrowdown and the first opt in page done (this perfectionist streak of mine is screaming bloody murder…smile).
Many blessings to you…
Wow, you’ve had quite the ride. Your persistence is wildly inspiring, MamaRed!!! Wishing you all the best as you put your ass on the line and make big things happen this year. I know you have it in you!!! xo
Thanks Jenny…that means a lot to me! some days I think all I’ve done is make excuses, so looking at that behavior pattern for sure!!
xo back atcha
mama red you have the fire under your rear and the dedication in your voice! Thanks for sharing this story. You’re not playing the victim, instead you are strategizing for success (and I LOVE it!!!)
Anna, you’re a darlin. Thank you oodles, bunches and lots. The opt in page for the ContentThrowdown is done (although without the video I was thinking of doing), first autoresponder queued up and working on the detail page and dates now. LOVE doing this stuff! Thanks for being part of my Success Team! Muah.
All I can say is that you’re 100% RIGHT!
Jenny this article is amazing! I’ve often struggled with it in the past (and the present). I’ve got this bi-polar business sense where I’m a big risk taker…but I also REALLY like security. I started and ran my first business for about 4 years while I work another almost full-time job. Because the work was so hand’s on, I actually liked splitting my time between my strategic job and my biz. But when I launched my biz strategy practice I didn’t want that split anymore…I wanted to go ALL the way 🙂
This past May, with nothing more than a small savings, some credit card debt, and a whole crap-ton of ambition I quit the “safety” job and threw myself into my business. I’m not wildly wealthy (yet), but I KNOW that if I hadn’t done this, my business wouldn’t be where it would be now (still small, but growing very quickly!)
So thank you for this post (and always being an inspiration!)
Oh wow Anna…that “bi-polar business sense” gave me a big giggle, ‘cuz I get it!
Congrats for throwing yourself into what you want to do…and if you were one of my coaching clients I would invite you to delete the “still small” statement and say “growing quickly.” Of course you can ignore that comment (tee hee).
Big hugs and seeing you as succeeding wildly and joyfully!
Laugh Lots, Love More!
OOPS, forgot to tell you Anna, I love biz strategy and content strategy stuff…if you ever want to kibbutz, compare notes or anything else, would LOVE that!
It’s crazy how your posts seem to reach out to me when I need them most! Even though this one was published a few weeks ago, I’m just now reading. My a** is on the line like never before. (And you know how it’s been very close.) I keep falling back on – well, it’s been a hard year, etc etc – but now I know I must make it work. Or else I have to find other work – which I can’t stand the thought of. Not just because it’d mean working for someone else – clocking in and out. But because I’d be giving up a dream – something deep down I know I am capable of. Thank you, Jenny, for everything…
Totally, 100%, strongly, lovingly cheering you on, Angela!! xo
This is confirmation. I just read this post last night and thought to myself how much I want more for my family and myself and have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off over the last 4 years and I’ve LITERALLY had enough.
Today after working over 18 hours with no appreciation from my job, I have decided that this marks the end of the insanity. Today, I am building my business full throttle and I am saving up to work with you Jenny.
I appreciate this post more than you know and I look forward to being your next success story.
P.S. I just wrote my resignation letter and plan to hand it in within the next 30-60 days so help me God.
With Dearest Love and Admiration,
Amanda Danielle
Self-Love & Fitness Coach in the Making
Sending you a dose of time-to-kick-ass energy so you can get moving, Amanda! Wishing you the best on this crazy entrepreneurial journey. Go for it!
Cheering for sure. I’m out of the retirement funds I used to jump start this new coaching path and was deeply affected by your last post of doing what I’m afraid to do AND working on my 1000 subscribers work. I’m at the point of now or never and your posts seem to always come at exactly the right time just as I start sinking into being pissed off or depressed. I look forward to your words every week!
Thank you for such kind words! I’m so glad I can give you the necessary kick in the pants each week to keep going 🙂 This coaching dream is worth it!! Keep it up!!
Totally agree! Sometimes safety nets can turn into a noose! I have noticed that I work a bit harder in times when there is no backup plan.
Great post Jenny!
So well put – The safety net can become a noose! Love it!!
