When I was first starting out as a career coach for people who hated their jobs, I didn’t have any specialized training in how to build my own business from scratch, and I wouldn’t have claimed at the time to have much “business acumen.”
What I didn’t know then – especially in the dark, scary days of dwindling bank accounts and seemingly endless bills – was that I had everything within me that I needed to make my business work.
Looking back at how I got my first handful of clients for my career coaching business (and how I knew I needed to scrap that first business and start over), I can see early flickerings of the more confident businesswoman I am today.
This got me thinking about how so much of building and running our online businesses is about following our intuition and being bold enough to really go after what we want – especially when it comes to getting clients.
Most of the time that simply means rolling up your sleeves and doing the things you know need to be done to get the money coming in – even if those things aren’t especially comfortable, fun, or glamorous.
If you’re struggling with getting and maintaining enough clients to meet your financial obligations and reach your revenue goals, today’s post is for you.
How I Got My First 5 Clients
When I first started my coaching business, I was pretty confident that I had a lot to offer potential clients. I had a solid base of life coaching knowledge and training, and I was determined to never go back to the corporate world if I didn’t have to.
It turned out the scariest part of starting my own service-based business was actually talking to those potential clients. And after years of working and chatting with literally hundreds of businesswomen, I can verify that this is a very common fear.
Luckily for me, my determination to succeed pushed me over this mental barrier, and my intuition told me how to do it.
I knew that, to have any hope of snagging paying customers, I had to present people with who I was, what I did, and how I could help them with the problem they were facing.
In short: I had to get the word out about my business!
What creative, hi-tech, super trendy methods did I use to do this?
Client #1: Responded to a flyer I had posted in public places around town. The one she saw was posted in a coffee shop I frequented.
Client #2: Came in through a comment I posted on someone’s blog about quitting your job to pursue a passion-driven career.
Client #3: Contacted me after I emailed my entire professional network of 40+ women about my change in career path.
Clients #4 and #5: Were former colleagues of mine from my old corporate life.
Yep, you read that right.
My very first strategies for getting paying clients consisted of hanging flyers about my new business, commenting on other people’s blogs in a way that demonstrated my expertise (part of being of service!), and telling everyone I knew or had ever worked with about what I was up to.
This obviously isn’t the most sophisticated marketing strategy in the world, but the basic premise is a classic:
Click to TweetTo get clients, you absolutely must put yourself out there and tell people about your business.Think about it: No one ever made money by keeping their businesses to themselves!
The Clients Are Out There. Do They Know Who You Are?
I was only able to book my first paying clients all those years ago because I had the courage (and it does take courage – more on that next week!) to proclaim my dream and to use every tool at my disposal to make it happen.
Did everything I tried work? No, it absolutely did not.
Did I feel super confident in my business every single minute of every single day? Nope. No way. Totally not.
Did I let any of that stop me from shouting from the rooftops what I was aiming to achieve? Hell no!
Getting clients is all about putting yourself out there: being brave enough to declare your business loudly and publicly, bold enough to try everything you can to get the word out despite fears of failure or embarrassment, and hell-bent on putting in the work needed to achieve your dream (for as long as it takes!).
Are You Ready?
It would be wonderful to see all of you fabulous businesswomen proudly proclaim your dreams in the comments below.
Whether you’re a new solopreneur or well beyond the early stages of your business, I want to hear about you and your goals!
If you’ve never left a comment here before, this is the perfect chance. I don’t know of a more supportive and knowledgeable community than this one.
It’s Your Turn!
Tell me…
What is your business? Who do you help?
What are your big-time goals or dreams?
How are you putting yourself out there to attract clients?
Are you struggling at all with getting clients?
Fill me in — I can’t wait to hear from you!
Hi Jenny,
My name is Taynia (pronounced Tay-nyuh with a long a). I’m the owner of Skinny Seahorse, a professional organizing company. I believe organization isn’t just about being organized, but about being in control. I’m a mess mediator who helps busy ladies simplify their lives through sustainable and stylish organizational solutions.
