The holidays are coming up fast, and by now many of us are starting to feel the pressure.
There’s the traditional pressure that anyone with a TV, radio, internet connection, or magazine subscription is familiar with – that right now we should all be focused on decorating our homes, baking the perfect desserts, buying more stuff, and spending lots of time with family.
At the same time, many solopreneurs also feel the pressure to continue working through the holidays or to put extra time and effort into their businesses before the end of the year – especially if you’re just starting out, trying to grow, or in a particularly important phase right now.
The strain of being pulled in all of these directions can really take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being and your business, so I wanted to help you get ahead of the curve and beat the pressure before things get to that point.
Keep reading to find out how to take control of your work (and your life!) this holiday season.
We All Feel the Pressure.
Dealing with the pressure to always keep your nose to the grindstone isn’t easy — and it’s so much worse at this time of year, when it seems like there are millions of other things you “should” be doing.
I’ve struggled with this myself. In fact, it was only after my six-week sabbatical this past summer that I decided once and for all to be more deliberate about taking regular time away from the daily grind.
I came back from that much-needed break feeling rested and replenished, and I felt inspired to immediately share with you my business manifesto and warn against working yourselves to the bone.
Because here’s the thing: working all the time isn’t a great idea! Not only does non-stop work kill your creativity, it also sucks the joy out of your business and squeezes out any space for life! Your business can’t and shouldn’t be your everything, and if you try to force it you’ll most likely alienate the people you love (and whose support you probably need!).
At the same time, your business is important. You have a vision, big goals, and people you want to help. Taking ownership of all of that and working toward it is the only way to make the business of your dreams a reality.
Add in holiday pressure, and it’s a recipe for disaster.
As your friend and biggest fan, the last thing I want is to see you collapse under the weight all of this.
The kind of collapse I’m talking about is feeling guilty for working like a fiend through Thanksgiving weekend, abandoning an important project so you don’t get judged by your friends or in-laws, or torturing yourself for missing out on family time because your were stressing over your business on the only days everyone could get together.
Instead of letting the holiday season come over you like a wave, sweeping your confidence away with it, I want to urge you to take charge of the situation.
The Decision is Yours. Make It and Embrace It!
I’ve made my decision: You’ll be seeing a little less of me this holiday season, because I’ll be taking a break from the day-to-day business grind over Thanksgiving and in December. Why? Because I need it!
It’s a wonderful feeling to be in charge this way (I am the boss after all!), and I want the same thing for you!
Ask yourself: How much do you want to work over the holidays? Is there anything in particular you want to accomplish before the new year? Or do you want to take extra time off to spend on your own or with family?
Even if you’re not a “holiday person” (I’m definitely not!), you have to admit it’s a convenient time to unplug and take a brain break. If you need a rest and your business is in a place where it can handle it, feel free to take one! Or if you want to double down and complete a project, do it.
The decision of how to manage your time this holiday season is entirely up to you, but you do have to decide. The power is in making and owning the decision. Tweet that!
To take control this holiday season, simply decide what you want, jot it down in your schedule, and commit to making it happen.
Declare It in the Comments!
Whether you’re taking time off, staying hard at work, or something in between, I want to hear from you! Tell me in the comments…
What are your plans for your business this holiday season?
How are you committing to making them happen?
Do you have any reservations about your decision?
Fill me in below!
Thankfully, the holidays are pretty low pressure for me. I’m cooking Thanksgiving dinner, but that’s about it. Our family switched to a grab bag gift-giving system which has improved my holiday experience 1,000 percent! No more spending tons of money, stressing about what to buy everyone and coming home with a bunch of stuff I don’t want or need. I get to spend time with my family without the insanity. Yay!
Yay for low key and insanity-free, Renee!
Hi Jenny,
Our family celebrated Thanksgiving a week early this year to allow for more guests with lower airfares. It was glorious! My goal is to catch up on a lot of things this weekend. This includes my business, staying flexible in case my hubby wants extra attention, and possibly some quilting…like a cherry on top for me 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a fun idea, Karen! Lower airfares, contained family time, and extra days to work on your biz. Sounds fantastic!
We’re syncing Jenny! For the last 6 years, I’ve planned (getting better each year) a “holiday hiatus” in my outward biz doings so that I may recharge my creative batteries, take cues from nature and practice my own talk re: self care. My repeat design / consulting clients are hip to the square on my effort and some even take a page from my #takegoodcare book! (we all learn from one another…) This year the hiatus was especially needed for stress relief and to go deep inside to bloom life-long biz ideas in 2016. Just sent out my Thanksgiving newsletter – brave and bold – declaring the down time and encouraging rest, repair, reflection. Count me as a believer! Take good care. 😉
Thrilled for you, Annie! You certainly deserve that break, and I’m glad you’re taking it. Bravo!!
I’m taking 3 weeks off and have let all of my clients know. The beauty of coaching on burnout is doing this guilt-free and with lots of understanding from my community. Gotta set an example!
Other than that, I’ll schedule a blog post and social media ahead of time – but otherwise I’ll be plenty busy with a toddler and a family trip out of the country. Holidays are all about family for me – the inability to take as much leave as I wanted around the holiday season was one of the things I disliked about having a boss so I’m not holding back.
Love that you get to role model for your clients!!
I am not slowing down this Christmas, my business is just sprouting and needs tender care until the sun comes up in April. I will take the 20th to 26th off but as for the rest of this entire month I will be on it, of course following the natural flow of events because forcing things can also back fire.