What if I told you that I am afraid most days? What if I told you that growing my business and putting my name and face in front of the world is scary? When my clients hit rough patches in their business, I tell them that starting and growing purpose-driven businesses is one of the most challenging personal development programs you could undertake. It requires you to Continue reading...
How to Get More Done Than You Ever Thought Possible
Tell the truth: Are you working too much? Does your family need to rip you away from the computer in order to spend time with you? Are you looking a little pale from being inside all day? I know many business owners who work far more than they need to. It's not that they want to work hard; it's usually that they don't know how not to. Today I want to tell you why Continue reading...
Maximizing the Do-Good Factor in Your Business
You're someone who wants to make a difference in the world, aren't you? (I love people like you.) Through your business, you really change lives. (I love that you do that!) In today's video I'm going to talk about how to maximize the do-good factor in your business. I share with you three small ways you can impact more lives than you already are, really transforming the Continue reading...
Do You Make This Deadly Mistake When You Set Goals?
As a go-getter entrepreneur, I'm sure you're great at setting goals. You set your sights on what you want and plug away until you get there. However, there is one major mistake that many people make when they set goals, and it can actually keep you from getting what you really want. In today's video, I'm going to tell you about this deadly mistake and how to steer Continue reading...
How to Have Fun This Summer Without Neglecting Your Business
Happy Summer, Superhero! Have you ever had a summer pass you by where you felt like you didn't get in enough play time? That the months of sunshine were spent indoors at your computer instead of outside having fun? Do you worry that if you do go outside and play, you won't get enough done to keep things moving in your business? It can be quite a balancing Continue reading...
One Question You Must Ask to Create a Business That Supports Your Dreams
As busy entrepreneurs, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks required to run a business. It's as if email, social media, and sales pages have become the focus of our lives. But are email, social media, and sales pages the real reason you created your business? I doubt it. My guess is that you created your business to support a bigger vision you have for Continue reading...
Steal This! My Simple System for Getting Stellar Testimonials [Plus a Free Download with Done-for-You Script]
Do you have a hard time getting your clients and customers to write a testimonial for you, even when they have raved about your work? When I first started working as a life coach, I had a hard time getting testimonials, even though my clients said they loved working with me! Way back in 2011, I implemented a new approach that allows me to easily get amazing testimonials Continue reading...
Spreading Yourself Too Thin? Use This One Simple Shortcut to Save Hours Each Week So You Can Get Back on Track
Has entrepreneurship stretched you a bit thin? Are you feeling like there's too much to do and never enough time to do it? Most entrepreneurs I know are working hard to get everything done and still feel like they're falling behind. I want to help you catch up and manage your mental and emotional well-being. Today I have a simple but crucial, time-saving short-cut Continue reading...
Dreaming of a Business That Supports Your Life? How to Get Exactly What You Want, No Visualization Required
Nearly three years ago I exited the card-locked corporate office building for the last time and walked into the wild unknown. I was finally going after what I wanted: work that filled my soul and supported me financially. At the time, I believed it would be easy to make it all work. I was, however, very, very wrong. Even though it wasn't easy, I still got what I Continue reading...
Steal This! My Behind-the-Scenes Business System Secrets for Booking New Clients (and Saving Hours Every Week)
Have you ever wished you could peek behind the curtain to see how someone else runs their business, then steal their golden ideas? (Come on. Of course you have!) Today I'm granting your wish and giving you a secret look behind the scenes of my business. I'm going to share with you my exact process for booking new clients, so you can use it, too! When you streamline Continue reading...
Using PayPal? Don’t Let an Uptick in Sales Kill Your Account During Your Next Big Launch, Rate Increase, or Sale
Stacy was reveling in her recent success. She just closed the cart on a huge new program launch for which she had massive signups. She had upped her game in a major way and achieved the results she hoped for. Needless to say, she was celebrating. Until the next morning… when she found her PayPal account locked, with all her hard-earned cash trapped in the PayPal Continue reading...
Curious About B-School? Here’s My 100% Honest Review of the Program, Plus Answers to Your Most-Asked Questions
I often get asked what I think of Marie Forleo's B-School, so here's my 100% honest review. If you’re interested in joining the B-School through my affiliate link when it's open, go here and enter your information. In this review, I’m going to share with you what B-School is, how it helped my business, who I think it’s best suited for, and who it's not ideal for. I’m Continue reading...
Is Your Side-Gig a Business or a Hobby? How to Make the Leap and Embody What It Means to Be a Real Business Owner
Like many new online entrepreneurs, when I first started my business I wanted to believe that simply being good at what I did would ensure that I had a successful business. As I've said before, I eventually got a good smack upside the head (not a literal smack, don't worry) and realized that I needed to be a business owner, not just a coach. I needed to take charge of Continue reading...
Are You Making Smart Business Investments? Why Marie Forleo’s B-School Was the Best Decision I Made Last Year
Today I am going to let you in on a secret. I'm going to tell you the best business decision I made last year. This one decision had a huge, positive impact on my business. My income, list, fan base, and confidence all grew as a result of this decision. I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today if I had chosen differently. As a business owner, I know Continue reading...
Need an Assistant? How to Know When It’s Time to Hire One So You Can Grow Your Business and Get More Time Back
After I told you how to get your assistant to run your business for you and how to give your assistant feedback without sounding like a you-know-what, several of you said, "I don't have an assistant yet. How do I know if I'm ready?" In today's video, I'll tell you how to know if it's time to hire an assistant for your business. It's pretty straightforward and easier Continue reading...
