For the past six weeks, I took a break from business-as-usual. I had a few expectations of what might happen upon my return (projects would magically be done! and creative inspiration would pour in!). Unfortunately, reality didn’t match up.
Instead, as happens when you’re not looking for it, clarity came fluttering in. Insights and realizations landed gently on my shoulder like butterflies, reminding me that “stillness reveals the secrets of eternity” (Lao Tzu).
Some of the insights are deeply personal and surround issues and challenges I’ve been facing for quite some time.
Others were answers to business questions surrounding what matters most to me in my work.
Best of all, they all came without struggle or striving. They came because I made space for them… while feeding a 3-day-old baby cow named Ranger, snuggling with my brand new nephew Dax, walking with my favorite furry friend, going on dates with husband, and taking quiet reading breaks in the backyard.
One day during my break, a flood of truth about business came rushing in, and this is what I’m excited to share with you today. As we focus on the second half of the year and adjust our course based what matters most, this is the perfect moment to reflect on what’s true for each of us and assess whether we’re actually living that truth.
And I’d love it know if your truth looks at all like mine.
My Business Manifesto
Success doesn’t require sacrifice.
Not to my health, family, well-being, or anything else that’s important to me.
Business doesn’t have to be so hard.
But it’s not easy, either. Otherwise everyone would be making millions while they sleep.
My business supports me and the life I want to live.
And I want the same for my clients.
I honor my word.
Even when that means telling people no.
My truths don’t have to be your truths.
Freedom is more important than money.
Though money is important, too.
I only work with the right clients.
40 hour work weeks are 20 hours too long.
And all-nighters aren’t in my vocabulary.
Every action I take must help move my business forward.
Or I shouldn’t do it.
Focus is my friend.
Distraction, my enemy.
Regular, unplugged time is essential.
To my creativity, my well-being, my clients, and my life.
I don’t need to be flashier, perkier, cuter, cooler, or peppier than I really am.
I just need to be me.
I don’t create just to create.
I wait for the right thing at the right time to be done in the right way so I’m giving the best I have to offer.
I won’t “squeeze someone in” once a program is full.
I refuse to compromise my current clients’ experiences and results.
I share everything I know with my clients, nothing held back.
I care about my clients’ results. Always.
I only share what I know works.
I won’t waste my clients’ and readers’ time with theories I’ve only read about.
I trust my gut, my intuition, and my wild hunches.
Even when they don’t always make sense.
I share my mistakes and lessons so others can learn from them.
But I won’t show up with my gaping, unhealed wounds or unresolved issues because that doesn’t serve anyone.
Business is a great opportunity for personal development.
I can embrace it whenever I want to. Or not.
Simplify. Streamline. Systematize.
DIY and bootstrapping are a great place to start.
They’re just not a great place to stay.
Busywork is unacceptable.
I cheer my clients on.
Through their wins and their challenges.
I give my clients 100% honest feedback.
Even when it might be hard to hear, because feedback is essential to growth and learning.
Delegate whenever possible.
And hire the best you can afford.
My business should be how I want it to be.
Not how anyone else thinks it should be.
It’s nearly impossible to love every single minute of working in and growing my business.
I should, however, love most of it most of the time.
Just because an “expert” says I should do something doesn’t mean I should.
It’s my job to know myself and my business better than anyone else.
Just because I tell my clients to do something doesn’t mean they have to.
They must trust themselves as experts in their own businesses.
I don’t need anyone to “discover” me.
I simply need to get out there and share my message.
It’s okay to be my introverted self.
In fact, it’s a great idea.
Treat clients like gold.
Because they are!
Manifesto in Action
And it’s from this place of clarity — knowing that success can happen without sacrifice — that I’m excited to share with you my next big thing. (Soon.)
It’s for those of you who already have a business that’s working, making money, and serving clients… but hasn’t helped you reach that next level you’re looking for.
I’ll share the details in early September, but if you think this is for you, reach out and we’ll put you on the first-to-know list.
In the mean time… I want to hear from you!
Which of my credos resonated most with you? Which stirred something great… or not-so-great within you?