So very true!! I left my 6 figure banking job in February this year with 2 years of savings behind me to pay the bills and launch my business. Its only now that I have the fire under my ass to get things moving, I always knew that I needed to be up against it to do everything I needed to do to launch (especially the uncomfortable stuff!!). I am 100% committed to not going back to my windowless office and with and end date for my savings pot (and a wedding to pay for) its time to get real and focused. Love your straight up, honest articles xx
Yes!! Get focused on the task at hand and make it happen. For me, the dread of the cubicle job was such a motivator to ensure it didn’t happen. Everyone has their own motivator — focus on yours and go straight for your dreams!
You are speaking the truth Sista! 🙂 My kids say that and it just felt right. I am a single mom so quitting my day job while building out my business has never been an option which has given me a reason not to throw myself to the lions…this is a huge reminder and I am working today to find my Line and place my a** right on it! Thank you for being so brave!
My inner life coach wants to come out to play this morning!
Remember that everything is a choice. “I can’t quit my day job to build my business” is a choice. Kids or no kids, husband or no husband, we all get to make our own choices. I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t quit your job — that’s your decision, and I fully respect whatever you decide. Simply be aware when you’re giving your power away and not owning your choice to stay in your job. There is a powerful distinction between owning our decisions and being a victim to them.
At the same time, you’re totally right that you can find your line in a way that doesn’t involve having to quit your job. A good friend of mine found her “line” in that every night she told her daughter that she could grow up to be anything she wanted. Yet she was stuck in a job she hated. So she busted her ass to grow her business so she could role model for her daughter what it means to go after your dreams. That was more powerful than anything for her.
Find your line and own your dreams. It is possible!
OMG…this was awesome…The connection with your friends daughter. My girls ask regularly if I am happy and I am not with my job and the more I put getting focused off the more it says to them that….says soo many things I don’t know where to start…anyway know that your inner life coach is alive and well 🙂 xx
Wow! I love this that you always just put the real you out there. For the first time in my business my ass is on the line and I am operating with a different type of safety net then my well paid gig in corporate. I can honestly say that I feel a different type of get up and go. Paying the bills is a big motivator for sure.
Yes!! That’s the feeling that’s so powerful for each of us! Can’t wait to watch you keep go-go-going, Michelle!!
I feel like you’re following me around in my life Jenny!
Your posts are always eerily on point!!!
My ass has been on the line the past few months and I’ve been doing all kinds of things I was “too scared” to do until I HAD to do them because the thought of returning to a J-O-B also made me feel sick to my stomach.
I’ve made more in my business since June than the entire previous year (and I still don’t make enough to live off) but having my back against the wall has sprung me into major action and I’ve been more willing to step outside of my comfort zone and do things I never would’ve done before like speaking in public (terrifying), asking someone if they want to work with me (scary), and following up (what will they think!?) HA!
I just looooove this post to pieces!
And I’m enjoying having my ass on the line 😉
Great post, Jenny!
Carla xo
I love hearing that you are pushing yourself, Carla! There’s a misconception that it’s all supposed to be easy and effortless, and it’s just not true! Being uncomfortable, doing scary things, and stepping outside the realm of easy is how we grow our businesses.
Way to keep at it, do the challenging things, and go for it!!
(And didn’t you know that I have a secret spy cam just on you to write the posts?! jk)
Hahaha! I knew it!! 🙂
Dang you, Jenny Shih – you nailed me again! (just kidding about the “dang” part)
Seriously, while I’ve had good success, it’s not GREAT success, and it’s my own darn fault.
I’m not lazy, but I am a little bit scared.
And, I’ve just been coming to the realization this week that I have been on my ass, and it’s time to get OFF it.
Thanks for the nudge and the inspiration.
Way to own it, Hanna!! So many women put the power outside themselves. “That coach wasn’t good enough.” “That program didn’t teach me anything new.” Blah blah. The power is with you, my friend! (And with each and every person here!)
No coach or mentor or program will do the challenging, uncomfortable things for us. Only we can.
I’m thrilled to hear that you’re ready to go for it!
Jenny, you’re straight up truth telling. I think my heart, soul and life energy is on the line whenever there is a call to action that I ignore. If it takes holding my feet to the fire in terms of being able to feed my family (and boy, have I been there!), so be it.
Sounds like you know what you need to do, Christy! (And I do love truth-telling — even though it got me in quite a bit of trouble as a kid!)
I have been stuck in “wanty” land for way too long — thinking how great it would be if my business sustained our household. But that wanting hasn’t been concrete. And now, each month when I do the bills, I realize this is not something I want; we need me to be successful to make everything work, let alone for vacations, savings, and all the other cool stuff that lets you enjoy life fully!
