When I was first getting started online, I was hungry to make my business work. But truth be told, I had no idea how to make it happen.
I only knew two things:
1. More than anything, I loved the freedom and the challenge that came with being an entrepreneur.
2. There was no way I could go back to my corporate job.
In other words, I was committed to making my business work, even though I had no idea how.
Fast-forward to today, 20 months after the launch of jennyshih.com.
I realize how fortunate I’ve been to create a successful, sustainable business. I love my work, my clients, my income (I hit 6 figures in 18 months), and the freedom and challenges that come with self-employment. I could easily take it all for granted if I weren’t careful. But I don’t want to do that–take it all for granted–because I know that it wasn’t easy to get here.
So what got me here, anyway, besides the all-too-obvious blogging, list-building, and marketing?
While stranded in New York City during Hurricane Sandy, I had a few technology-free days to think about that question. I also thought about the success of my closest entrepreneur friends and some of the big-names in the internet world.
What makes someone successful in the first place? What can they do to ensure their future success? What traits can others adopt to also be successful?
In pondering these questions, I uncovered five must-have success traits, and I’m excited to share them with you today.
Warning: Choosing to embody these traits eliminates any excuses for you not to be successful in your business.
5 Must-Have Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
Here are the five must-have success traits I found when digging into the above questions.
The good news is that if you’re not living up to these standards right now, you can turn it around simply by deciding this is who you want to be and how you want to act. It’s in your hands.
Trait #1 – Showing Initiative
Initiative is essential to growing a successful business, whether you’re working with a coach or plugging away on your own. Don’t wait until someone tells you what to do or gives you permission to do something in your business. You likely know the next thing you need to do to start or grow your business, so go make it happen. You are in charge of your business, so act like it!
Success step: Look at how you’re operating in your business. Is there any area where you are waiting for someone to tell you what to do? Is there any area where you’re waiting for permission to move forward? Instead of waiting, decide what needs to happen, and go make it happen!
Trait #2 – Always Learning
From the moment you start your business until the day you close it, you must keep learning. Successful entrepreneurs are always looking for the next set of skills they need to grow their business. They don’t wait for someone to tell them what to learn. Instead, they look ahead to spot their knowledge gaps, then seek ways to close those gaps.
Success step: Take a look at where you want to go in your business. What is the next thing you need to learn to move your business forward? What training can you take to close that gap? Determine what you need to learn and how you’re going to learn it. Then go close that gap!
Trait #3 – Taking Action
There is no doubt that taking action leads to success. You can’t create a business by only thinking about it. At some point, you need to put all of that creative energy into motion. You must to take action. Successful business owners don’t just think and think and think about their business; they take action and make things happen.
Success step: Where in your business are you spending too much time thinking and not enough time implementing? Where are you trying to think your way to success? Pinpoint one area in your business where you can stop thinking and start taking action. Then go take action!
Trait #4 – Willingness to Make Mistakes
Taking action can be scary, especially when you’re trying something new. This is why successful entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to make mistakes. They realize that everything they do will not be perfect, but they don’t let that hold them back from moving forward.
Success step: Where in your business are you afraid of making a mistake? Is perfectionism holding you back? If you’ve gathered all the information you can and done your best work with what you know, then it’s time for you to just to go for it. Remember my 80-percent-is-good-enough rule to get yourself moving.
Trait #5 – Embracing Determination
There are very few people, if any, who hit the success jackpot on the first try. Most business owners will make mistakes, experience setbacks, and hit plateaus. Determination is what separates an average business owner from a successful one. Tweet that! A successful entrepreneur takes success into her own hands and pushes forward regardless of what gets in her way.
Success step: Be honest: how determined are you to be successful? Are you willing to do whatever it takes? If you’re not willing to really go for it, consider whether entrepreneurship is right for you. (It’s okay if it’s not. It’s not right for everyone.) If you’re willing to do what it takes, but you’ve been a little lax, decide that you’re ready to cultivate the determination required to be successful, then do it. This really is a choice.
Your Turn
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Tell me…
Where do you excel among these five success traits? Where do you struggle?
What other traits have you found helpful in starting and growing your business?
We can all learn from each other, so please share your stories below. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got!
These are all so good, Jenny! I would just add that bringing the attitude of play, experimentation and gamesmanship to each of these is what keeps it all fun for me, and in balance. You’re right – no one hits the jackpot on the first go – and that wouldn’t be fun, would it?
Thanks, as always, for all of these, and in particular, the statement “There was no way I could go back to my corporate job.” I LOVE that!
Great one, Max! Keeping it light and playful and being willing to experiment are definitely great attitudes to have. It’s easy to stay determined if it’s fun!
Thanks for the great blog. For me, I would have to say my struggle is with trait #1 initiative simply because I started my website/business last year as an author with a science background. Until recently I didn’t fully take on who I am as a creative artist, not just with written words, but spoken.
My strengths are being able to engage in the rest of the traits you mentioned. Moving forward I am going to own trait #1 of who I am without having to feel like I need permission or acceptance. I may not have studied English/Literature, but I love what I do. I know what I know and there is nobody else like me ๐ Thanks Jenny!
You’re owning your genius, Sandy, and I love that!
Looks like you’re ready to embrace going for what you want and showing initiative. Awesome! You can do this!
Great tips Jenny! I think along with #3, it’s important to be organized and not procrastinate. It’s easy to “waste the day away” on social media or e-mail – being busy all day but not accomplishing anything meaningful. By having an organized plan of attack, you can make sure you are moving forward and not just “messing around.”