If you had to add something to this list for yourself, what would it be?
PLUS – what’s the best thing you’ve done these past 6 weeks?
Fill me in below in the comments, then tweet your favorite credo from above!
I know I am not ready yet for what you have to offer but know that I will continue to stay in touch as I know I want to work with you someday. I too have had my epiphanies and know that with clarity comes momentum so Congrats first on your nephew and taking the time and your next adventures! So inspiring to witness and know I am watching and learning from the sidelines…for now :))
Clarity will come, Jean. I know it will! And in the mean time, you are quite welcome to hang out here and learn as you do. It’s great to have you!
Dear Jenny…Firstly your baby nephew and favourite furry friend are adorable!
I’m glad you enjoyed your break doing the things that bring you joy 🙂
As for the Manifesto, where do I start? They ALL resonate. Deeply.
But if I had to choose, here are 3 that jumped out;
(i) Every action I take must help move my business forward.
Or I shouldn’t do it.
(ii) Just because an “expert” says I should do something doesn’t mean I should.
It’s my job to know myself and my business better than anyone else.
And here’s my number 1 pick from you all-round amazing Manifesto:
I don’t need to be flashier, perkier, cuter, cooler, or peppier than I really am.
I just need to be me.
Thank you, Jenny, for just being you. I’d like you to know that it’s more than enough
Thank you, Shantini! Dax and Mei Mei are both little delights!
And I’m so glad you realize that you can be YOU and make your business work. No add-ons required! Thank you for being here and sharing!
Oh Jenny! I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been checking their emails on Wednesdays and going through withdrawals LOL I hope you are super recharged. We missed you. Or at least I did 🙂
I loved all of them but the ones that stood out the most were I honor my word…even when it’s not convenient
Business is great for personal development…you are not doing it against your will
Just because an “expert” says I should do something…doesn’t mean I should quiet my inner wisdom and intuition
My fav (probably because I’ve been struggling with this one) I don’t need anyone to discover me, I just need to get out there and share my message. That one is so good.
I don’t have any to add, but I added my interpretations of the credos
I wrote my first book! Finished the manuscript on Sunday. Now I just need to choose a title-Infinite Success: What Losing 80 Pounds Taught Me About Building A Thriving Business OR From Unsuccessful to Unstoppable: Keys to Finally Lose Weight and Build a Thriving Business. I’m so excited!
TaVona, I REALLY like this one:!!!!
Success: What Losing 80 pounds Taught Me About Building A Thriving Business
So glad to be back in your inbox, too, TaVona!
And yes, so important — realizing that YOU are in charge of your business and getting the word out. Hard to own up to some days, but it’s also really empowering!!
Congratulations on your book! That’s a huge accomplishment. Bravo!
Hi Jenny!
Love that you give yourself permission to be your “introverted self”. From one introvert to another, THANK YOU for sharing the message!
It’s too exhausting pretending to be an extrovert so I stopped trying years ago!! 🙂
Dear Jenny,
I liked SOOOO much this post. Really inspiring (you should take long holidays more often hahaha 🙂 ) I find it so full of wisdom that I wanted to ask you for permission to translate your article to my Spanish audience. I would refer to you as the author and link your web and the original article, of course!
Thanks so much for your inspiration. A big hug!
I think you’re right, Amparo! I do need more long vacations. My mastermind group today was commenting on how well my 6 weeks off treated me and how when I take care of myself, everything else falls better into place!
About your request, sounds great! Shoot us an email via the contact form with specifics, and we’ll take it from there!
I’m connecting to ALL of this right now. Thank you for sharing Jenny!
So glad!
Hi Jenny –
Congratulations on your new nephew! He is adorable! It sounds like your 6-week break was divine. 🙂
I took a couple of ‘mini-breaks’ this summer and it was so helpful in bringing some much-needed clarity. All of your points resonate so much, but if I have to choose:
Regular unplugged time is essential.
I don’t need to be flashier, perkier, cuter, cooler or preppier than I really am.
Bootstrapping and DIY is a great place to start but not stay.
Simplify, Systematize and Streamline.
Treat clients like gold.
