Someone once said that I wasn’t “edgy enough” to be successful. That I needed a more extreme personality to stand out online.
(That same person, incidentally, makes far less than I do and can be mean as fuck.)
And truth be told, I’ve been given a lot of reasons why I’ll never “make it” very far.
I’m not very attractive. (Been kinda funny looking since day 1.)
Or beautiful. Or sexy. Or fashionable. Or supermodel skinny. Or photogenic.
I’m really shy, though some days I can’t shut up.
I’m not very funny.
I usually run from difficult conversations, but other times I can be too blunt for my own good.
I don’t have “connections,” I suck at networking, and I hate asking for favors.
I’m quirky and awkward and often trip over my own words.
I’m not popular on Instagram and can’t even take a good photo of my ridiculously adorable dog.
I don’t live a glamorous life, wear glamorous clothes, own a glamorous home, or take glamorous vacations.
I’m constantly terrified I’ll say or do something wrong, piss someone off, or make someone not like me.
I have an engineering degree, not a marketing one. Or a writing one. Or anything relevant to what I do now.
Some days my brain simply doesn’t work. Other days my mojo doesn’t flow. Lyme disease has left its mark on my body, mind, and spirit.
My thinking can be downright shitty, and my emotions are often whacked.
All in all, I don’t have much going for me.
Yet I’ve learned that none of this really matters.
So at the beginning of every day, I say, “Fuck it. This is what I want, and I’m going to make it happen.”
Even if I’m a little odd-looking, un-glamorous, and geeky.
Even if I’m afraid, shy, and awkward.
Even if I’m not edgy.
Because I get to choose.
I get to choose to show up, take action, take risks, put myself out there, find the best damned photographer I can find, make peace with my oddities, and make shit happen anyway.
You can, too.
I don’t care what you’ve been told or how you perceive yourself.
I don’t care what anyone once thought of you or how fancy (or unfancy) your home is.
I don’t care if your parents were rich or poor, friendly or cruel.
I don’t care what brand shoes or handbag you have or how many followers you have on social media.
All I care about is YOU being yourself, doing your thing, and doing it the best way you know how to do it.
Because if you do that — everything else falls into place.
Forget who you should be. Be who you are. Do your thing. Make shit happen.
The End.
Your turn: Sound off below.
Love this, Jenny. It’s so you. It’s why we hear your voice above all the noise. I liked you for all these reasons the first time I encountered you and I like you these years later for the same reasons. You’re always Jenny. xo
I hear your voice saying this comment, Jan. Made me smile big time. You’re a bright shining light who helps others see what’s inside of them. xo
This post and you are both awesome!!
Thank you!
One more thing, Jenny. You forgot to mention all the things you are. There are so many of those. Though you were making another point and I’m taking this off track, it reminded me that we do that. And we forget to think of all that we are.
As you were.
Of course you’d notice that, too, Jan. You’re right, we do easily forget who we ARE, drowned out by all we are not.
You are absolutely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!
Thanks for being exactly all this.
Thanks for being real.
Thanks for showing the way.
Thanks for being such a über-superstar coach.
And thanks for being an even more über-superstar human being.
I can totally relate to all the insecurities and doubts, and could probably triple the list, but it’s thanks to you – your drive, your advices, your passion and your genius – that I’ve taking action. You made me believe it’s possible, no matter what – once you decide and take action. And – have a coach like you. <3
We are all big balls of insecurities, aren’t we? It’s human nature, I guess. But human nature is also embracing our awesomeness — and you have that in spades. Can’t wait to see you share it with the world!
<3 <3 <3
LOVE this. You rock Jenny!
Thank you!!
The greatest power I discovered was the power of choice, it has made all the difference. Fuck it works too!
Great post, mainly cuz it was like you were describing me.
Haha! Choices or “Fuck it” — they do both work well! 🙂
Love you – love this! Keep telling it like it is – that’s what we want to hear. And thank you.
Thank you. I promise to!
The right words at the right time. That’ all I need to say.
I love when that happens!
Thankyou xx
Thank you, Sharon! Please share with anyone else who might need to hear this message. All women can use a boost from time to time! 🙂
Wow. Thank you so much for sharing this. Came at a time when I really needed to hear it.
You’re welcome. Big hug!
You’re spectacular.
Exactly because you’re what you are.
You’re honest, you’re driven, you’re caring. And you’re competent.
That’s what matters. That’s ALL that matters.
