Last week I talked about how, in order to get clients, you have to put yourself out there and tell the world about your business.
What does putting yourself out there really mean?
It means you have to boldly proclaim your passion, offer your services to those you think you can help, and work your butt off – through the highs, lows, and inevitable screw-ups – until you reach your goals.
Easier said than done, right?
After years working with all sorts of businesswomen, I know as well as anybody how intimidating and downright scary it can be for you to reach out to potential clients.
But I also know that if you don’t overcome this fear, it can totally prevent you from achieving your dreams.
Today, I’m giving you a practical, three-step plan for conquering your dread and anxiety so that you can get to work – and make money – pursuing your passion.
If you’re ready to get clients, keep reading!
Putting Yourself Out There Takes Guts
When it comes to companies that sell products, the most important thing is believing in that product and marketing its features and value to potential buyers. Pretty straightforward, right?
Well, with service-based businesses you (via the service you offer) are the product, so marketing these businesses kind of feels like you’re presenting yourself to the wide world and making a case for your value.
That sounds terrifying! It’s no wonder so many businesswomen get cold feet when it comes to putting themselves out there!
Whether it’s embarrassment or shame around asking for money, a fear of rejection, anxiety about ultimately failing, or an overall lack of confidence in yourself or your abilities that’s holding you back, I can assure you are not alone.
I guarantee that you have what it takes to move beyond all of this, approach prospects with shining confidence, and ultimately fill your client roster.
My Personal Recommendation for You“I’m Not Ready” & Other Lies I Tell Myself: What to Do When You’re Scared Sh*tlessSteal This! Conquer Your Fears in Three Steps
If you don’t currently have the kind of courage it takes to put yourself and your business out there, don’t worry: I have a plan for you!
Step 1. Get really clear on the mission that’s driving you
When you think about your business, are you clear on what you want to accomplish and how you hope to do it?
When you talk about your business, are you projecting excitement, confidence, and a sense of purpose?
If you answered “no” to either of these questions, then this may be the root of why you have a hard time approaching clients confidently.
Start by getting crystal clear on why you started your business, what you really want to achieve, and what success looks like to you. This is why virtually every organization has a mission statement – they matter!
Then tap into the passion that first propelled you to go down this road and demonstrate it whenever and however you can. Expressing the joy and excitement you feel for your business will compound your own enthusiasm, breed the confidence you need to go after clients, and inspire people to hire you.
Step 2. Identify the right people to approach
A big part of having the guts to put yourself and your business out there is doing everything in your power to set yourself up for success. One tried and true way of doing that is by ensuring you’re approaching the right prospects with your message.
The advice I always give my clients is to think about whom, exactly, you want to help and speak directly to them. That’s likely going to be the source of your passion (see above!), and it’s going to give you the clearest idea of your ideal market segment.
The most important thing, though, is that when you approach prospective clients from a perspective of helping, you automatically sidestep any debilitating fears or shame about being overly pushy, desperate, or slimy-salesy (a technical term!).
As my brilliant friend Kendrick Shope teaches, “selling is helping.” By telling people who we think might have the problem we solve about what we do, we’re letting them know that we’re eager and able to help them. Regardless of whether they become a client, we’ve put ourselves out there in a spirit of service – not profit.
Step 3. Know and communicate your value
Once you’re clear on what drives you and know exactly who you want to help, you can tailor your message to speak directly to them.
In crafting your message, you’ll want to use the language of your prospects in describing the problem and how you can solve it. This is your value proposition, and it is so, so important.
Knowing the value you offer via your services and being able to communicate that value clearly, enthusiastically, and sincerely is the last piece of the confidence puzzle. It might take some time and practice to get there, but I know you can do it!
My Personal Recommendation for YouThe “Jargon Trap”: The Reason Prospects Aren’t Turning into Paying Clients & How to Change It FastIt’s Time to Really OWN Your Business!
If you’re ready to shake off the fear and doubt that’s keeping you from shouting proudly about your business from every damn rooftop, the value of the above strategy really cannot be overstated.
Following these steps will not only give you the confidence you need to market your business and approach prospects, but will also put you in the mindset to charge what you’re worth when it comes time to close sales.
However, if you feel for some reason like you’re not really ready to put yourself and/or your business out there, or if you’ve been trying so hard to get clients but nothing is working, you may need a bit more guidance.
And that’s okay!
I want to help you get past whatever is holding you back so that you can get your work out into the world.
Over to You!
Are you ready to OWN your business? First, tweet it!
Then, tell me in the comments…
Are you as excited about your business today as you were when you first started out?
How do you cultivate enthusiasm for what you do?
What are your tips for really connecting with your target market?
What next big marketing push do you have planned for your business?
I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got!
Jenny, I’m actually MORE excited now than when I first started. Because I have a clear vision of what I’m going to accomplish and how that will help hundreds, thousands, millions?!
I’m staying enthusiastic because I’m fully aligned with my purpose and what I want in this life, which is for women to wake up to the possibilities in their life and own their calling.
My next big push is massive content creation that REALLY moves my tribe forward.
That’s what I got into this for and that’s what keeps me fired up.
Creators gotta create, right?
LOVE that you are more excited, Jenna. That’s such a great energy to have. And knowing who you want to help and why is such a big motivator, so I know that enthusiasm only brings to you even better things to you and your tribe.
Sounds like you’ve got great focus on what’s next and what you have to do. Keep going — you’re an inspiration!!
Hi Jenny. I cultivate enthusiasm for what I do by working with clients and aborbing their enthusiasm for what I do. Because of that it’s so important for me to stay intimately connected to my subscriber list, which I’m currently growing via your 1000 subscriber program. I’m working on my freebie offering at the moment, but once that’s in place, I think guest posting is the best way for me to reach new markets. Thinking through right now on how to find the right ones, though I imagine you’ve addressed that in later modules of 1000 subscribers. More than enthusiasm, I’m trying to stay out of fear by focusing on the next small step. It continues to move forward, and that is satisfying. Pretty grateful for your continued coaching.
Such a great idea — use your people’s enthusiasm to fuel your own!
Guest posting is a great idea, and yes, there’s a how-to guide in there for finding the perfect sites to guest post. (Check out module 3 resources.)
And so smart for focusing the next small step. It definitely can keep you out of overwhelm and moving forward. Thanks for sharing!
I really like the reference — “selling is helping.” You are right, sometimes it is hard to market the business when the business is yourself! Especially as women, I think it is a societal norm to not brag, or we are taught that. So it feels uncomfortable to go out and ‘sell ourselves’. Thank you!
Jenny I just found you today! I have found such an extraordinary wealth of intelligent “no fluff” information. I have been on your site at least for the last hour. I’ve joined the Facebook group and look forward to gaining more knowledge from you. Much success to you. To 2019 and BEYOND! Super thank you!
Thank you for taking the time for yourself and your business to keep reading!
I’m so glad you found your way here, Tangela! Yes, “no fluff” is my aim, and I’m so glad it’s landing with you well. Looking forward to sharing as much as I can to support you and your business goals this year and beyond!