Today is the most chock-full, “here’s exactly what you need to do” post I’ve ever written.
I wrote it for you if you’re frustrated by trying to make your business work and not seeing the results you’ve hoped for.
I wrote it for you if you’re confused about what to focus on, what not to focus on, and what will actually help you get more clients.
I wrote it for you if you’re looking for a success formula to finally get your business moving, get clients, and make money doing what you love.
What I’m sharing with you today is exclusive content I’ve never shared publicly before. This level of detail has been reserved for my clients – simply because I felt like it was too much to put in a single blog post.
It’s time to stop worrying about giving you too much at once and give it all to you anyway!
If you’re looking for a formula for business success, here it is. No strings attached. Nothing held back.
My First (Failed) Success Equation
When I first started, I wanted an equation, so I created one.
It was something like this: X clients + Y classes + Z products = desired income.
I thought that if I knew what to offer to generate the income I needed to replace my corporate salary then everything would work out okay.
As you may have read in my failure story from a few months ago, this equation was a total flop.
Since then, thankfully, I’ve found a formula that actually works for both me and my clients, consistently and reliably.
The Success Formula That Actually Works
Here’s what I believe deep in my bones:
If you follow this formula, you will make your business work.
At the same time, this formula is not a crystal ball. And it’s not a promise of a particular quantifiable monetary success by a certain date.
Instead, it’s an approach that teaches you how to create remarkable, lasting results in your unique business.
But you have to do the work to see those results. You have to stick with it. And you can’t do it half-assed. Half-assed doesn’t mean half-results; it means no results.
Go all in, or don’t bother. Tweet that!
If you’re really ready to go for it in your business and if you’re ready to shoot for the success you’ve been dreaming of, here’s the formula you’ve been looking for.
There are several parts to my success formula, and I’ve outlined them for you here.
1. Setting the Foundation
In order to create success in your business (meaning, make money!), you have to have a solid marketing foundation in place. To have a solid foundation, you must:
- know your target client inside and out, including her biggest frustrations and deepest desires*
- have a clear offer than she can buy (not by-the-hour coaching, but something tangible and specific)
- have an opt-in offer that solves her most pressing problem, so she can get a taste of how you can help her
- have a page on your website dedicated to your opt-in offer so you can send guest post and social media traffic to it to build your list
- set up an email list with an email service provider to capture new subscribers (I use and love Aweber.)
- have autoresponders set up in your email system so you’re automatically checking in with subscribers and letting them know how you can help them
* Need help figuring out who your target client is? Grab this free guide where I cover this exact topic and why it’s so important for making money doing what you love.
Once these items are done, they’re done (for the most part). This is different from the next category which includes things you need to do continuously.
2. Consistently Offering Great Content and Actively Being of Service
It’s great (and necessary!) to have a website, an opt-in offer, and a paid offer. But simply having those things does NOTHING for your business.
You need to tell the world that you exist; you need to tell the world that you have great things to share; and you need to let people get a taste of you and your work.
To do that, you must consistently offer great free content and actively serve your target audience.
Here’s how to do that:
- blog and send your newsletter weekly
- spend 30 minutes each weekday being of service online
- personally connect with each new email subscriber to learn more about what they need from you and possibly offer them a free mini session
- offer pitch-free mini sessions* weekly to new subscribers and on social media (aim for 1-5 mini sessions depending on how quickly you want to grow your client roster)
- practice authentic self-promotion online** weekly (plan for 1-3 well-written promos)
* Pitch-free mini sessions are something that Kendrick Shope created and teaches in her Authentic Selling® University (formerly Sales School) program and in my Make It Work Online program. They aren’t your typical “sales pitch disguised as a free session” that most coaches teach (yuck!). These truly are a pitch-free, slime-free, genuine, giving sessions where your whole goal is to help your target audience in a bite-sized, 15 minute mini session. This turns onlookers into fans and fans into clients (yes, even though you don’t pitch them during the session — if you learn how to do it right way).
** Authentic self-promotion doesn’t mean simply posting your blog post online. That’s boring! Instead, share it in a way that engages your audience and speaks to them directly. Not sure what I mean? Here’s an example of something I shared in a Facebook group I’m a member of. (It’s longer than most authentic self-promotion posts, but it’s one of my more recent examples.) This is a combination of authentic self-promotion and being of service; honestly, all great self-promotion is in service of others.