*** I can relate to almost everything on your list, including the engineering degree. And I’m inspired by your drive, passion, and persistence.
Thank you, Marina!! Drive, passion, persistence — they are three qualities that take us far! Especially paired with caring and competence. Big love to you!
Ha! I love this post! I just have to say out of all of the coaches and all of the programs I have been exposed to since I did my coach training I have spent the most money with you, Jenny, for precisely ALL the reasons you mention as your downsides in your post. I recommend you without hesitation to anyone whereas I would feel embarrassed recommending some of the more lifestyley coaches who have kind of cheesy, cutesy, glitzy personas that are very manicured. There! I said it.
Your advice is rock solid and you care about the outcome and are not promoting yourself over what you promise. Frankly,I am extremely turned off by ‘rock star’ ‘bad ass’ ‘bitch’ coaches, I have to say probably to the point where I am missing good content. It’s your unique style that is your USB and it’s precisely why I am here.
Thank you, Lydia! For your trust and referrals to friends — I really appreciate it!
I believe actionable, realistic content beats out *jazz hands* fancy stuff any day, and real results speak for themselves!
Thanks for being here!
This is the best email I have received in my inbox for a long long time – I read it to the end and commented! Thank you and have a great weekend you are a gem and that’s a fact 🙂
So glad, Ady! I wrote it last night and told my assistant, “Send this first thing in the morning!” The powers that be knew it needed to be shared asap. 🙂
Ahhhh, yes, this! Haven’t read much email this past month. Glad I stopped to read this. Thanks! (And amen)
Thank you, Laura! So glad you stopped to take it in, too. You have that special *something* and loads to share with the world. <3
I’m glad you showed up and decided to be yourself. I tried to fit in once upon a time and it didn’t get me very far. Thankfully I stopped and now I’m just me.
It’s an exhilarating feeling to be yourself! <3
Pretending to be someone else doesn’t work that well, does it?! Glad you’re sticking with being you, Aradia!
Mic drop!
Fucking brilliant! Just the kick up the arse I needed right now.
This is why I adore you.
Thank you, Marlowe!
I HEART YOU! You are the best!
Thank you ! <3
You effing ROCK Jenny!! Thanks so much for sticking it out so that you could bring your gifts to the world and to me! You’ve made such a difference.
You rock, too, Renee! you keep up your great work and making a difference for your clients, too! xo
I LOVE this Jenny! I can so relate to this 100% and this gives me hope! Thank you for sharing your quirky side, your fears and insecurities and how you overcame all the people who put you down and told you all the reasons you could not do it. You are living proof that what you believe you can achieve. You’re an inspiration!
Yes, YOU can achieve your goal when you believe in what you want and go after them with tenacity and determination. No matter what, go after what you want. You deserve it!
I have never responded to an email or post before… but, I totally related to this one. LOVED it. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for letting me be your first! So glad you enjoyed it, and I hope to see you back weekly!
Love this – it is more powerful to just be yourself than try to be a stereotype that goes against being authentic! Thank you for the inspiration 🙂
So well put, Joanne! Thanks for sharing!
I love everything about you!!! Keep being YOU!!!
And btw…a lot of us can resonate with you!!!
Ah shucks, Mindy. Thank you. We are all so similar in this world, aren’t we? 🙂
Love this Jenny and by the way you rock! I think about my own priorities often and how “weird” my sense of time is especially for a productivity coach and how rigorously I want to keep as much of it happy and relaxed as possible. After all, we became entrepreneurs why? To be able to march to the beat of our own drumroll.
Exactly! We became entrepreneurs… why? To enjoy life! So let’s do just that!
I don’t know, I met you once and I was awe struck. I think you’re pretty and wicked smart! I had to have encouragement from others to just approach you. Your confidence is what’s stuck with me the most… in what you do, and what you have to share with “us” weird, shy, quirky, not so popular on Instagram people that are about being in a biz that makes us fucking happier than being “normal”. Great article, thanks for being you. Now on to being “me” and rock at what I do best!
YES YES YES, Trisha! You keep being YOU and do you what you do best.
And thank you for your kinds words. The mean the world <3
Its way past my bedtime but something said – just go check her blog.
I’m so fucking happy I did.
Spot. On. I feel exactly the same way. Incidentally, I have a PgDipSci. in Marine Science, and BSc. in Zoology & Geography, but I now work as a web designer and tech assistant.
Love love love. Thank you for your courage my sister!