I am looking forward to your announcement in September and happy to have you back in my inbox! Thank you for this beautiful manifesto!
Glad to hear you took breaks, too, Kristi!
It’s so fun to hear what resonates with everyone, so thank you for sharing yours.
I’m excited for September… and always for more nephew snuggles 🙂
Welcome back Jenny!
Congrats on taking some unplugged time. I need some. Thank you for the reminder and the permission to unplug. I’m going to take this weekend off.
This list was a great opportunity for me to take a step back and check in.
Yes, Renee! Unplug, my friend!!
Jenny, This is one incredibly poignant business manifesto. They are all brilliant, but this is the one I love the most: ” Freedom is more important than money.”
I’ve been a busy bee over this summer, putting some of your teachings in action – the best thing I’ve done for my business is getting active on LinkedIn and helping people by sharing my authentic gifts has been an incredible experience.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful summer experiences and re-igniting our passions for living our own truths!
Love that you’ve found something that works for you, Deb! It’s so important to hunt around and find it until you do — so glad you did!
Thanks for being here!
I’ve unplugged, and trusted it will be better when I return.
Love that!
I love, “Freedom is more important than money.” This has been a strong value for me for a long time. It’s why I’ve gone down to part time so that I can build my own business and eventually just work at it. I want to be in complete control of my schedule, doing what I love. Loved your manifesto, and can’t wait to hear about your next thing!
I hear you!! I want to be in total control of my schedule, too!
I’m excited to share the next thing, too 🙂 Coming soon…
I loved this! I especially liked “I don’t need anyone to “discover” me.
I simply need to get out there and share my message.” That’s what it’s all about, serving and sharing your gifts with the world, not being “discovered”.
Yes, Bella! That’s it! You can do it, and the best thing is that you’re in charge of your results. How empowering is that?!
New acquaintance here 🙂
I LOVE your manifesto. I could adopt it as my own without edits. This one in particular was an aha to me as I’m trying to find that sweet spot between vulnerability and not violating my introverted integrity:
“I share my mistakes and lessons so others can learn from them.
But I won’t show up with my gaping, unhealed wounds or unresolved issues because that doesn’t serve anyone.”
Welcome, Veronica! We’re glad you’re here. And thanks for sharing what resonated with you!
Love the manifesto, Jenny. I’ve taken the points that resonated with me and made my own manifesto to hang above my desk. I appreciate the inspiration! xx
Love that, Lesley! I was going to have my designer make the manifesto fancy and such so you all could print it but she was on vacation like I was! Enjoy those reminders front and center at your desk!
Jenny, I read this a week ago and it’s popped into my head so many times. There’s something to be said for stepping away. I notice that my favorite teachers are like turtles, retreating to their shells for a time before joining the rest of the world. And when they re-emerge, they share truths that go beyond the same old stuff we’re seeing plastered everywhere. Your manifesto is the perfect example of that. I liked this one: “Business is a great opportunity for personal development. I can embrace it whenever I want to. Or not.” Made me smile–and feel a bit of relief. 😉 Thanks so much for sharing.
Love this, Adrianne. I’m so glad it quietly stuck with you over the past week.
I do believe that business (or nearly anything in life) CAN be an opportunity for personal development, but it’s not a requirement that we do so. Heck, that would be exhausting!!
Your turtle metaphor is funny because I keep a small, wood-carved seat turtle on my desk to remind me to take things slowly, that I have a very long life ahead of me, and to enjoy the ride, not rush it.
Thank you for being here!
Thank you so much for this post Jenny!
I appreciate your raw honesty and openness.
The one that really struck me today was: *I don’t create just to create.
I wait for the right thing at the right time to be done in the right way so I’m giving the best I have to offer.*
I have felt torn internally between retiring a group program and feeling pressure to “create something new” when my Truth is that right now, it’s not about creating the next best thing and just getting super clear on what aspects of the old program don’t feel right and where I want to put my attention for the rest of the year. Trusting that I don’t have to do 3-4 things at once out of fear of not creating “enough”. I can simply tune into what’s important and focus my efforts there and it’s okay.
Thank you!