Today’s post is all about you.
I always write with the goal of helping you build an incredible, profitable business that you can be proud of. This month I’m excited because I’m going to be writing my posts on the feedback you give me (today!) on where you’re stuck, what you need, and how I can help, so I can focus on giving you what you need most.
Specifically, I’m going to want to know where you and your business are right now and what you believe is holding you back from achieving the stunning success you’ve set out to create.
As you know, there are so many things in business that can go wrong and tons of stuff we solopreneurs need to know in order to make it online. Often times the hardest part is figuring out what we’re doing wrong, what steps we need to take next, and how to know if we’re doing things the right way.
You may think you’re focusing on all the right things to build your business, but you may actually be missing a BIG piece of the puzzle. In this month’s posts, I want to help you see what you’re not seeing, so you can course correct and finally build the business you’ve been dreaming of.
This is all leading up to something that has the power to result in you making amazing leaps forward in your business (but it will only come together properly if you join the conversation!).
Now, let’s get started!
What Stands Between You and Your Success
If there’s one thing that’s probably true for all of us, it’s that running an online business is way harder than we ever thought it would be. When that beginner’s buzz wears off, you’re left with a very real and demanding business that you need to keep working at to ensure it’s growing and profitable.
Even if you’ve taken courses, read books, scoured the web for tips, or tried every manifesting tip out there, you probably still don’t feel like you totally know exactly how to keep moving your business forward week after week, year after year.
You may even be spending so much time trying to learn new skills and troubleshoot endless problems that you’re not actually able to build your business in the first place.
There is nothing more frustrating than being stuck in that cycle!
You know deep down that if you could just figure out the “missing piece,” everything else in your business would click into place and you’d see big-time growth.
You’d get more clients, make more money, and spend more time helping people (you know, the parts of your business you love!).
Unfortunately, we all know that finding that missing piece is easier said than done.
How do you really know what you’re doing wrong? How do you know what you should be doing instead? There’s so much information out there; it’s impossible to take it all in and connect the dots in a really useful way.
There’s a Better Way
If you’re feeling a bit lost, unsure, deflated, or exasperated about where your business is right now, you’re not alone.
When things get hard, it’s normal to second-guess yourself, your plans, your goals, and your abilities. You probably also assume you’re doing something (or many things!) completely wrong.
The natural thing, of course, is to check out what’s working for everyone else. However, as I’ve mentioned before, comparing yourself to others and thoughtlessly following trends are not great business strategies.
You could, for example, end up writing website copy and offers that fail to speak to your target market, which means you won’t be able to connect and the offers won’t sell. Or you might scatter your energy around so much that you finish each day feeling frustrated that you didn’t accomplish anything tangible.
In cobbling together bits and pieces of what others are doing for their businesses, you’ll never have a clear map to help you get where you want your business to go.
What if I told you that the reason you’re running into problems isn’t because you’re doing things wrong? What if I told you there’s another reason it’s not working and an easier way to solve this mystery?
The First Easy Step to Solving Your Problem
This is usually where I give you some strategies for getting back on track, but this week I know that one-size-fits-most advice is not going to cut it.
Don’t get me wrong: I have A LOT to say about how to grow your businesses and achieve the kind of success you’ve only dreamed of! But to help you with where you are right now, I need your help.
Where are you struggling most?
Take a minute right now to think about what’s really tripping you up the most in your business.
Maybe you’re struggling with creating an offer people will actually buy, or maybe you’ve changed your offers and opt-ins again and again (and again!) without getting any real traction.
Perhaps you know your website copy isn’t as outstanding as it could be, but – despite reading 101 blog posts on copywriting and knowing theoretically how to fix it – you just can’t seem to make it really speak to your target client.
Or maybe you’re struggling with overwhelm, tired of spinning your wheels, or just plain lost when it comes to knowing the next step forward or how to take that step successfully.
Or it could be something else entirely. (There truly are so many stumbling blocks we as business owners need to get past on the road to success.)
Whatever is holding you back, I would love to help you find the answer you need.
Fill me in so I can help
Leave a comment below telling me what you think is stopping your business from catapulting ahead.
What is your biggest business obstacle right now?
What do you feel you should be doing better?
What do you think might be your next step should be?
What worry or fear keeps you from taking it?
Share your thoughts, then stay tuned for next week’s post, where I’ll be sharing some insightful solutions to the very issues you’re identifying here.
Right now, it takes a lot of time and energy to write a post, or an offer, or copy for any page, and then to have to create all the tweets and schedule all the Facebook posts, generating links, making sure the newsletter is tight and all the links are right. Just all of that for the little return, few clicks and even fewer leads overwhelms and disappoints me. I don’t have the money to put into my business without the clients, so it’s all on me. I know what it takes, I’m not sure I’ve got it.
