With a new year comes a fun new series I’ve been dreaming about for awhile: Do This, Not That.
Today’s topic: action-taking.
That’s right, we’re going to discuss the do’s and don’t’s of action taking. Because how you take action plays a key role in the results of your actions.
I know you’re someone who wants to take action and see results, and that’s exactly what I want to help you do, so you can start the new year off right! Let’s dive in.
Do This #1 – Plan Your Action
Whether you’re new or experienced, business always comes with a never-ending to-do list. There’s always more you can do to grow your business, build your client roster, make money, and make a difference.
The great thing is that you’ll never be bored! The problem is that there’s so much to do that unless you’ve properly planned ahead, your actions are likely to be haphazard and unfocused, as if you’re trying to do everything all at once.
To successfully take action and ensure that your action leads to results, you must plan your action steps. If you haven’t walked through my Steal This! Business-Building Action Plan yet, get on it. Plan ahead exactly what you’re going to do so you’re able to focus and get results!
Not That #1 – Random, Whimsical Action
I want you to take planned, deliberate action. This ensures that your business is moving toward the goals you want to achieve.
The opposite of that, the thing I don’t want you to do, is to take random, whimsical action. It might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised at how easily we can all get caught doing random stuff — myself included!
Stay focused on what you want to create and keep moving forward on your big plan. Ensure you’re doing exactly what you need for your business.
Do This #2 – Take Your Best Shot
Even armed with a good plan, many of us are afraid to take action for the fear that we won’t do it right. I hear you! That voice of perfection whispers in my ear, too.
The truth is that you can never get anything perfect the first time, no matter how much time you spend planning, thinking, scheming, brainstorming, and risk-mitigating. Doing something for the first time comes with unknowns, and it’s okay!
Instead of shooting for perfection, shoot for your best. Do you best work, take your best guess, and give it a fair effort. That’s really all you can do. Tweet that!
Not That #2 – Over-Interpret the Results
This next part is very important!! Once you take action (which might not be perfect, especially when it’s your first time) you absolutely must not over-interpret the results!
I spend a lot of time coaching my Make It Work Online clients on this point. Since that program is all about taking action to build your online business, they try a lot of things for the first time. They might be scared, uncertain, and worried about not doing it right, but they do it anyway (they’re awesome like that!). And once they act, they must not worry about what does or doesn’t happen.
You might think this sounds illogical or irrational, but it’s absolutely essential. Why? Because if you overreact to every blog post that doesn’t receive a comment, every social media post that doesn’t get likes, or networking contact that doesn’t pan out, you’d quit in a hot minute!
So I want to to set the record straight. There will be blog posts that don’t get comments, even if your list is several hundred or thousand people. There will be many social media shares that won’t get liked no matter how popular you become. There will be networking contacts who don’t pan out, classes that don’t fill, sales emails that result in crickets, and products that flop. And it’s all okay!
In fact, it’s an essential part of the learning process. (I see you rolling your eyes!) THE BEST thing you can do for yourself is not over-interpret the immediate results of your actions, especially when it’s your first time doing something. Don’t assume that no one likes what you write, interested in what you have to say, or will ever work with you — that’s hogwash!!
In order for these actions to pay off, you have to keep doing them, And, you have to one more important thing: make sure you’re pushing your energy out into the world.
Do This #3 – Focus Your Action Outward
As we talked about last fall when I shared Your Online Business Success Formula, your action must be accompanied by an outward energy.
Many women I know spend time working inside their businesses but don’t every push that energy outward. They write blog posts, they think about their next steps, they browse other people’s blogs or social media posts, and they make plans — all of which are done inside.
Those things are necessary, and in order to make your business work, you need to let the world know you exist! And to do that you need to push your energy out into the world.
Do your work. Let people know you’re there to help them. Show up online. Show up in the real world. And keep at it.
Not That #3 – Keep the Doing Inside
If pushing energy outward is essential to success, then the opposite, keeping all of the energy inward, is a business dead-end. As I just said, doing the work in your head, on your computer, or in your office… but never clicking send, never hitting publish, and never attending a networking event means your business won’t go anywhere.
Success requires you to put your energy outward, not keep it inside, so put yourself out there (even if it’s scary!). Tweet that!
Now, it’s your turn.
I’ve shared with you my top three do’s and don’t’s for action taking. I know there are more, and I’d love to hear from you!
Which of the top do’s and don’t’s were much needed reminders for you as you dive into the new year?
What are you going to do differently after reading these ideas?
When it comes to taking action, what have you learned that you’d like to share with others?
I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got in the comments below!
Incredible article!
So full of ideas that I wanted to highlight and tweet something in each paragraph! 🙂
Thank you so much for it.
For me it is relatively easy to make the “inside work” (planning, writing, publishing, learning) but I experience a certain fear when I have to make a step forward and pass to the “outside world”. To help me to overcome this fear is the task of my mentor, and I am so happy to have contracted her, because it makes things easier. Today I think that almost everyone (evey professional that works indepently) needs a mentor.
I also loved the idea of not “over-interpretating the results”. I promise myself to keep taking action and not focusing on the bad results, action in the important!!