You must do these things consistently, daily or weekly as recommended above. Remember, you have to go all in and really commit yourself to making your business work!
3. Expanding Your Reach
Once you set your foundation and you’re consistently offering great content and being of service, it’s time to expand your reach.
If you’re new to business, your reach is probably small. That’s fine! It’s where we all start. To increase your business and your income, you need to grow your sphere of influence.
Here are the action steps you need to take to make that happen:
- comment on others’ blog posts weekly (complete 3-5 thoughtful, well-written comments each week on blogs that your target client reads)
- grow your list with guest posting (shoot for at least 1 guest post published each month on blogs your target clients read)
- grow your list with free calls or webinars (offer one free call or webinar every 2-3 months, or more often if you love doing them)
- join and actively participate in Facebook groups where your target clients hang out so you can be of service to more people by sharing your content, answering their questions, and offering mini sessions
To build your business, you must expand your reach. This means going out into the world where your people are and actively showing up so they get to know who you are and how awesome you are!
You can’t count on Oprah discovering you, but you can count on yourself to spread the word about your own business. Tweet that!
My Personal Recommendation for YouStop Playing It Safe: Why Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Will Lead You to a Highly Successful Business4. Tell People How You Can Help Them
Now you’re really cranking. Once you start doing (and keep doing) everything I’ve listed so far, you’ll be in great shape. More people will learn about the great work that you do, join your list, and follow your work.
But!! Just because people know about you doesn’t mean they’ll hire you! In order to convert people who like you into people who pay you, you need to employ sales skills!
I was doing okay in the sales department several years ago. I had figured out how to host consults fairly well and was having success getting clients to sign up. At the same time, I knew I could be converting better than I was; I just didn’t know how.
This is where Kendrick Shope came into my life and changed everything. She helped me refine my consult process and learn how to follow up in a loving and authentic way. Within 8 weeks of learning from her, I filled a 3 month waiting list and made an extra $10,000 in revenue. Everything skyrocketed after that.
All of the pieces above — parts 1, 2, and 3 — will definitely help you build your business, but to be really successful, you also need to learn about sales.
Learning to sell authentically (ditch the pushy, “you must buy on the phone or you’re a loser” bullshit — that’s nasty!) is the final piece you need to actually make money!
This part of your success formula includes:
- creating, practicing, and implementing a solid consult process (and script!) that you’re comfortable using which also feels authentic and ick-free*
- consistently following-up up with prospects until you get a clear no or a solid yes**
* All sales should be ick-free. It’s a myth that sales is slimy. When selling is done well, it should feel authentic and genuine. If someone is telling you to sell in a way that feels awful to you, don’t do it. Find a better way. As Kendrick would say, there’s always a better way.
** As Kendrick shared with me, statistics state that 50% of all sales are closed in follow-up communication. So if you want to fill your client roster, you MUST follow up… and often you have to follow up several times before someone says yes!
Although the sales list is short, it’s the final step you must take if you actually want to make money! However, you can’t just jump here if you don’t have the other pieces in place. Like all equations, all parts are required to make the formula work.
My Personal Recommendation for YouSteal This! A 3-Step Plan for Putting Yourself Out There5. Rinse and Repeat
To ensure this success formula works, you must keep doing each of these things over and over. And over and over. And over and over. Again and again.
It’s that simple (and that hard!). Discipline, consistency, and follow-through are essential if you want to be successful.
You can’t blog one week and then skip doing it for two months and expect people to remember your name. You have to blog every week.
You can’t hold a consult with someone and not follow up and expect to build your client roster. You have to follow up with every single person every single week until you get a solid no or a definite yes.
You can’t write one guest post and expect to have one thousand new subscribers. You have to keep writing guest posts, month after month. If you don’t actively grow your list, your list won’t actively grow!
But Jenny, this is a lot of work!!
Oh yes, my friend, this business thing is a lot of work, especially when you’re first starting out. (I believe, however, that it’s totally, totally worth it!!)
At the beginning, we put a lot of energy into our businesses, and we put a lot of energy into the world to let others know about our businesses. When we don’t see an immediate return, we think that means it’s not working or won’t ever work. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Although I can’t fully explain the energetics of it, I have seen it enough in my business and with my clients businesses to know that the following is true:
We have to generate a minimum amount of energy in our business then push a minimum amount of energy out into the world before we gain traction.