I left my corporate finance job in June to build an online business, specifically teaching busy women how to organize their home, beautifully. I’ve got a small program now (The 30-day Home Detox), but struggling to build traction (translation, revenue). I’m in the process of overcoming my fear of networking and meeting new people and in general putting myself out there. For example, asking for the sale, doing a webinar, reaching out for social media shares.
Thanks for the space – first time commenter!
I love what you do, Taynia! Sounds like a lot of fun.
I hear you on the struggle to build traction — it’s not easy getting started (and I’d love to help!). And bravo for doing the hard thing (networking!) because for me that was really hard, too. (Except a million times easier to network online than in person.)
Someone who is AMAZING at networking is Marsha Shandur of yesyesmarsha.com. She has a lot of free resources and is killing it on Periscope with networking and other related things. Definitely check her out (plus she’s funny to boot!).
There will also be a lot more “get clients” suggestions on the webinar, so be sure to sign up.
And finally, WELCOME! Thank you for commenting, showing up, and taking steps to put yourself out there. So glad you’re here.
My business is called “Fat Friendly Dietitian” and I help people who are concerned about their weight to get off the dieting roller coaster and build a more satisfying, practical, and joyful relationship with food. My business is based online, with coaching sessions offered via Skype or FaceTime. I am putting myself out there on Facebook (Fat Friendly Dietitian) , Twitter (@fatfriendlyrdn), and LinkedIn. I comment in groups with potential clients on FB, and I’m getting started with writing blogs on my website. I am definitely struggling to get clients, and know I need to do more to attract them. I’ve done a couple of small paid promotions of my Facebook page. My goal: Help as many people as possible to see that dieting and unnecessary food restriction usually does more harm than good, and guide them in learning a better way to take care of themselves and their nutritional needs. My financial goal: to make enough income doing this to support a comfortable lifestyle and creative hobbies, with adequate freedom for leisure travel.
Sounds like you’re off to a good start, Brenda, putting yourself out there and being helpful to others (that was last week’s post: https://jennyshih.com/2015/10/steal-this-my-1-strategy-for-selling-more-without-actually-selling/). That’s good!
The next step is going to be to get yourself (and your website) in front of more eyeballs. Whether that’s more groups, more people, online or in person…. and also make sure you have some of the solid foundations in place to attract clients (including a great offer, a list with an opt-in — which I see you have!). We’ll cover all of these in the webinar.
In the mean time, I see three small things you can do to improve your website and increase the chance of getting clients. Would you like me to share those suggestions with you here? (I’d be happy to but never want to force my advice on those who might not want it!)
Yes, Jenny, I welcome your suggestions!
Great. Super easy but (I think) impactful.
1. It’s almost like you have a “double header” with the image at the top and the one blow the nav bar. Maybe combine the concepts into one header above the nav bar. The reason for this is (1) minimize confusion and (2) it will allow your opt-in to be higher up and easier for people to see without scrolling, which will increase opt-ins!
2. First glance at your navigation, I don’t see where I can work with you! We need to make our sites stupid proof whenever possible so people can find what they want at a quick glance. Combine your “meet your coach” and “professional bios” page into one about page (and add your photo so I can see you!). Then make one of your nav bar items be “work with me” — and on that page have a very specific offer. You really do need a specific offer!
3. The Let’s Chat nav bar item is going to be scary for some people bc it goes right to your scheduler. Skip it. Instead, have a link to your scheduler below your offer that if they have questions they can talk to you. But they have to know what they might be signing up for first.
I hope this helps! Small tweaks that could make a huge difference! Good luck!
Thanks Jenny! It’s really helpful to hear your perspective. I’ll get to work on those changes!
This is great Jenny. I notice in reading this that I’ve been holding out on telling too many people what I do to some extent, as I don’t want to become too busy (&I have young kids, so already am!). I like feeling ‘in control’ of the rate of clients coming in. I wonder if you have any thoughts on this?
I also love what you said about telling people what we are ‘aiming’ to achieve, which can help others relate to our vision, and on less confident days, to keep our ‘big why’ as inspiration.
In this vein, I help conscious women identify & move through what’s really been holding them back & find their Flow. I aim to help women everywhere see their Resistance as their ally in personal and business growth.