I knew I had to make a big step. Yesterday, after listening to the free audio download about the 5 essential parts of business (and totally tearing up at the end because of your enthusiasm and inspiration!) I finally bought Get Your First 1000 Subscribers. Now, I was practical and not only made sure this was my next step, but also that this was in my budget. (And doing the math, you’re totally right — if I get even one new client from it, it will be totally paid for!)
Even so, paying for training has suddenly put my ass on the line! I have to make a schedule for how I’m going to complete the modules. I have to get serious! I can no longer sit and “What if…” because my own credibility with myself is on the line! I (and my wallet) said I was going to do this, so I have to!!!
You’ve got the right idea, Megan! Even the smallest investment can push us to get serious about making our business work. I remember making my biggest business-learning investment ($2000) and holy moly that pushed my ass into gear! I made time to be an A+ student, learning, implementing, and engaging with other students. And boy oh boy did things shift for me. I’m excited to see you do the same with Get Your First 1000 Subscribers!! May it be the “ass on the line” moment that changes everything for you!!
Where are you lacking the confidence, Nathalie? Maybe I can point you in a direction that will support you in making that happen.
Hi Jenny,
Everytime I go to explain what I am doing – I get super nervous and I start to devalue what I do. Who am I to be talking about weight loss?
I thought that when I got super clear about what I did & how I did it, it would get better. I’m confident about my approach, but can’t offer a guarantee that it will work. I don’t have before/after. It’s helped me a great deal, but I’m still overweight (and it’s coming off).
How do I get confidence even though I’m just starting out?
Thanks a bunch,
You know better than a lot of people in my life that for me, ASS on the line is where the major movement has happening in my business this year.
It’s so humbling to feel your literal or figurative back against the wall, but I always think:
“Will I love myself a little more for going for it or will I be okay with giving up?”
Going for it always wins.
Love that perspective, Diana! “Will I love myself a little more for going for it or will I be okay giving up?” Such a smart question (no surprise coming from you!). It’s been so fun to watch you kick ass… with your ass on the line!
Spot on Jenny!
This is exactly where I’m at. I left my job just over 7 months ago to step fully into my new business as a health coach. I sat in fear in frustration every day until after 6 months I realized I was starting the wrong business, I didn’t actually like health coaching. I regrouped and went towards where my passion was and that’s marketing. So I have been limping along towards creating a marketing business for almost 2 months now. I’ve had a couple great moments. But my money is about to run out. And worse yet, I’m feeling like shit every single day. Something needs to change. Unfortunately, I’m feeling like the ass on the line feeling I’m having is pushing me further into fear and inaction rather than into action. I completely appreciate this perspective, but for me, it’s seeming to cause the opposite to be true. I’m not thriving in this position, I’m shrinking…
I understand! Sometimes, for some people, ass on the line can make things harder, not motivating. The fear can be overwhelming for sure.
Be sure to check out Bev Barnes and Jess Ryan ( They both have some great tools and approaches for dealing with challenges and fear when they come up — because they always do for all of us, just not all at the same time.
I wish you well through this challenge. I know that you’ll come out stronger on the other side, even though it sucks right now. Big love to you.
My ass is on the line now and I appreciate this post. I’m where you were with a few months of savings left and my efforts still not producing real income. It’s time and this post was exactly what I needed to read in this moment. Thanks Jenny.
Always love when I post the right thing at the right time! Thanks, Sherri!
Jenny!!! My ass is on the line now and I need your expertise since you seem to be the ass on the line savior. I keep thinking I’ve found my thing but then it turns out to not be the thing and I have 6 months to get my business together. Help!?
It happens, and I’ve been there!! Have you read these:
Clarity comes from taking action, as I say. So you’re taking action and figuring out what you like and don’t. That’s part of the process, and it’s okay.
And, you can keep looking more closely at what you like. I LOVE Bev Barnes and this coaching program of hers.
Keep going. Keep learning. Keep taking action. You will get clear. And panic doesn’t help, so just keep focused 🙂
Thanks, Jenny. I’m checking out Bev right now. And I’ll definitely keep going.
Soooo, my only questions about that is how do you manage your energy so you don’t become or appear desperate in your attempts to get clients and make your business work?
Great question! Do the inner work (I know you know how to do that!) and it will show through on the outside.
🙂 Yes, I do. Thank you for the reminder!