If we don’t generate enough energy within and don’t push enough energy out, nothing happens.
A lot of women I know work IN their businesses but never put the energy OUT. Others spend their energy focusing OUTward but don’t work on the INside of their businesses. You need both in sufficient quantity for things to click. Tweet that!
So if you feel like you’re doing a lot but aren’t seeing results, check in with these two things.
First, compare your actions with the list above, and get honest about how much work you’re really doing. Are you doing all of those things, regularly, consistently, and with high quality?
Second, see if you’re focusing only INward or only OUTward. Again, get honest with yourself; have you been generating a lot energy in both arenas for a at least several months?
Getting honest with where you are, what you’re doing, what you’re not doing, and where you might be trying to skip part of the equation is important if you want to be successful in your business.
Remember, for the formula to work, you have to be doing all parts of it.
Taking Action
Now that you see the full success formula, are you ready to commit to making your business work?
Declare it by tweeting here!
Then, tell me…
What has worked for you in your business? What hasn’t worked?
Looking at the entire equation, what are you seeing you need to do more of in your business?
Where have you been falling short, and where have you been over-prioritizing?
What other stories do you have to share about your experiences in business?
I am so excited to hear about your experiences, thoughts, and insights in the comments below!!
P.S. I know that there are a lot of entrepreneurs who are struggling to make their businesses work. Please help me help business owners like you by passing this post onto 3 people you know who could use some inspiration and guidance to keep going. Thank you for helping more people get their work out into the world!
My Personal Recommendation for YouThe 3 As of Success: Increase Your Chance of Succeeding at Anything
What an amazing post Jenny! It’s funny how seeing it laid out here really makes me realize where I have been focusing (or not focusing) my energy! This is a really good and really helpful reminder- I sense a new “to-do” list in my future 🙂
The one thing I need to do is to is my opt in offer – I made it a big scary thing in my mind and an elaborate set of videos and have been avoiding it. I might just make it an audio and put it out there!
Thanks for the push in the right direction- great post!
So glad this helps, Krissy! And I’m excited to see you get that opt-in offer out there. I KNOW you have such great things to share with women. Go get to it!!
Jenny – This is so good I am going to print it out and use it as a check list. This is fantastic and true to “Jenny Shih form” truly valuable. Thank you!
Yes — print away and get to work, Sundae! 🙂
Hey Jenny!
Great post. I love the sales part of growing a biz. I think it’s the most important skill a biz owner can learn. I offer free conversations to be of service and help my client arrive at the awareness she needs to know if she needs to get help from me or not. I’m always clear at the start of the session that I might make an offer for her to work with me at the top of the call. And I don’t always make an offer if the client or me as the coach isn’t a fit. Many people who do a free session with me write me later to say thank you (even when it is a no to work together). What I find yucky is disguising a free call as “pitch free” when you have every intention to pitch them in the email follow up. I find that my approach is upfront at every step of the process.
Also I don’t like the term “pitch-free.” Seems to play on the insecurities of so many service providers who think that making an offer is slimy when if done from a pace of integrity, a “pitch” or offer to work with you can be exactly what is needed in that moment. So many service providers don’t make money because they are afraid of making a pitch. So let’s be honest, whether you do it on the call with them or you do it in email follow up, you are making a pitch.
Excuse the typos. I am commenting from my phone 🙂
I find that when it comes to pitching, people can go to either extreme. Yes, a lot of people are afraid to pitch but really need to! You’re right on that one. At the same time, there are other people who pitch too much, and that’s gross to me!
I can understand how you’d think that Kendrick’s approach is yucky, especially since we didn’t really spell out her process. I’ll ask her to chime in and elaborate here. That will help people see how Authentic Selling really is just that: authentic! (No lying required. You’re right — that would be gross!)
The guiding ideal for me and my business is to look to serve from the highest place for the highest good. If that means pitching, I’ll do it. If it means giving without asking for anything in return, I’ll do that.
This all really boils down to what I think is most important:
There are a dozen ways to do everything in business, and it’s up to each business owner to find HER OWN WAY and her own style, learning from everyone and figuring out what works best for them. That’s the only right way 🙂 What you might like, I might not. What I might love, you might hate. And that’s a-okay.