I offer Intuitive readings, ecourses & mentoring.
Thanks for the food for thought & space to express! Xx
Love you honesty, Stacie! You have to own it before you can fix it. Bravo!
I’m going to offer a reframe for you on the thought of wanting to control the rate of clients coming in: STOP! 🙂
What I mean is this: let them come! Let too many come! That’s a great problem to have, and I’d love to teach you how to manage a waiting list when you get to that point.
I think you have some unnecessary (though not uncommon fears) about having too many clients, but I promise you, that’s a great problem to solve!
And given that you help women identify and one through what’s holding them back — use your superpowers on yourself and take this next step. Put yourself out there and let the clients come. You can do it!!
Thanks Jenny, I think that’s just what I needed to hear. Thanks for the reframe! 🙂
So glad I could help!!! And I can’t wait to hear when you have a waiting list problem because I really can help solve that 🙂
I’m Elinor Cohen, founder of The Just Me Company – I help women soloprenuers manifest their businesses online through Search Engine Marketing and Social Media.
My goal is to help businesses create a killer marketing strategy that includes an online customer acquisition plan that fits their business – and to learn and understand that they can transform their business easily, as long as they have a solid plan to scale their business.
I am deathly afraid of putting myself out there on social media…afraid that people won’t take me seriously 🙁 The only place I do it is if someone is looking for a specific service or from a specific group in which I am active. I even created professional videos and I am afraid of posting them online – I am just now starting to get the word out about my business in my local community by going to different networking events 🙂
I don’t know how to overcome the social media fear…
I hear you, Einor! It’s a really common fear!
Since this is something you help your clients with, you can be your first, most successful client! I give this exercise to my clients a lot: coach yourself exactly like you would a client — literally.
Here’s what I have them do:
1. set aside at least 30 min 3 days per week
2. grab a notebook and a pen (this has to be done in writing at first)
3. write down your thoughts and fears “as a client” in the notebook
4. then pause and turn your brain into coach mode, and write down your coaching “as a coach” to yourself
5. go back and forth in writing as a coach and as a client and truly, coach yourself through this
Because what you fear is something you help clients with, you are the PERFECT person to help yourself.
I used to do this exercise for A FULL HOUR for FIVE DAYS A WEEK for the first TWO YEARS of my business. Needless to say, it paid off in spades!!
Can you start here?
(Notice I’m not even telling you to show up online!)
And bravo for taking the first step and posting here!
Thank you for the advice! I will definitely try this 🙂
Let’s see where it takes me….
In 90 minutes, I help women create an action plan so they know exactly what steps to take to solve a specific conflict they’re dealing with.
I’m in the exact place Jenny described in the blog post today–still getting started and need more clients. I signed up for Get Your First 1000 Subscribers in January and spent a few weeks making a great freebie opt-in. Even though Jenny teaches us that you don’t have to have a website to start building your list, after the freebie, I built the website and offerings before I started actively reaching out. That took a few months.
So now, I’m just getting started with taking action on module 2 (tell everyone you know) and module 3 (guest posting). I’ve told almost everyone I know, and I’ve become more active on Facebook groups to be of service. I can see that it’s not only helpful to the business, but it helps me, personally, in small ways to connect with others and be helpful for a few minutes each day.
Now, I’m ready to get out there with guest posting. I don’t feel hesitant about reaching out, in general, but right now I just want to do whatever is the most direct and sustainable way to get one-on-one clients. I love sharing these ideas about how to build confidence and resolve conflicts! My big dream or goal is simple–earn $100,000 a year. And honestly, the only reason I think that’s possible is because Jenny tells me it is. Here’s to dreaming big!
Way to follow the steps, Amy! That’s how you get there, bit by bit, next action by next action. Guest posting sounds like a great next step for you — on top of the engagement in social media where your target clients hang out.
I want you to know that if you keep at it, your dream isn’t impossible or unrealistic. I KNOW it’s possible to hit that goal in your service-based online business because that’s exactly what I help my clients achieve. Keep going, you will get there.
Thank you for showing up, sharing what you’ve done, and sharing your goals!!
Thanks for the encouragement, Jenny!