You’re totally right, Pam! It’s easy to waste the day away being busy but not getting anything done. I know I’ve had days like that and see it happen to others, too.
Your point about being organized is great and reminds me of a post from a few weeks ago on always knowing what to work on. https://jennyshih.com/2012/10/steal-this-the-secret-to-always-knowing-what-to-work-on/
Thanks for being here!
Thanks for this post, Jenny. What a great compilation. It is because I know that I have these traits, that I became an entrepreneur. Ever since I was a little kid ๐ .
I struggle with perfectionism (although its getting better, due to sheer time availability, and growing willingness to change!). Double edged sword. I have an eye for design and detail in my blood. It is great because my clients reap the benefits. It is not so good as I may be holding myself back to produce/launch more consistently.
I think that the other mission critical part about becoming an online entrepreneur is to be able to remain openminded. There is so much rapid change and opportunities for improvement, I know from experience that if I catch myself saying “It has to be this way….” then I am on a one way ticket to no-where.
The double-edged sword of perfectionism versus rapid change and new opportunities. That’s a tricky one, Aimee! Balancing both in business is critical and difficult, but if we don’t, we won’t be able to move forward with traction.
Thanks for sharing that one!
These are great, and so true! I definitely would say number 3 is the biggie for me. I would love to think my way to success, but it just doesn’t happen that way. I’ve noticed that whenever I take action in my business, I get more clarity and motivation. It’s energizing!
I’m learning more and more to just DO IT, instead of thinking about it!
Happy Thanksgiving!
You and tons of others, Susan… thinking their way to success. Just know that you’re not alone!! I LOVE that you see that taking action leads to clarity. I believe in that wholeheartedly and preach it all the time!
LOVE THIS: Do it instead of think about it!
Thank you for these reminders Jenny!
I would have to say that the place where I excel is in Trait 3. I’m a big action taker when my head and heart are aligned, however I am conscious that I need to strengthen Trait 1 about permission. I’ve been afraid to give myself permission to totally change directions in my business for fear of being “too specialized” or losing the clientele that knows me for what I did before. I’m letting that go right now as I write this!
****Advice to other entrepreneurs who struggle with action and perfectionism, I would suggest this:
Instead of perfect (which truly doesn’t exist), go for DONE. Nothing opens up our creative channels than moving forward, even if it’s just a baby step. We often want the entire script of what to do but really, we’re just sometimes given the next 1-3 steps from our intuition. Follow those and you’ll get more steps!”
Thanks Jenny!
Love, Diana Dorell
Relationship Intuitive | Helping entrepreneurial women find love and harmony in their relationships and kick ass using their intuition!
You totally are an action-taker, Diana! You go out and DO IT, and I love that about you!
I know it can be difficult to give up a niche or change directions, but every time I’ve taken a bold step in a new direction in my biz, it’s always paid off. I listen to and follow my intuition, and it’s spot on. I bet you know the same holds true for you ๐
I love your advice for those struggling with perfectionism. When I get “instructions,” it’s usually just the next step or two, which can be crazy-making. But if I listen and follow, then I get the next few steps. Following the breadcrumbs always works out!
Thanks for being here!
Hi Jenny,
These are great and so concicely worded. I have all these traits but struggle with organizational challenges and prioritizing. Your writing has helped me clarify what I need to change. I can see from the way your online system works and your website takes readers through the process, that I can improve my business a LOT by creating a clear system for readers of my site that want to apply for a service dog. I need to address my target audience more clearly. I need to make the application process crystal clear and make it require less phone time and hand holding time. I need to make it clear, simple exciting and friendly for readers. Can you help me make these changes? I am not computer savvy!
Love that you can see how you can make changes to your business to make it that much better, Leslie! You’ve got a great list started, and yes, I can totally help you!
Jenny, you nailed it again, thanks for the reminder that my sister Joyce and I are not alone as we continue to build our brand Shoe Banter. The one characteristic I struggle with is not being afraid to make mistakes. Because we’re so dependent on the internet and social media I worry about bad grammar, or, not being as articulate as I wish, and as we know, once anything you write is posted, you can’t delete it. But, I’m learning fast and furiously. Just participated in an eBooks workshop and as they said, – the technology is changing as we speak. I’m keeping the momentum forward, but – is fast not fast enough?
It’s true that once you post something it’s up, but you can totally edit any page or post. I’ve found typos in old posts and gone right in and edited them. Even the “published” is not published forever online. That’s one thing that’s awesome about the internet!
However fast you’re moving is totally fast enough, I promise! We each move at the rate we move at. ๐
You can edit old posts? I never knew that, it’s probably easier then I think to figure out, thanks for letting me know. And thanks for the comment about – we move at the rate we move, etc. Perfect, – I feel much better, because sometimes I get overwhelmed. Thanks Jenny!
Yes, you totally can! At least on WordPress. As long as you don’t change the blog post URL, everything works just fine. Just go into the post list and click “edit” for the post you want to edit.
Glad the other thing helped, too!
hi jenny
thanks so much for all you do! sorry to bother you here ๐ but i cannot find the post/ sign up for your wonderful free training (a business you love).. i have been looking for it! can you please post the link? thanks!
You got it.
And you are always welcome to post questions on my facebook page: http://facebook.com/jennyshihpage We’ll get you whatever you need!