Hugs from Spain 🙂
Feel free to tweet as much as you like 🙂
I hear you on the “inside work” — so many women find that much easier to do than putting themselves out there. I’m so glad you’ve hired someone to mentor you and help you through it! Bravo!
Keep moving forward. Step by step, you can make it happen!!
Hey Jenny,
Great post!
Energy out equals energy in.
Tip #3 has made the biggest difference in my business. It’s so safe to do the inward work and it feels like you are doing a ton and having a business….but unless I put that energy out into the world my business doesn’t really exist.
I spent many months creating a perfect little business in my bedroom that absolutely no one knew about. Ha!:)
The real results have come from me putting myself out there and being willing to do things inperfectly and even when I’m scared. Especially then.
Thank you for all you’ve done to help me turn my business around.
MIWO was a total game changer for me.
Happy happy happy new year…wishing you lots of wonderful everything!!
Carla xo
I loved watching you OWN IT last year, Carla, and really go for it and put yourself out there. Your results prove that it’s worth it!!
It was an honor to work with you in Make It Work Online. Kick-ass women like you who want to grow their businesses and do what they love are so fun to work with! xo
Great post jenny!
You hit it right on the head!
I love that saying “random, whismical, action.” They are like ferry dust. Sparkly at first it is fast to settle! What’s even funnier to me is that I often thought that my actions were deliberate but now that I look back is how whismical they actually were. That’s because they weren’t tied to an overall vision & plan.
My big learning for the week…
Sometimes those actions that are weird or hard can change in instance if you just change the point of view.
Earlier this week I was doing an enrollment conversation in a subway station of all places. It didn’t go well. I was forcing myself to apply the process I’d paid to learn last year. When it was clear that we weren’t going to work together I switched to being of service. Then she got a lot our time together. It’s also quite similar with the “enrollment process” but really focused on my client rather than me.
It dawned on me that all of the people that have enrolled with me because I came from a place of being of service.
Thanks again Jenny,
Many people don’t realize their actions are random until they actually have a plan! It’s a big reason why I love helping women create a clear, actionable plan so they can deliberately take action and grow their businesses!
Good for you for doing the scary things, trying out your pitch, and learning from it. It’s only by taking action that we learn what works for us. Keep it up!!!
Such perfect timing for me to read this as I’ve just gone through what feels like a long series of flops. I found that after so many I became so weary of it all that I had to step away from ALL of it. I just shut down emotionally & couldn’t bring myself to create one more thing.
I gave myself a month off to just stop & not think about it AT ALL. And that paid off.
It was a very good thing.
Now I’m getting back to it & looking at it with fresh eyes I’m feeling ready to begin again. I’m ready to get back in there & take the time I need to be more inwardly balanced towards this without the pressure to push myself to fast.
I’m ready to let it unfold in its own time now & give myself the time to breathe instead.
I hear you! So often we can get so stuck in the muck about what’s going on that we need to take a full-on break from it. Good for you for taking that step — so smart!!
Best wishes to you as you regroup and take your next steps.
Oh I’m definitely working on the not over-interpreting results part. I’m really good at taking deliberate action and getting stuff out there, but I also take failed launches to heart. That leads to trying to figure out exactly where I went wrong and when, but the answers are never that clear.
Oh, yes, Mallie, I hear you! It’s SO EASY to over-interpret results and over-read into what does or does not work. For a little assistance and a little reminder on how to think like a scientist (and have some space between you and your results), check this out: https://jennyshih.com/2014/01/afraid-failure-new-approach-desperately-need/
Sometimes you can tell what went wrong and sometimes it’s a mystery — even when you’ve been doing business for awhile. In fact, I was just talking with a friend about that today. She had something go super well that in the past didn’t go well at all, but it seems like she did less work this time. Why did it work? We have no idea!! 🙂 We’ll analyze it and take some good guesses, and there’s still going to be a bit of unknown, always. (And it’s okay.)
#3 makes all the difference. As I like to say, thinking leads to more thoughts…action leads to progress. You have definitely helped me with this. Thanks, Jenny. Here’s to an incredible 2015!
YES!! You were a great client, Tanuja! Taking those ideas and thoughts and putting them into ACTION!!! Love that about you 🙂
Yes! Taking your best shot is the best advice… Every day I remind myself that I don’t need to be the best, I just need to try my best. 🙂
Like a mantra: Just try your best. Just try your best. Just try your best…
Keep it up, Megan!
One of my biggest “Do’s” for the year: plan and SCHEDULE time off. I spent a couple hours going through my year calendar and blocking off time for vacation/staycation time, flex days, and “Me Days”. I also am going to make a point to make Sunday a day to relax without attending to business-related tasks. A “Don’t” for me last year was working too long without breaks and while I love coaching and what I do, I also know I will be better at my work – more creative and productive and efficient – when I have built in breaks!
SMART, Valerie! I love how last year’s work got you clear about your plans for this year, and including self-care is so essential. I even bet you’ll rock it this year more than last simply because your brain will have that very important rest time. Woohoo!!
Definitely #3! I can get so busy doing and planning and forget that if I keep it all to myself I’m just spinning my wheels! Thank you for the great reminder!
Yes yes yes!! You’ve got to tell the world that you’re here to help it!!