I am a Certified Life Coach who specializes in helping women claim their BRILLIANCE. One of the most fulfilling aspects of my practice is facilitating Dream Interpretation because every night dream holds a hidden gift … especially, the dreams that WAKE YOU UP! There’s a saying, “If your dream isn’t scarey, it’s not big enough.” I LOVE helping people expand their joy, peace, and self-love. Personally, I devote a part of each and every day to my healing journey, so I don’t have the energy to promote my practice in conventional ways. I’d LOVE to be able to exchange services with another coach who could help me strategize ways to promote my business without depleting my energy levels. Currently, my clients are referrals from other clients. I will appreciate any/all recommendations. Jenny, thanks for sharing your story!
I love dream interpretation! One of the whole reasons I signed up for Martha Beck Life Coach training was because the dream analysis exercise in Steering by Starlight changed my life! I started having horrible nightmares (almost nightly) from 9/11/01 until I read her book in 2008. One I realized there was a message in the dream, the nightmares stopped almost instantly. That was powerful, and I needed to know more! Love that you help women that same way, too.
There are so many ways you can promote your business online that don’t deplete your energy. (And there’s so much more I could say about that!) To start, get really clear on what time and energy you do have and are willing to commit to building your business. Second, clear out any mental garbage that’s taking more energy from you than serving you (eg, fears around marketing or putting yourself out there — just as an example). Then commit to taking those steps to build your biz!
Need a little guidance on what to do to put yourself out there? Start here: https://jennyshih.com/2014/11/online-business-success-formula/ That’s the most potent, chock-full post I’ve written and it truly is the online success formula.
And of course, join the webinar! I love giving away actionable steps for free 🙂
Hi Jenny. I’m a psychotherapist moving into online consulting for those looking to make a big impact with their work, but need clarity around personal stumbling blocks with best next steps to overcome them. And I’m working your 1000 subscribers program and feeling nervous every step of the way. Like a serial monogamous, I seem to be working one client at a time, getting hung up every time one of them hits a snag. I’m reminded of something I was told, which is that only a portion of the folks out there are ready to work with you. Don’t waste time on those that are not ready, but keep putting your message out broadly to find the ones that are. The others may, or may not, come along as they are ready. So that’s what I’m focusing on, and continuing to get support from you and this great community. Thanks.
Way to keep going, Eva! And how awesome that you notice where you personally get stuck (around your clients’ stickiness) — awareness is so critical!
Like I told Einor above, I’m going to suggest you take on a daily (or 3x weekly) practice of coaching yourself! Since you face similar challenges to those you help your clients with, you are the perfect person to help yourself through it. Not only will it help you move forward, you’ll learn a ton about yourself and your clients AND you’ll start to see results in your business.
Glad to have you here and thank you for showing up!
I teach women how to make peace with food and their bodies, which encompasses letting go of crazy food rules, learning what drives any overeating behaviors, and coming to terms with the body you have right this minute.
My big time goals are to have a huge list and sell awesome courses and write books (I think, it changes pretty often), but right now I’m just focusing on building a solid 1-on-1 client base so I really, really know what comes up over and over and what my peeps need the most help with.
I mostly put myself out there with guest posts. I’m on social media (mostly Facebook) and have written for some bigger publications (like Huffington Post and Tiny Buddha). I sometimes hold webinars and am challenging myself to hold them more frequently to grow my list.
YES I am struggling to get clients. I went off the task of focusing on one-on-one stuff, but now am back on it. I have started going back through my list and am slowly emailing everyone on it to check in and see what help I can offer. I think part of my problem is not being able to close when I do a free consultation. And part of it is that I need a mindset that’s more abundant. I think. And I did sign up for the class next week and it’s on my calendar and I WILL be attending!
You are SO SMART, Jen, to focus on the 1-1 clients first to then know what you can most help your people with. YES!! That’s exactly how to start and I’m so glad you are.
You’re doing the work — guest posts, webinars, and social media to grow your list. This is great! And even when it feels hard, you keep at it.
Looking at the big list of things to do (personal emails is a great one) and stepping through it one at a time is essential. And the fact that you know your next growth area is huge — because you can work on it.
