It’s no secret: when it’s time to get a new business off the ground, the first instinct most entrepreneurs have (myself included) is to copy the people we admire most.
Now, when I say “copy,” I don’t mean literally — though that happens, too. I mean, we look at successful people and try to follow their steps to the letter. The logic is, “It worked for them, so if I do it exactly like that, it should work for me, too.”
Unfortunately, that’s not how success happens, but it took me way too long to realize it!
Back when I started my life coaching business, I thought if I mirrored what the big players did, I would grow the same way they had. I’m really good at playing this game, so I assumed I’d make it big, fast!
I saw them Facebooking regularly and making Friends with everyone. So I did that.
They blogged weekly, so I upped the ante and did it twice a week!
They sent newsletters. I sent newsletters.
They offered classes and products. I offered classes and products. (Though mine didn’t sell very well!)
But for all my copy-catting, my business just didn’t blossom the way I’d hoped it would. It was so frustrating.
And the worst part was that I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working. I thought I saw how it all was supposed to fit together, but I just didn’t have the results they did. I was baffled.
The Missing Piece
In reminiscing about my early days in business with a friend, she pointed out how we thought that success was just a matter of mimicking the greats. After all, they had the big money, the big lists, and the four-figure program prices – they were perfect models to follow.
We thought that if we just did what they did, we’d be set. But it didn’t work.
The problem was that we were only seeing part of the picture.
She compared it to looking at a fancy car without knowing a single thing about cars. While we could appreciate the sleek exterior with its perfect paint and shiny chrome, we had no clue that there was an engine under the hood. And we didn’t even know enough to ask!
In other words, we were copying exactly what we saw the pros doing on the outside without bearing in mind the most important part: an understanding of business and how things run on the inside.
Simply executing tasks did not and will not create success. My early non-success is evidence of that! All of my clients (before they hire me!) are also evidence of this, too.
Sure, being active on social media and building a list are important, but without the understanding of why you’re doing what you’re doing and how to do it properly, all of that action won’t make your business click.
Applying this Missing Piece
So you realize that you can’t just copy the pros and expect stellar results. Then, what exactly do you do?
You must learn and apply sound business theory to all of your actions.
Once you understand the theory — the why and how — and know how to put it into action, your business will start to click into place.
Not sure what I mean by theory? Here are a few examples where we’ve talked about business theory on this blog.
- Why You Shouldn’t Sell Coaching and What to Sell Instead
- 5 Steps to Crafting Your Business Systems
- Are You a Reactive Marketer?
- Avoid Client-Repelling Traps
Understanding the difference between looking at a successful businesses from the outside and looking “under the hood” is crucial. This is the big point I totally didn’t see when I was first starting out. And honestly, most people don’t realize they don’t know it, which is what makes identifying this gap so tricky.
Identifying Your Gaps
So how do you know if you don’t know enough business theory? Start by asking yourself these two questions:
The first and most obvious question is, “Do you know exactly what steps you need to take to grow your business to the level you want to, and do you feel 100% confident you can and will get there?”
Be honest. Are you really on track to making things work? Do you know what you need to do to get from Point A to Point B?
If so, awesome. You understand the theory. If not, it’s a strong signal that learning more business theory is your next step to business success.
The second, more challenging question is, “Do you know why you take certain steps in your business, and can you go 5-why’s deep with each action step?”
For example, why do you blog? To share good content. Why (#2) do you share good content? To build credibility. Why (#3) do you need to build credibility? To establish yourself as an expert. Why (#4) do you need to establish yourself as an expert? So people will trust you. Why (#5) do you want people to trust you? Because if they trust you, they’re more likely to buy.
Did you know all 5 of those why’s for blogging? Could you go deeper? (Hint: I can think of at least 3 more why’s for blogging.)
Can you think through at least 5-why’s for your blog, for your newsletter, for how you craft your about page, for how you’ve constructed your offers, and how you do everything else in your business?
Having a deep, layered understanding of business theory is what creates a successful business. Start digging into how much you really know and identify your gaps. Then, fill them in.
Filling in Your Gaps
Action steps are important, but as you now know, what really matters is understanding of the engine beneath the shiny exterior. Because when you realize there’s an engine, you start figuring out how to assemble your own… and then the car (your business) will actually run! Tweet that!!
So if you’re lacking solid business theory (and how to directly apply it to your unique business), you’re not alone. There’s tons to learn if you want to create and grow a successful business. And as I mentioned above, I share a lot with you on this blog.
At the same time, it’s difficult to fit all of that comprehensive strategy and content into blog posts! This is why I created Make It Work Online, my brand new, three-month coaching intensive for women who are ready to step up and really make their business work.
If you’re thinking, “I could make my business work if I only knew how,” then you’re probably ready to learn a little more theory PLUS how to apply it to your business.
This is how Make It Work is unlike any other business program out there. Most programs only teach you the theory, leaving you struggling to implement the concepts on your own. With this program, I’m going to teach you the theory and immediately help you implement it in your unique business.
Most importantly, Make It Work Online is about results. I’ve done everything I can think of to make sure you know what it takes to grow your business… then actually do it. I believe that you can have the business you dream of, and I’m committed to helping you make it happen.
Registration just opened up yesterday, and it’s not open for very long. Be sure to check it out if you think it might be your ticket to success.
Did You Know There Was an Engine?
Now I’d love to know where you are and where you’ve been in your business.
Are you starting out, like I did, thinking that it’s about the actions, not realizing that the underlying theory is what actually makes your business run?
Have you had your engine epiphany like I did and are now strategically applying the theory to your action steps?
Please share your insights and experiences in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got.
And if the idea in this post is brand new to you and is now stirring up questions, please post those questions in the comments below. I see some free comment coaching coming today….. Let me know how I can help!