… I’ll go grab Kendrick to clarify her process, just so her take gets a fair shake.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Such a juicy conversation and thank you Amy and Jenny. As far as I know and I could be wrong, but I started using the term pitch free mini sessions a few years ago! This was the basis for how I built my business and Authentic Selling.
In Authentic Selling you learn that everyone has a different tolerance for selling and while Amy, it sounds like you are very comfortable with selling and that allows you to be very comfortable pitching on the phone.
Other business owners have to work up to that level of confidence but those people who don’t make money because they are afraid of the pitch may have genius to share as well. Authentic Selling gives them an opportunity to ease into the process, and allows them to make money without changing who they are at their core.
The real distinguishing factor here is that selling is not sleazy or slimy when it’s done on the phone OR over follow up. Selling is the “exchange of money for a product or service” according to Webster. According to Authentic Selling – pitching someone is nothing more than telling someone how you can help them.
Authentic Selling teaches that the person comes first and engaging with a potential client is more important than making a pitch on the first interaction. I teach my clients and ALL of my pitch free mini sessions are pitch free and that does not mean I am going to sell everyone in follow up- that would be sleazy and feels like lying.
If I see how I can help someone further as a result of a conversation or after I have been of service first in the mini session, I am going to sell them and that is what Authentic Selling is based on. Giving first. Being of service first. Understanding the person and their needs . Offering value to everyone and then pitching the people you can help further.
Authentic Selling is genuine and a piece of my heart on display for the world after selling for over 15 years. A huge thank you to Amy and to Jenny for the opportunity to clarify.
As a graduate of Kendrick’s Sales School, I can say hands down it was one if the best investments I made in my business education in 2014. Authentic is who she is to the core. Her enthusiasm, dedication, energy & passion for serving others is contagious. I have met several coaches who would benefit immensely from her class. There is a distinct difference between “being pitched” and a “pitch-free session”.
Hey Jenny!
This is fabulous, thank you so much. Would love to know why you prefer Aweber over MailChimp. If anyone else has had experience here that would be awesome too!
Love to all,
Aweber all the way. Started with mailchimp but found the interface limiting and some of the options like auto responders go out on the hour rather than right away. I don’t know if I just didn’t au enough with it.
Aweber is worth the money!
I use Aweber because when I started MailChimp was still new and didn’t have some of the features I wanted. I don’t use it now so I can’t fairly speak to it, but I am very happy with Aweber. It works well for small and HUGE businesses, so it’s something you can safely use for a long time to come.
P.S. I am an affiliate, if you choose to use Aweber: 🙂
As usual your post is full of value. 😉
I’m going to print it when I get back from vacation and review it. I’ve done most of thse things. The thing I’ve struggled with is consistency and dividing up my time.
learning is one takes time. ;$
Thanks again!
Consistency is key!! You can do all the things once and not get very far — that’s why Step 5 is so essential!
Have a great vacation!
WOWWW!! such a great post. Full of valuable information.
I’m just starting my business so I can’t give As to your Qs right now but I will print and follow this equation. Thank you so much for this wonderful post!
I hope this gives your business a good jumpstart, Orne! Best of luck!
Thank you so much for sharing this outline! I am setting up Google calendar reminders as we speak to get all of these done each week. You’re a genius!
You’re welcome! Get to it! 🙂
I love this post, thank you so much!
You’re welcome!
Jenny, you are such a star!! I needed one specific reminder/kick in the pants/word of encouragement, and there it is: “over and over. again and again.” Thank you.
YES YES YES Molly!! Over and over. Again and again. ABSOLUTELY!!!
GREAT POST, Jenny! Thanks for this clear, stripped down reminder of all the pieces and how they work together. I’m sure I’ll be referring back to it! I can see that my areas of growth will be in the authentic sales calls and the followup. 🙂
Definitely check out Kendrick’s approach to sales. She changed my business (and my life) when I learned and implemented her Authentic Selling process. She’s a sales genius!
Thanks Jenny! I’ll check Kendrick out.
I second this. Printing this out!
Thanks Jenny!!!
Print away!
This is amazing. I “knew” what I need to do to grow my business — I’ve heard all of these tips before at one point or another. But having it all laid out like this? Incredible. It really highlights exactly where I need to focus more energy! Thanks Jenny!
