Over the past few weeks, I’ve talked a lot about list building, including how big your email list should be and how to get the traffic you need to make money online.
Today I’m going to take things even further by sharing my personal list-building game plan with you.
This is the exact same plan I give my clients, and these five steps form the basis of the first, highly successful class I offered: Get Your First 1000 Subscribers. I’ve never given this full plan away for free before, so this is a pretty big deal!
Keep reading to find out the five totally actionable steps you can take NOW to become a list-building superstar for your business.
Step 1: Create a Great Reason for People to Subscribe
We’ve all visited sites that offer to send updates or a free monthly newsletter if we sign up. And we all know that’s just not enough to get people to fork over their email addresses.
You need to get people excited about signing up to your list, and the way to do that is by offering an irresistible freebie.
Provide an amazing opt-in offer that communicates your value, seeks to solve a problem for your target market, and speaks to them in their language. And be sure to use tools and design features on your site that make it easy for them to actually sign up (don’t go hiding the “sign up now” button at the bottom of the page!).
Keep in mind that getting subscribers is only half the battle — you’ve got to keep them in order to grow your list.
Respect your subscribers time and use the space they’ve given you in their inboxes wisely. That means providing lots of great valuable free content in your regular emails.
Step 2: Show Up and Be of Service on Social Media
I talk a lot about social media, and for good reason. It’s such an effective way to meet with your target market, learn about their needs, convey what you’re all about, and let people know you exist.
Do you really want to miss out on this opportunity to get more eyeballs on your website and subscribers to your list? (No, you definitely do not!)
Here’s how to do it:
Set aside about 30 minutes every weekday for being of service on social media, and use this time wisely. Focus on sharing content that provides solutions to problems and commenting on others’ posts in groups where your prospective subscribers hang out.
Now this part is super important, so listen up: In everything you do on social media, practice authentic self-promotion instead of just writing boring “new blog post” notices and slimy sales pitches.
And also, be genuinely helpful out there! There’s no need to fear giving away your best stuff for free. The more generous you are with your time and expertise, the more subscribers – and ultimately, clients – you’ll get. It works great for me and my most successful clients.
Lastly, consider taking your social media game to the next level by creating a system based on hard data and planning. You really need to go all in to get the most out of it!
My Personal Recommendation for YouThe Reason You’re Not Getting Clients on Social Media & How to Change It ImmediatelyStep 3: Make Good Use of Guest Posting
Guest posting works best when you write for popular blogs in your general field of interest or a niche area you can connect to what you do. This will draw people in from your target audience who might not have come across you or your website any other way.
To get started, take a few minutes to find some popular sites you can write interesting posts for — and remember, friend posting is not the same as guest posting. You’re looking for sites with professional content, lots of engaged readers, and big lists of hungry subscribers.
Next, brainstorm a list of ideas to pitch the bloggers. Use some of your own blog posts as a jumping-off point, search the web for additional angles, and think outside the box.
Then write up a pitch letter –a jargony term that basically just means “email” – introducing yourself and detailing some of the ideas you have for posts that will work great on the site.
When you get to the negotiation stage, make sure you ask to have your by-line link to your website (preferably to your opt-in page) and most successful social media account. If negotiating is one of your strong suits, shoot for the moon and go for additional links back to your content within the actual post and other little touches that can increase your traffic!
If you don’t have time to get moving on this today, set some time aside this or next week for it. You’ll totally thank me later.
My Personal Recommendation for YouHow to Use Guest Posting to Get More Traffic & Make More Money OnlineStep 4: Host Free Calls and Webinars
Calls and webinars give you the chance to have personal, real-time interactions with your social media followers, blog readers, and subscribers so that you can learn more about their struggles and be of service. And they will LOVE having the chance to chat with you.
As a starting point, you should plan on offering one free call or webinar every three or four months. You can do them even more often if you find that it’s your thing.
Now I hear you: Webinars can be somewhat time consuming to plan and execute. But I promise you they reap huge rewards in the trust and list-building departments.
Just make sure these calls are truly freebies by avoiding the hard sell. The goal here is to get folks to your website so they can learn more about you, get hooked on the magic that is your expertise, and subscribe to your list. The selling part comes later.
Step 5: Get Out There and Experiment
My list-building action plan focuses primarily on opt-in offers, social media, guest posting on relevant blogs, and hosting free calls because these are the strategies that consistently pay off.
But really, there are so many other ways you can get the word out about your online business.
Try experimenting with interviews, speaking engagements, networking, paid advertising, local events, interpretive dance — heck, anything that you feel excited to try.
Bonus Step: KEEP GOING!
The most important thing to remember as you’re working through these steps is that the job of list building is never truly finished. No matter what you’re selling, how you’re selling it, or who you’re selling it to, you have to work continuously at building your list.
Stick with my five-step list-building action plan, and I know you’ll see results. They key, however, is to actually DO the steps.
Let Me Know How You’re Doing!
I’d love to hear from you!
Tell me in the comments:
How did you find me, and what made you subscribe to my list?
What outside-the-box ways have you gotten the word out about your online business?
Do you have any additional advice for someone just starting out growing her list?
My personal recommendations for list building:
The #1 List-Building Mistake That All Overthinkers Make
How Big Should Your Email List Be?
The Sure-Fire Way to Get More Clients
Hi Jenny,
I just reached 900. Seriously!
I have so many opt-in’s. Quiz/Challenges/Reports. I have nothing that really exploded other than the challenges. Challenges work when they are done for a short period of time. So I’m not trying to figure out a LEAD MAGNET that will get people opting in like crazy.
I think I need to start expanding.I’m doing two interview series (it’s nice to get asked) in the couple of weeks. But I’ve been scared to do the guest blogging (I have done 3 including Hunffington Post). I need to get out of my way there. I’m dyslexic, so I know it’s not always perfect. But that’s not an excuse.
Thanks for the inspiration,
Congratulations on 900! That’s quite a feat!
It’s always interesting to see what works well for one person versus another. There is most definitely not just one way to do it. Love that you found your groove.
For guest posting, you can always hire an editor or use a service like grammerly to double check your work — that should help with your confidence in putting your stuff out there.
You’ve got this!