Creating more engagement is something I could be doing better.
Since I create marketing strategies and execute for clients, there is a lot of work involved. From a creative perspective and execution perspective. I feel that I am drowning in work, and I often find myself working at 2AM. Worse, I don’t have time or energy to focus on creating content for MY business, in order to position myself as an expert. I know I need to hire someone – 1) I feel kind of embarrassed to have to hire someone to do what I do for my business 2) I can’t really justify it economically. However, the point of having my own business is to enjoy what I am doing and right now, it is turning out to be more suffering than enjoyment, so I think I will test out the economic loss for a period of time and see if it pays off. Finally, I want to do more creative work (strategy) and meeting people face to face to network, but find myself often sitting in my home office to finish off all of this small bits of work. My mind chatter won’t stop with the to-do list unless I cross things off my list…
Hi Jenny!
I have lots of exciting ideas. Maybe too many! Or at least I haven’t really prioritized them correctly. I seem to be on the brink of being able to pull them off content-wise and tech-wise. But something always seems to happen – either I hit a tech obstacle that I can’t solve, or my creative juices run low that day I had time, or I get interrupted by family. And what I end up left with are a bunch of not-completed projects – and no income. ugh.
Hi Jenny,
I know how to connect really well with people in person, and often clients hire me after a 5 minute conversation. I don’t know how to do that online, both in terms of effective copy and on terms of getting myself in front if enough people.
Overwhelm is my big problem — specifically, the scattered, frazzled, discouraged kind of overwhelm that comes with trying to build my business while also juggling the day job that keeps a roof over my family’s heads.
Hi Jenny,
Love this post and have to admit that I am looking forward to the advice you will be giving out in the near future, in response to the problems expressed by people on this page (hopefully including mine x).
Although I have a few issues running my blog or online business…. My biggest issues are…
1. How do I build the RIGHT audience in the fastest way possible, who will value what I am offering and will be, dare I say it, happy to pay me for my valuable work? I’m not knocking giving valuable info away for free, but I seem to be attracting freebie seekers that don’t want to pay for my expertise, skills or knowledge.
2. How can I build a popular blog online without social media?
3. How do you fight the internal resistance you feel when it comes to putting yourself out there? I have all these great ideas of what I want to do but then find reasons to self-sabotage or not do the work. Procrastination kicks in big time…
Thx for taking the time to read my questions and look forward to more amazingly helpful advice and insights from you in the future.
Hey, Jenny!
I feel that my greatest challenge right now is getting the traction that I need and bringing in the first few clients. I’ve been spending lots of time on Social Media, lots of positive interaction, but the response has been slow. Any thoughts on that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
I am really struggling with sales. I’m so frustrated that I can’t seem to be able to get to the right people and tell them in an effective way why they will benefit from working with me. I also get really down when I try to sell and fail. That bogs me down too.
Hi Jenny! Thanks for your weekly postings, they are super helpful while I’m trying to launch my VA/OBM business. And speaking of that, my #1 struggle is two-fold – time and fear. I’m still at my ‘regular’ office job, so my time is limited. I know that if I left that to focus solely on my own business I’d have way more time and energy to devote to doing the work that I most want to do (and is also most energizing!). But, the fear of not having a steady paycheck and potentially not being able to pay the bills for a month (or more) keeps me stuck in limbo, like I’m really to leap but because I don’t see the landing pad, I stop myself.
I watched your video and it was very good. One question I still have.
Is an emailed testimonial form spelling out uses and personal info via return email a “legal” authorization? It will have a “from” header but not a written signature. Thanks, Randy Widen
Randy – What video are you referring to? Do you mean this one?
If you are, as far as “legal authorization,” that would be something you’d have to talk with a lawyer about — not my expertise. Personally, I ask each person’s permission before using their words on my site simply out of courtesy.
Yes. That is the video.
To trim down my question…Does a sent by me email permission form filled out by the person with the testimonial (included) and returned to me via email be permission to use the quote?
the return email would have their date and from documentation electronically.
Again, unfortunately, that’s not something I can advise on. It’s a decision you’ll need to make for your business. Personally, I ask each person’s permission before using their words on my site simply out of courtesy.
The quote would be used in off line marketing in a direct mail piece.
i have a fairly big list of subscribers but i had a baby (and got overwhelmed, not to use the baby as an excuse) and haven’t written a blog post in so long. I’m still getting people to sign up for the newsletter, but i don’t know how to reach out to past people/ new people. I want to start blogging but i’m still unclear as to what i should be blogging about.