Keep it up. You are among the incredibly persistent, and I love that about you!
Ha, Jenny, you’re SO SMART, and after reading your post a few weeks ago about getting to six figures I was like, “duh, I need to do what Jenny says and work on the one-on-one stuff.” But maybe that also makes me so smart.
And yes, I’m very persistent 🙂
Hahaha! That cracked me up. Thank you for the afternoon laugh. “Listening to Jenny makes me smart.” I think I need to put that on my new website 🙂
Thank you!
I love this article. It’s amazing how hard it can be to tell people what you do, even when you’re really excited about it!
I’m a success coach who works with professional women in their 30s and 40s who are struggling with stress, overwhelm and a lack of focus. I help them regain their focus and increase their productivity.
I’ve been working on building my list and getting out there on social and in person for about three weeks. It’s been slow, but I am feeling like I am doing the right things, I just need to double-down and give them some time to work.
“It’s amazing how hard it can be to tell people what you do, even when you’re really excited about it!” — so true, Leslie!
Good for you for doing it anyway… and for seeing that a little doubling down might help. (It usually does!) They do need time and consistency to work, so keep at it.
Nice to have you here!
Great post Jenny! I’m a coach for smart successful women who want to find love.
It is my dream to help women have wonderful relationships! I’ve been blogging, going to network events, hosting free calls and posting on Facebook and Twitter. It’s taking longer to get things going than I’d hoped.
Yesterday I sent an email to 10 of my contacts offering free sessions in exchange for feedback with a link to my calendar and asked those folks to put me in touch with anyone who might want to take advantage of this offer. I also mentioned this at the networking luncheon I attended today.
Almost everyone I sent the email to responded and offered to help, and boy was I scared to send that email! While it’s still too early to tell if this will help me book clients, I’m hopeful and I learned that:
1) People really do want to help. I don’t have to be afraid to be of service, step up and offer something of value.
2) This brought up so much fear in me, and I’m an extrovert! I feel so much better for having done it, even though I was afraid.
You’ve got to keep trying and you do that in spades, Renee! Good for you for putting yourself out there, doing the scary things, and keeping at it.
I love that it was scary and you did it anyway. That says so much about you in the best way!! Thank you for sharing!
Hi Jenny –
I love how transparent you are about how you got started, it is so helpful to hear what the beginning really looked like. Thank you!
I work with women who are frustrated with sugar and their digestion and looking to resolve the cycle of cravings and bloat for good. I am transitioning my business to work solely one-on-one (I taught evening classes previously while my kids were really little, now they are slightly bigger, trying to focus all client time during school hours). My big lofty goal is to build an online business I love with an income that gives us some flexibility to travel and enjoy our favorite hobbies, while also allowing me the time to still be there for my kids and husband and not be burned out each weekend trying to recover.
My challenge is both figuring out where to put myself out there as well as just actually putting myself out there. Part of it is that I know that my website isn’t done. I need time to finish my content for my offer, revamp my opt-in, etc so I feel like my website isn’t effective and I am embarrassed. It is likely just an excuse and I just need to get moving.
Love that you’re focused and know what you like to do — that’s an important start! And you have clear goals, which is great do.
Next up: clients! We’ll cover a lot of ideas in the webinar, but a few things to chew on between now and then are whether you want to find them online or offline; which social media sites you like to engage on best; and what ways are fun for you to build your list, like guest posting or hosting free calls. Those are just a few ideas to get your brain working, but whatever you do, putting yourself out there is key. And I’m cheering you on as you do it!
Hi Jenny,
This blog post is exactly what I needed to see. I love working with women who were raised as people-pleasing good girls, especially when the good girl meets motherhood. I help moms see that they can define motherhood on their own terms and basically give the middle finger to society’s expectations of mothers. I feel clear on who I want to work with, what I have to offer, and how I can help them. But, I’m not getting out there enough. I will email a moms group and offer a talk, but if they don’t respond to a few attempts, I give up. I think I need to go through people I know and maybe stop the cold calling. A foot in the door or a personal connection may go further here. But, I am happy to say I am killing time right now waiting to give my first free talk to a moms group that I did in fact cold call. So maybe I should keep on doing what I’m doing with more regularity and pursue personal connections too.
