This is part of a series of posts about how to make your ideas actually happen.
Figure out the Steps
Bring Order to Chaos
Ask for Help
Conquer Your Fear
Get It Done
Figure out the Steps
Once you’re clear on your idea, it’s time to figure out the dozens (or millions) of tiny tasks required to make your idea actually happen.
Start with a brain dump. Using an index card to capture each tiny task, write down every single thing you can think of that needs to be done in order to make your idea actually happen. (Yes, this means you could go through an entire package of index cards for one project.) Don’t censor. Don’t worry if you don’t actually know how to do each task.
This step is important, so write everything down on its own index card.
Ask clarifying questions. For each task (each index card), ask yourself several questions to make sure you’ve adequately narrowed down the task. (For more details on breaking down tasks into tiny steps, refer to my Idea Flight Kit) Use these questions as guidelines.
What kind?
How many or how much?
Which one?
These questions are important because they will help you tease out more tasks that may need to be done. We often over look tasks in the initial planning phases, and the more we can outline the tasks to be completed at the beginning of the project, the easier things will go later on.
Here’s an example. Let’s say you want to use an online class forum or group. You wrote down “set up class forum” as one of your tasks. Well, what kind of forum? If you already know what kind of forum, change your task to say “set up class forum” for whatever kind of forum you chose. If you don’t know what kind of forum, then this one task (index card) needs to be replaced by multiple ones, such as (1) research class forum options, (2) decide on class forum, and (3) set up class forum.
The more detail, the better
It may seem counterintuitive, but the more you can break down tasks into a greater number of smaller tasks now, the better off you’ll be in the long run. You see, once you get to the doing part of making your idea actually happen, having smaller and more discrete steps will make the doing easier. Don’t be afraid of adding 6 more index cards where you originally had one. Every time you do that, you are making it easier to make progress later. Have I emphasized this point enough?
After you complete this step, you will have a large pile of index cards (tasks, or maybe it feels like chaos). Take a deep breath. You’re on your way.
Next up: Bring Order to the Chaos. I’ll show you how to put them in order, so you will always know what step is first, second, third, and last. This is my favorite part.
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