Almost a month ago I wrote about capturing ideas in the shower. If you missed that one, you must check it out, especially if you ever get a good idea in the shower and lose it after you step out.
Today I’m going to share my tip for keeping track of your ideas and inspirations when you’re out and about.
My favorite out and about tool for capturing ideas is a mini Moleskine notebook. I have a stack of them and I don’t think Moleskine sells them anymore. Here is a good alternative.
I keep one in my purse at all times. My purse goes almost everywhere with me.
My husband keeps one in his jacket pocket or back pants pocket. I capture to-dos, ideas, reminders, and random stuff in that little notebook. It’s a life saver.
Get one. Stop losing those good ideas when you’re out and about!
I love mini moleskins and carry them around too. Another great place for ideas is Evernote. I have it on my iPhone — love it!