I signed up for your webinar and look forward to hearing more on this topic.
Thank you!!
Way to own what you’re not doing! I know that sounds funny but so many people trick themselves and say “I’m doing everything” when they’re really not, and that puts them in victim mode. Instead, you’re claiming responsibility and that puts you in the drivers seat. Great first step!
I totally understand the disappointment of putting yourself out there and getting nothing in return. I tell my clients that they have to try something over and over and over and over and do it many different ways until it clicks. Check this post out for some inspiration: https://jennyshih.com/2014/01/afraid-failure-new-approach-desperately-need/
I think you’ll learn a lot on the webinar, and in the mean time, look at where you’ve had small wins or even near-wins and use your scientist’s mindset to create more of those same things. You can do this!
Hi! I love this post! it came at just the right time! I just left my corporate job to launch my customer strategy firm for midsize companies. I help companies create an effective human centered customer experience that drives profits and market growth. My big goal juicy goal is to be a speaker, writer, and executive coach that helps leaders build organizations that are humane, sustainable and profitable. I want to change the face of business. But first I have to get some paying clients!!! I had no problem as an expert in my field when I was a practitioner within an organization, but I am suddenly very nervous about putting myself out there under my own name. I have been doing free work for non profits and offering coaching services to a few practitioners (exactly what I offer for free) – my goal was to “practice” on them and get testimonials that did not originate from my previous employer. I am responding to post in groups on LinkedIn where i have a large network and within my practice area. I have also been building followers on Twitter. I have some blog post written and freemium guides but struggling with how to position them to gain clients. I feel a little stuck in a rut and I’m not sure how to move to the next step of getting in front of people to pitch my consulting services.
Isn’t it funny, Laura, how doing something under the umbrella of a company is so much easier that being OURSELVES doing it? Good for you for doing out there, getting some practice clients, and engaging on LinkedIn. These actions (and doing a lot more of them) will help.
Next week we’re talking about how to get past the fears of putting yourself out there, so stay tuned!
Jenny thanks for sharing.
My message is all about self-expression but I can see how sneaky I was about still hiding and I’m ready to compassionately call quits on that.
Much of the last 3 years was really about writing for me after being in a career for 17 years (including college) were I didn’t get to truly express myself and a childhood of the same.
I have a lot of content I have created over the years including blogs, podcasts, telesummits,
and 2 books but I do not have a contact page or a product page.
I also didn’t have a clear audience until now even though I still have a little bit of ” I want to help everyone!”
The audience I am moving forward with are new moms. Helping them to deal with the mixed emotions that come up personally and professionally with this new life changing role. Helping them to get clear and accept their “truth” now (as things may have unexpectedly changed) Helping them to process and express in community with other new moms.
I have recently moved cross country and am wanting to build my tribe organically, coherently and slowly. I did all the big marketing seminars and it just overwhelmed and transferred my overachievement from my career to my soul business, causing me to feel like I failed.
But like I said, I’m over that and ready to move on and get about my souls work 🙂
I would love any feedback you may have to offer.
Thank you,
I love how you’re owning up to what you’ve done and what you haven’t done. That’s so important. And that you’re ready to move past it and put yourself out there. Bravo! Thank you for sharing here!
Love the post and the comment session!
If anyone is still reading ;-),
My name is Marina, I’m a systems’ expert and a productivity geek. I work with purpose-driven, heart-centered entrepreneurs, helping them get 10-20 more *productive* hours a week, stop leaking money, and prevent stress-fueled breakdowns – by putting easy, effective and fun (yep!) systems in place.
Jenny, this post is brilliant as usual, and your generosity with advise in the comments’ section is an example to follow. I’m learning tons from you. Thanks!
My dream to have Stacie’s problem, aka too many clients. I currently offer one-on-one programs, and plan to start offering group programs in 12 to 18 months. I’m in the process of creating an online presence, and building my list. Which brings me to the stumbling block: I know perfectly well WHAT to do and have detailed plans all spelled out, but something stops me from starting INTERACTING online. I can’t bring myself to writing in all the wonderful Facebook groups I’m in, and even writing this comment wasn’t trivial. It took me 5 days(!) since I read the post.
