Building a successful online business requires that you understand business and marketing fundamentals and take action.
This is why, each week, I love sharing actionable tips with you to help you start, grow, and streamline your online business.
At the same time, an understanding of business and marketing fundamentals isn’t enough to build a successful business.
There are five other factors that you must have covered to ensure your business is successful. Master these five areas — in addition to business and marketing — and you have the golden formula!
These five factors are exactly what I’m going to cover today.
Let’s get to it.
Success Factor #1 – Stay Motivated
Running a business is challenging, and you must stay motivated!
To stay motivated, find the reason you are committed to your own success. This commitment must extend beyond any doubt, fear, and frustration that is guaranteed to arise when challenges come your way.
For many people, they find motivation from their WHY or their deeper reason for being in business.
For me, when I was first starting out, my motivator was the desire to not go back to my corporate job. I didn’t want to go back so badly that I was willing to do things I was terrified to do and didn’t like to do (like attend a weekly, in-person networking event!) in an effort to make my business work.
The desire to be self-employed and pay my bills through my business was so strong that I was pretty much willing to do anything. Talk about a strong motivator!
You must find why you want to make your business work and stay focused on it. It will help you work through any challenge. Tweet that!
My Personal Recommendation for YouSteal This! My Rock-Solid System for Getting It All Done (& Having a LifeSuccess Factor #2 – Keep Your Head in Check
When we learn or attempt anything new, we can quickly get doubtful and fearful that it won’t work, we’ll fail, or we’ll fall flat on our faces. Fear and doubt can prevent us from taking action or moving forward… if we don’t keep our heads in check.
Since fear and doubt are bound to happen, you must learn to deal with them. There are many different ways that you can do this, and here are three of my favorites.
1. Use a scientist’s mindset
Learning to approach business with this kind of mindset makes it easier to try new things and face new challenges. You’ll realize that failures really aren’t about you, and instead see that they’re learning opportunities designed to help you build a successful business.
Go here to learn how to use a scientist’s mindset in your business.
2. Hire a coach, like Bev Barnes, fear-fighter extraordinaire
Bev Barnes was one of the first coaches I worked with, and I’ve learned countless self-coaching techniques from her. She is also a master fear-fighter and loves helping business owners conquer their fear so they can do their work in the world.
Check out her free Fear-Busters Facebook group here.
Bev is one of many great coaches who can help you face your fears and keep moving forward. A coach like Bev is worth her weight in gold!
3. Brooke Castillo’s Self-Coaching 101
This book is a must-read all business owners… and all humans! You’ll learn how to identify, manage, and permanently shift the thoughts that are holding you back in your business and life. It’s a game-changer.
Check out her free downloadable book here.
Or buy a copy on Amazon here.
However you keep your head in check, just know that you must find a way to ensure that fear and doubt don’t run the show. If it does, your business will go nowhere! Tweet that!
My Personal Recommendation for YouThe 3 A’s of Success: Increase Your Chance of Succeeding at AnythingSuccess Factor #3 – Continue to Learn
If you want to run a successful business, you must keep learning. The online business world is changing, and you meed to keep pace. Also, as your business grows, you’ll need to learn new skills and approaches to tackle the challenges at each growth phase.
I always look at where I am in my business and the next goal I have mapped out in front of me. I identify the gap I have between myself and that goal and then identify what will fill that gap. Sometimes this is a coach or a training program or a book or something else.
I must keep learning to keep moving my business forward, and you do, too. Tweet that!
Success Factor #4 – Be Persistent and Determined
Although I say business doesn’t have to be so hard, I never promised it was easy!
As I said earlier, learning new things is challenging, but you must not let the challenges stop you. No matter what, you must keep going. And keep going. And keep going.
I always tell my clients that when they set a goal, they must create 7 (or 27!) backup plans for hitting that goal.
Too many people try one or two ideas once or twice and then give up, claiming that what they wanted to do won’t work.
That’s hogwash!
The problem isn’t that the goal is unachievable or the tactics didn’t work. The problem is that you gave up too early and didn’t persist.
