On Tuesday, I got an email from a client that had me both thrilled and infuriated.
It threw me into a tornado of equal parts deep satisfaction and wild fury.
Here’s what happened.
Kate (not her real name), an early enrollee for the fall Make It Work Online program, sent a message to my assistant thanking me for her early enrollment bonus, a made-by-me-specifically-for-her jumpstart action plan. Basically, she got a personalized guide to help her make massive progress before the program begins in September.
Upon receiving and reviewing her plan, she wrote back:
“I am SO impressed that the personalized action plan really IS ME-specific!!! I’m SUPER-DOUBLY excited now!!”
I’m thrilled that she’s thrilled.
But I was also totally pissed! (Not at Kate, of course.)
You see, this happens a lot.
I get emails from clients, squealing with delight, saying things like:
“I didn’t totally believe you when you said you’d make sure I got an answer to every single question. But you are, and I love it!”
“I didn’t actually think I’d get feedback on MY homework assignment, and I am! WOW, it’s helping so much!”
“I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t believe you when you said you’re with us every step of the way. I’m blown away. Thank you!”
I’m always thrilled when I receive these kinds of messages.
And I also throw a tantrum, thinking, “Why didn’t they believe me?!”
But it’s not about THEM. Nor is it about me.
Instead, it speaks to the current state of the online industry.
It means business owners are selling impossible promises and over-inflated results.
It means marketers are putting their bank accounts above your best interests.
It means you’re left slightly skeptical of everything and everyone.
I get it. I don’t trust everything I read, either.
So I use this as fuel. I use the times I’ve been burned to challenge myself to deliver to higher standards for you.
Because YOU deserve higher standards!
This is why:
- I don’t make promises I don’t intend to keep.
- I don’t inflate client results.
- And I sure as hell don’t tell you I’m going to give you a personal plan and not make that plan personal!
So when people learn about my programs or the work I do, sometimes they don’t 100% believe what I say. Not because I’m a liar or have proven myself untrustworthy.
It’s because some in the industry have lied and proven themselves untrustworthy.
One bad apple can spoil the cart, as they say.
What kind of industry do we operate in that business owners feel the need to inflate their results, over-promise what you’ll get from their programs, or even trick or shame you into buying their latest course?
Not an industry I want to be a part of. Nor one I think you want to be a part of either.
So what do I do?
I hold steadfast to my uncompromising standards. To my personal integrity.
I deliver on my exact promises to you, word for word.
Personal means personal. Individual means individual. An answer every question means an answer every question.
No wiggle room. No exceptions.
Even though there will always be business owners who market in the gray zone, I refuse to play that game.
My word is more important than another buck.
My promises to you and to my clients are more important than becoming famous faster or getting richer quicker.
You deserve better. Way better.
You deserve uncompromising standards and the highest integrity from whomever you hire, whatever program you join, or whatever course you purchase.
End of story.
No exceptions.
Speak your piece below.
I have to say that I have started hesitating about everybody in the online industry and I have decided to take distance in the last months. It simply cannot be that everybody is so fantastic as they all claim to be…not to talk about the prices they ask.
I am back to offline strategies now.
Thanks for your email Jenny, it is important to know that not everybody is totally honest in this business.
I’m sorry you feel like you need to leave the online world, though it’s important to listen to your own internal guidance on that. I want to clarify that lack of integrity certainly isn’t limited to online businesses. It can happen in any business type or in any industry, and with any human! I’m simply brining attention to my own frustrations with the industry I’m in. The main lesson here is to hold steadfast to your own standards in business and know what you stand for. At the end of the day, that’s all we can do. You do you, and leave everyone else to be themselves.
Fantastic post today. Love the message, makes total sense. I am also frustrated with the online industry fake-outs. We all deserve so much better! Thank you Jenny, you rock.
Yes, you all do! <3