Also want to chime in about Kendrick — She is seriously amazing. I took her Sales School this year and it completely transformed how I do business. I made more money in 2 weeks than I had in the previous 4 months just by applying the principles she taught. For anyone who doesn’t know her, get on that now! 🙂
You’re totally right! We often “know it” but don’t really realize it. Having it all spelled out to help you was exactly my plan 🙂
Yes, Kendrick is amazing!!
I love the number of people commenting on the post that recommends commenting on blog posts. 😉
Thanks for all this, Jenny!
I’ve found that my business runs best when I have systems in place and I keep thongs simple. It’s so tempting to overcomplicate everything, but consistency is always key.
Haha – on the commenting!
We do overcomplicate things, don’t we! It really is just being consistent and doing the same things over and over (as Molly said!) to get the word out about our work.
Hi Jenny – this was exactly the “check-list” and inspiration I needed today. Especially around consistency and “expanding your reach.” Frankly, it was a very necessary kick-in-the-a$$. My a$$ and I thank you!
Glad it gave you the kick you needed, Susie!
This is such a juicy conversation that I had to jump in. I like the integrity route – we’re all in the business of selling – whatever you call it doesn’t matter. We’re in service to helping our clients transform their lives. Everyone has to feel comfortable doing it their way and in the beginning scripts and handouts help. Kendrick has a great program – her proof is in the evidence. But there isn’t one way.
If you are seeding an upcoming launch, growing your list for the next launch – all while serving that is great but a sale offer will always follow whether to a targeted list or a program opens. It’s what works. Jenny thanks for writing this. I enjoy your point of view.
Yup, I totally agree. We each have to feel comfortable doing it our own way (though we often have to learn more about selling and marketing to find our own way).
Great article Jenny. I am starting out from scratch and made a committed this morning to comment on websites that I visit and where my potential clients may be. I’m almost finished setting the foundations and then its onwards. Loving the ‘Go all in, or don’t bother’ xx
It’s great to pick one to commit to and build from there. Nice job!
This post really lit me up! I took a step back this month because life + business felt cluttered and unfocused. I needed space to grow, process, and develop. Lo and behold, things started flowing so much more easily. And now I have specific steps to start implementing immediately. So so very excited. 🙂
Bravo for taking a step back. That can be hard to do but can also be really important to get you back on track. I’m excited that you’re ready to start implementing right now. Enjoy the list!!
Jenny, this is awesome! Thank you so much for your generosity. I am transforming my business from a local voice studio to more of an online business model that adds life coaching for singers and artists, and this is just exactly the step-by-step advice I’ve been looking for to establish a list and broader client base!
So happy to help, and best of luck with your business transformation!
So true about the importance of consistency!! I will be honest that I often take a week off from blogging myself when the rest of life/business gets in the way, but I need to practice what I preach to clients about consistency. It’s one of those things that often seems like it can be neglected (“oh, no one will miss me if I don’t post until next week”) and that it won’t be a big deal in the grand scheme of things but I think it shows your audience that you are reliable and professional. Thanks for the reminder!
Yes, consistency is so important! We can’t just do things once and expect it to work forever 🙂
jenny!! You did it again. This is an awesome post,filled with goodness. You’ve been piquing my curiosity about Kendrick and Kendrick made me crave working with you, so you’ll see me soon. In the meantime, keep it coming. Quick question: what’s your take on curated content (link a link love post) for your newsletter or one of two weekly posts on your site?
The most important thing is to think about how much content your list can absorb each week. Some people send daily emails; others weekly or even less frequent. There is no one right way. I suggest playing with it and seeing what works for you and your audience.
Thanks Jenny! I am just trying to get started with my business and have confusion written all over my face, so this was super helpful! I’ve just signed up for your e-mails and can’t wait to get your weekly wisdom in my inbox. Now I’ll dive in to your free Business Flight Kit that I just downloaded. Thanks again for what you do and share! <3
So glad!! Follow that list and you can’t go wrong!
Thanks for your support Jenny!
Hi Jenny! This post is gold. I’m working though the steps and am wondering if you could share one of your Facebook authentic self-promotion. The link above took me to an error message. I’ve already started to connect with my ICA on a couple sites and am really enjoying the conversations and community. Great tip! – Jackie
Hi Jackie! Looks like we had a link error when we switched to the new site. The link to the example should work now. Hope it helps!