If you’re not achieving what you want, it’s likely that you haven’t tried everything yet in just the right way to get the results you desire. Keep going. Keep trying new things. And work through all 27 of your backup plans to make it happen!
You must must must remain determined and persist toward your goals.
My Personal Recommendation for YouI Eff’d Up: How I Failed My Way to SuccessSuccess Factor #5 – Get Support from Others
Finally, get support! Business is challenging enough; don’t go at it alone!
It’s important that you don’t work by yourself, in a vacuum, from the little office in your home.
You must find people (either in person or online, whatever suits your style) with whom you can talk, brainstorm, troubleshoot, learn, create backup plans, keep your mindset in check, and more.
These people will be your lifeline!
I’ve been a part of many different groups since I ventured into self-employment in 2009. Although the people I lean on change, the essence doesn’t. We’re committed to helping one another get all five of these success factors to keep growing, learning, and changing the world.
Bottom line: Make sure you have a support group you can lean on when you need help!
You Need All *FIVE* of the Success Factors
To build a successful business, you need all five of these factors plus a foundational understanding of business and marketing, as all of these things interplay together.
For example, when you’re setting a goal, you must get your mindset right and not let fear takeover. You need to create your backup plans and persistent in following through on every single one. And you might need to learn new things along the way to execute on those backup plans.
Support from others often helps you develop your backup plans, keep the right mindset while you’re taking action, and fill in learning gaps as you take action.
And throughout all of your action taking, you must remain motivated to keep at it no matter what.
You can’t just have one key; you must have them all.
How to Get All *FIVE* Success Factors
Fortunately, there is a way for you to get all five of these success factors plus the business and marketing training.
For me, I developed these five success factors before I learned about business, so once I found the perfect business training for me, my business took off like a rocket.
However, many business owners I know learn the business and marketing first, then flounder to master the other areas (or never do, and their business doesn’t go far).
This is why I’m so excited to offer an opportunity for you to get all of them at once; the business and marketing training PLUS the five success factors.
If you know you could use this full-circle support for building your business, I invite you to join Make It Work Online, a 12-week coaching intensive for business owners who sell one-on-one services online.
I’ve crafted Make It Work Online bonuses to give you the complete success package. The unique combination of actionable training, group coaching, masterminding, and ongoing, personalized feedback was deliberately designed to help you get what you want most: a steady stream of new clients and a predictable, consistent income.
Are you ready to step up and do what it takes to make your business work online?
Go here to learn more and apply for Make It Work Online.
How Do You Rank?
Now that we’ve covered the five success factors, how do you rank?
Where are you strong?
Where do you need to develop?
What area will you start focusing on this week to increase your chances of business success?
I can’t wait to hear about it in the comments below!
Nathalie says
Hi Jenny,
Loving it! Thanks!
Listening to one of the b-school bonuses I realized that I wasn’t acting like a pro. I was skipping/avoiding all the hard stuff. I’ve block time off this week to make a money project happen. The only rule use what I already have in terms if freebies. Im going tI promote it like crazy in the next month! Although I really don’t know how it will work out, I’m going to come up with something everyday!
Jenny Shih says
Love the honesty, Nathalie! Acting like a pro — doing the fun and the hard things — is so essential!
Ashlei says
I signed up for B-school through you Jenny and I am SO excited! I know it’s going to be a lot, but I feel super confident about going through it with you 😀
To answer your question about the 5 factors:
I think I’m strong in staying motivated, being persistent and determined. And I think I’m good about continuing to learn, however sometimes that can be a hinderance because I’m trying to learn too much at once and I end up getting overwhelmed, which leads to me shutting down and not implementing anything.
With that, I do struggle with keeping my head in check. I definitely have a fear of failure, which oddly keeps me motivated but also holds me back.
And I’ve definitely felt somewhat alone in my journey as an entrepreneur. I kept hearing how important community is but I was seriously lacking in that department. However I am happy to say there is change coming, I recently joined a small mastermind-like group. And one of the girls is going through b-school for the first time, just like me. Plus the b-school community, plus your private group – my sense of community is finally looking up!
Again I’m so excited to do B-School with your support! You’re one of the few business coaches I’ve followed religiously – so thank you for all you do! I can’t wait to get started!