I have to laugh Jenny! When I started out I bumbled & fumbled (like we all do) and unknowingly so. But I wasn’t copying anyone else because I was just meandering along trying to figure things out from “nothing”.
Then I started following the heck out of other peeps and tried to implement advice but for me the opposite happened. Many would say: “do X, Y, or Z” without a truly clear reasoning of why, or a vague one. No one ever went more than 1 WHY into why one should do something. So I wouldn’t say I got bad advice, but it definitely wasn’t complete! Which made defining results ultra difficult!
Looking forward to this program!
You nailed it! It’s funny how we all do that! Nothing to be ashamed about for anyone just getting started. That’s how we learn, both as children and as adults. And, in order to really make our businesses go, we need to understand the deeper reasoning.
Oh Jenny, I think you may have just created the very program of my dreams – it all sounds so freaking amazing I have tingles just reading about this. Congratulations on creating this… All I need now is to actually *have* a business that would benefit from this. So jealous of your inaugural participants… 😀
I’ll cross my fingers you can join some time in the future!
Hi Jenny,
While reading your post, I realized that copying without seeing the whole picture is not just done in business.
For example, people who don’t exercise, start out exercising 5 days a week, because this is what their health nut friends do.
Yet the missing piece is…the brain structure. Health nuts’ brains have wired different habits. Exercising 5 times a week is the result of those habits.
Most people don’t see that you need to build the habit of exercise first, even if that is 5 minutes a day, and then expand on how much exercise you do. Instead they jump into doing a lot of exercise right away, and that’s why so many people quit a few weeks later.
Thanks for making this point. It’s all about the foundation underneath indeed.
Interesting example, Maria. I hadn’t thought of that angle before. Thanks for sharing — I know that the more perspectives that are shared here, the more likely it will hit home with everyone reading. Thank you!
It’s so easy for this to happen. Many of those people we admire will even sell us the cookie cutter solution for our business, but showing us what worked for them. I’ve fallen for that too. But after the dust settled & I stepped aside I would realize it was a lot like wearing clothes that look awesome on someone else, but just aren’t me. I think sometimes it’s valuable to go through this experience, even though it can be costly. Because during it, we get so much clearer on who we are (or aren’t) and who we can best serve (or not).
Last weekend I stumbled on a cool tool from that helped me drill deep into the 5 whys of a product I was creating. I hadn’t done that for a very long time (too long), so I loved seeing it again in your post today Jenny!
Another great example, Loralee! We all don’t look good in the same clothes. Love seeing the ways to look at this, so we can find where we’re copycatting instead of being ourselves.
It is definitely valuable to see that it doesn’t work to follow another; totally agree with you on that.
Thanks so much for sharing here today, Loralee! I always love hearing from you!
I’ve caught myself doing this a few times. And, as a writer, I think this trap is especially dangerous. Nowadays, I cringe if I read an old blog post that sounds like I was trying to be someone I’m not. Or if I catch myself saying, “I do it this way because so-and-so does it like that.” That’s the worst reason to do anything, ever.
Yes! Writers (even us non-writers!) can totally get caught in that trap. I’ve had many people copy me, probably unknowingly, and I can imagine I did the same, too. It’s certainly more work to find our own words, but in the end, the dividends are much greater! Nice to see you here too, Nikki!
I love this post. Actually I love pretty much all of your posts, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what you’ve got cooked up for those of us who are already past the “Make it Work” territory.
I find that when I *don’t* question the “why” of what I’m doing, I end up on auto-pilot and don’t see the success I mean to. But when I *do* think of my many many “WHY” answers, then what I do has a ton of success.
I’m at a place where it’s now about the action, and because I’ve made the choice to build this business even while working only about 10-20 hours per week (so I can enjoy being a momma, which I am enjoying for much!!!), it’s about taking the most useful + strategic + heart-centered action possible. I’ve enlisted a mastermind + accountability partner, and that has made all the difference.
The one thing I’m missing for the moment is a fabulous coach, so I hope that you’ll be sharing your other program soon!!
Eva – It’s so fun to watch what you’ve created. You inspire and impress me with your booming business and commitment to being a momma. I love that about you.
I love that you dive into your why and knowing that focusing there brings you to the right place and a ton of success. Experience will do that, as it has for you! Great to see you here!!
Thank you so much for this post Jenny!
One thing that so resonates is that idea of getting so caught up in the actions without being conscious to the WHY behind them.
Just speaking for myself, my business has gone through several massive transformations and in the beginning, what tripped me up the most was that I was operating from my head.
Do this post. Get a public page. Put up a website.
All this stuff is essential to building the biz of course, but things really started to gel when I got quiet, went inside and asked, “Diana, WHY are you doing this?” If I had no answer, I would wait until I got more clear instead of fumbling on because that’s what you’re supposed to do. The result? More energy=more authentic communication=more people wanting to know what I was up to=happy, engaged clients=more money and peace of mind.
ps: Do you tend to get in your head a lot and aren’t sure where to focus next?
I’d love to share a free resource for anyone on here who wants to dig a little deeper into their intuition and know to deal with overwhelm (I still have to practice this everyday!)
Intention is so big!! Knowing the why is so important. Action for action’s sake can only take us so far. I love that you’ve pushed yourself to get more and more clear, seeking out the next right step — and the reason for that step — as you continue to grow.
I can’t wait to see all that you do in the year to come!!
Hi Jenny,
I have to say — I learn something with every post & email I get from you. “What are your next steps?” It’s funny: because of you, I realized i was bypassing the “what/how”, and now I’m doing the same thing with the plan. I know what I need to do. It’s time to visualize. Thank you!
Excellent, Nathalie! Bring it down to action steps every single time. And you’ll get there!