It’s kind of a weird shame, this desire to not be seen, to keep safely hiding behind my computer.
I’ll try the method you’ve recommended to Elinor, and if you have other insights on overcoming a fear of being seen, please share.
First off, bravo for showing up here even though it’s scary — perfect first step.
Yes, engaging online can be scary, but someone on my team told me the craziest (and totally believable) thing this past weekend: just being online but not engaging actually makes the fear worse. She quoted some study that showed that lurking results in comparisionitis, which exacerbates our fears and makes us feel even worse than we did before. But when we engage, we see people as people (flawed and imperfect as us), and can get over our fears faster. Ironic, right??
The good news is…
– you’re not alone! I hear this a lot.
– you took the first step and posted here. Bravo!
– you can get past this fear by just doing a little bit every day.
And remember, the most that can happen is…. nothing. And that’s not so bad.
The way to overcome this fear is to not *think* about it but move right to doing. I PROMISE that the more you *think* the scarier it will be. Sort of like standing on an epic ocean cliff where you know that there is a deep, warm ocean below with no jagged rocks. The longer you stand staring down, the scarier it gets. But if you walk right up and leap on over, you get right to the fun part.
You can do this. I know you can.
Thanks, Jenny!
It’s true, the fact that “lurking makes it scarier”. That in and of itself is a great motivator to start interacting.
Here is a little win, thanks to the realization that I should stop just hanging out there, without showing my face:
– I answered a question in one of my groups, and the conversation lead me to write a blog post. Double win!
Thanks again.
Woohoo!!! Way to go out there and do it, Marina. Next up: keep doing it. 🙂
Great post Jenny, thank you! I am a Wellness Coach and I help women lead empowering lives by taking a holistic approach to their wellbeing. I have been telling people about my business (family, friends, strangers I meet) and they have been encouraging. I also have a list that I email updates and I engage on social media, yet I am still struggling to get clients.
It can be hard, that’s for sure, Andrea! On Thursday I’ll share with you 12 ways you can get clients plus how to go about it and what not to do. It is possible, and I want to help. Hope you’ll be there!
i am an on location makeup artist primarily for bridal parties. I have been so since 2005. Of course I constantly feel selfconcious that I’m not good enough compared to other artists out there. I honestly don’t know what to charge and then I wonder if I charge too much. I have s website and link that to other sites. I just can’t afford the advertising prices anymore. I want to continue to work for myself. But considering going back to corporate for stability.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is not pay attention to what anyone else is doing (and that includes pricing). Instead, I always tell my clients to look at what feels right to them and what price they feel great about standing behind — and charge that.
As far as getting clients, have you partnered with others in your industry (photographers, videographers, salons, etc.) to make connections and build your client list? I know that one of the best things all of us can do is expand our networks, let others know we exist, and build a reputation as someone who does great work and delivers for our clients.
I have several hair people I network with but I feel so awkward asking photographers or other people to recommend me. My thought is what can I give them back but a referral. Most of the time I am the last person the bride remembers to contact. I did a little boosting of a post from Facebook yesterday. I got 4 new local likes but I know that all my posts don’t get to everyone that likes my page. Should I reach out to those individuals personally or is that intrusive. I guess that’s my problem is I don’t want to impose myself onto people. And I hate saying “LOOK AT ME” and getting no response. I feel so humiliated.
It can be totally scary putting yourself out there, connecting, and networking with others. I understand!!
And to grow our businesses, we need do often do the hard, scary things! My biggest recommendation for you would be to find a coach who can help you past these fears. Life coaches have been my savior in starting and growing my business, helping me get out of my own way every step of my journey.
One coach I recommend is Bev Barnes. She’s one of the first coaches I worked with and is so talented. She also has a group on Facebook called Bev’s Fearbusters, and it’s totally free to join.
Another person to look into and at least follow online and on Periscope is Marsha Shandur – yesyesmarsha.com. She’s a pro at networking.