Jenny Shih says
Such a great insight, Ashlei — that can definitely happen!
I suggestion people focus on the ONE THING they need to learn RIGHT NOW. Do that and put the other things on a list you can attend to later. That often helps me with overwhelm, too.
I’m so glad you’re going to now have a community to be a part of. That will be huge!
And I’m looking forward to working with you!
Liz Connors says
Just wanted to say thank you for everything you do and – as always – giving such clear, real guidance. I’d like to share my b-school decision here in case it helps anyone who is on the fence. I knew I wanted to take B-School maybe 30 minutes after the cart closed in 2012 and spent a year (enviously) studying various people’s sites from the B-School testimonials. When it opened in 2013, I spent the enrollment period reading various reviews and seeing what different affiliates were offering as bonuses.
I am so, so, SO glad I signed up through you, Jenny! I consider taking B-School and taking it through you to be equal in terms of awesome decisions I’ve made in my business lifetime. I loved (and love) B-School…and by the time it was over, I was practically rocking in a corner, so overwhelmed that I couldn’t implement a single thing I had learned. Marie says it’s a master course in business, and it is…in eight weeks! If you are like me, someone who implements things slowly and likes to ponder and digest something until you fully understand it, it’s a bit like trying to drink a firehose worth of information with a thimble.
Your bonus coaching and the missing manual were like a miracle for me. You showed me that I could continue to drink, thimble by thimble, and eventually get there – and better, your showed me where to start! I’ve continued to follow you for these two years in order to understand and digest at my own slow pace, and I continue to listen to B-School audios, and slowly but surely, things click into place, and I see how they apply to my business. (Staying motivated really is the first key!)
I also love your Facebook community – it helps to see that there are people with all types of learning and implementation styles and that we all show up for B-School at different stages of our business ‘journeys’ and it’s perfectly okay to go at your own pace. I’ve witnessed you help people who are 100% ready for action just take off like lightning, and experienced you helping me slowly step through overwhelm, and seen you help all stages in between. (& I’ve met some INCREDIBLE people there, and I’m almost never even on Facebook!.)
Plus…Bev and Kendrick, oh my goodness. There are almost no words to describe their awesomeness.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jenny! I’ve been meaning to write this to you directly for a long time, but wanted to share here instead, just in case anyone is wrestling with the B-School decision. I know I scoured reviews and comments and spent a long time making that decision, and it was because of a comment that I heard about you!
So I hope this might be paying it forward to someone who has not decided yet: B-School is amazing and, in my opinion, life changing in a way you would never expect it to be. If it feels like it’s the right thing for you, Jenny, Bev, and Kendrick will help you navigate it and make it so much easier. Each of them is almost unbelievably generous, authentic, so kind, and brilliant.
(I know I now sound like a fangirl or a planted affiliate. I’m not, I promise – none of these women would even remember me. I’m just someone who desperately wants to spend my life’s work doing something meaningful, helping people by using my gifts – and had NO IDEA I would need to learn approximately 350,000 new business skills in order to do that. Thank goodness there are people out there like Jenny to help! )
Nathalie says
Hi Liz,
350,000 new business skills… I REALLY HAD NO IDEA too. Your comment reminds me that it’s possible.
I’ve signed up with Jenny. I’m so excited!
Liz Connors says
Yay, Nathalie!!! So excited for you!! It’s totally possible, and Jenny and B-School will make it way faster and more fun!
Jenny Shih says
What a surprise and an absolute delight to read this, Liz. WOW! And THANK YOU!! I’m so glad you had such a great experience!! Thank you for sharing!
Liz Connors says
So happy to be able to share it! Thanks for all your work, Jenny – you really make a difference for people!
Stefani says
SUCH a fantastic post! All I have to say is a big AMEN to all 5!! Thank you!!
Jenny Shih says
Thank you!
Becky says
I love that, no matter how long you’ve been in business, you can always go back to the basics. Number two has been the most beneficial for me so far. I’ve Evernote-d this list for future reference – thank you, Jenny!
Jenny Shih says
Absolutely! Concepts like these five area applicable always! And the mindset stuff, essential!! xo