Getting past this hurdle of fear will make all sorts of doorways open for you, Nicole. You can do this!
I teach growth-ready, female entrepreneurs how to reduce risk by getting hiring right from the start.
My big-time dream is to change the landscape of HR and people management, and my big-time itty-bitty goal is to launch my online presence. My website is like a plane stuck at the gate with the engines in pieces scattered on the ground around it…
It’s absolutely true that I need to get my website up and running; but the fact that it’s not, also gives me an excuse to not reach out. Yup, that’s the truth. I said it. It’s a great excuse for not getting vulnerable. Yikes.
High-five for truth-telling! I love how honest you are, Veronica. Thank you for sharing that here.
I love that you have a short-term vision and a long-term goal and are distinguishing the two (so smart — too many people try to do the big thing before they tackle the little one right in front of them).
For now, get working on that website. Your big vision begins with that small step. You can do it!
Thanks for the encouragement, Jenny! I got quite a bit done yesterday after posting here. Funny how that works 🙂
Love it!
What I want to do is help conscious professional women transition to running their own social entrepreneurships and gain financial independence. I have read all of these posts by these by these brave ladies, which promtpted me to write.
Coaches I’ve worked with have told me that my clients are women who are like me but a few steps behind me. But I haven’t gone from professional to entrepreneur (yet), so I struggle with what makes me qualified to guide people online through a process I haven’t personally experienced or been taught how to do.
Second part of the equation is that I’ve spent a lot of time spinning my wheels (and $ on coaches) because I haven’t felt like I’ve realized the business idea that I really believe in, that I am truly passionate about. Maybe this second part is about not believing that I have the skills necessary to help women achieve their goals in any particular business idea that I have.
Thanks for your feedback. You’re a rockstar!
Such a great question, Shira! And I’m going to ask you a few more questions to hep you sort this out.
It makes total sense that you’re confused about helping people who aren’t behind you, as there are some things you have’t done yet. This is like new business coaches I see out there teaching people to get clients and hit six figures when they themselves are still struggling to get clients. Of course it feels weird! And, there’s a solution 🙂
What we need to do is have you look at what you can teach and what you have learned about business. You said you want to help people “transition to running their own business.” Tell me: what’s the first step you can help them with? Perhaps getting clear on that business? Making a financial plan to quit their job? Or something entirely different?
I’m guessing that there’s something you’ve done around those first steps that you can know for sure you can help someone with. What is that?
This all relates to your second question around believing in your business idea. Maybe it’s hard to believe in because of your first comment — not feeling like you’ve done it yourself. (As you said.) So getting clear on what you can offer them and feel confident about may solve both problems. What do you think?
Thanks for this feedback, Jenny! Great food for thought. I think the first step I can help them with is with planning and organizing and teaching them about the things I’m in the process of achieving: researching and understanding the marketplace, figuring out how to go from idea to actual business with the creation of materials and getting clear on their offerings, and covering all the marketing basics. And I know for sure that you are right about your second comment! Thank you so much!!!
Hi Jenny,
Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with readers!
I am the founder of In Wild Bloom, a coaching practice that focuses on supporting individuals with developing purposeful self-care practices as they reconnect with themselves and create a life that is meaningful to them.
Currently I am offering free monthly workshops that share various self-care techniques while creating a sense of community with group participants. Each month offers an exploration into a different theme to allow people to try different forms of expression and care. I’ve loved planning this and I am excited to watch the program develop throughout the year ahead!
I am eager to take on individual coaching clients and to build my business. I am welcoming any tips on connecting with individuals who are in need of support and ready to make positive changes in their lives. I am also working hard to stop limiting beliefs that I know have held me back.
Hi Kristen. Here are two blog posts that will help you connect with individuals in need of support.
This one will tell you how to figure out where they are: https://jennyshih.com/2020/06/how-to-find-clients/
This one will offer 21 ways to find clients once you know where they are: https://jennyshih.com/2021/06/21ways/
And if you haven’t already grabbed it, this 7 Step guide maps out my recommended approach to building a thriving coaching business: https://makeitworkonline.com/7steps
Best of luck to you!