“My Assistant Made a Mistake!” How to Give Feedback to Your Assistant Without Sounding Like a You-Know-What
To keep giving you relevant and timely content, we update our most popular posts. This article was last updated on October 13, 2020. Excitement abounded when I shared my tips for getting your assistant to run your business for you. I was thrilled at your enthusiasm, superhero. After that post went live, I received several emails from you saying that you’re ready to Continue reading...
Filled with Self-Doubt in Your Business? Wondering If You Really Have What It Takes? It’s Part of the Process
Lately I've found myself talking with new entrepreneurs who are panicked about business. They're afraid they don't have what it takes to make it online. They're comparing themselves to more experienced entrepreneurs and feeling like they're coming up short. I know the feeling. We all know that feeling. If you ever feel fear and doubt about being in business, listen Continue reading...
Finally Get Past the Blogging Blahs: 6 Shortcuts for Staying Inspired and Creating Fresh Content for Your Blog
Do you ever have a day where you can't come up with a blog post topic? You sit and think and think and think and nothing happens. Do you put off blogging, hoping that at some point you'll get some inspiration, but realize three months have gone by and you've written nothing? If you ever feel blah about your blog, you're in good company. Many bloggers and online Continue reading...
How to Get Your Assistant to Run Your Business for You (Yes, It’s Totally Possible and Easier Than You Think)
Have you ever wondered if you can get your assistant to run your business for you? You can, and it's easier than you think. A few weeks ago I was having breakfast with a whip-smart entrepreneur named Sarah. She was asking me how she could get her assistant to run her business for her. I was excited to tell her how to do it, because it's totally possible and not too Continue reading...
How to use Gmail Labels, Filters, and Multiple Inbox Features to Organize Your Emails and Obtain Inbox Bliss
Do you ever find yourself swimming in email, wondering if you'll ever navigate to that place of inbox bliss? Or does the thought of looking at your inbox want to make you run and hide? Fear no more, superhero. It is possible to organize your inbox and obtain inbox bliss. If you haven't done so already, first clean out the unnecessary emails from your inbox. I tell Continue reading...
Happy 1-Year Anniversary to Me! I’m Celebrating with the Top 10 Lessons I Learned in My First Year in Business
March 1st marked the one year anniversary of jennyshih.com. It almost passed without me even realizing what a big occasion it was! A lot has happened over the last twelve months. I'm blown away when I look back at all that has transpired. To honor this anniversary, I'm sharing the top 10 things I learned about business in the last year, Late Show Top 10 Continue reading...
How to Stop Fear and Perfectionism from Holding You Back (What Held Me Back from Creating My First Video Blog)
Have you ever had something on your business to-do list for so long that you wondered if you'd ever get around to doing it at all? Fear and perfectionism can be two of the biggest roadblocks to doing what we know we want to do in our business. Simply calling attention to the situation can nip it in the bud and get you moving. Today is my first video blog ever. I Continue reading...
Selling Isn’t About Convincing: The Secret to Selling Your Services in a Way That Feels Authentic and Genuine
Do you feel a little uncomfortable when you talk with a prospect about your services? Do you find yourself tongue-tied when it comes to telling them about what you do and how much you charge? When I started my first business, I thought I had to convince people that I could help them. I thought I had to explain what my credentials were and how qualified I was. I thought Continue reading...
Why Heart-Centered Business Owners Feel Guilty for Wanting to Make More Money and How to Shift It Immediately
Alright, Superhero. It's time for a little heart-to-heart chat. First, let me tell you that you are amazing and the world needs you and what you do. Unfortunately, you could be limiting your world-saving abilities because of one little lie you're telling yourself. Do you know what that lie is? It goes something like this: It's not right to make Continue reading...
“So, What Do You Do?” My Step-by-Step Method for Quickly Explaining What You Do in a Way That People Understand
You finally caved. "Sure, I'll go with you," you say with a reluctant tone. Networking events aren't your thing, but you do enjoy hanging out with your friend. You arrive, hang up your coat, grab a drink, and plaster on a smile. You and your friend find a small huddle of not-too-strange-looking folks. They say their names, then ask the dreaded question: "So, what Continue reading...
Tips from an Attorney: You Could Be at Risk If Your Website Is Missing These Three, Often-Overlooked Policies
It’s so easy to create a website and start a business that many people overlook some of the logistical and legal details required to actually be in business. Overlooking these details, however, can be a risky (read: illegal) move. There’s no need to hide behind your cape, superhero. I have just the person to walk you through exactly what you need to know. Legalese made Continue reading...
The Simplest Trick for Staying Focused and Getting More Done When You’re Overwhelmed with Too Many Ideas
It's Wednesday already and you haven't accomplished nearly as much as you've hoped to. It's another one of those weeks. You've have a long to-do list, a million ideas, and big plans for saving the world, yet all that seems to be happening is, well, not much. It doesn't have to be this way, superhero. You can get through your to-do list, execute your million ideas, Continue reading...
Is Frustration Holding You Back? How to Express Your Feelings in a Healthy Way So You Can Work with a Clear Head
You're ready for another great day of saving the world, but you've got this nagging frustration that won't leave you alone. You try to ignore it, but it's still there. No matter what you do to distract yourself from it, it lingers. How are you supposed to save the world if you're quietly simmering inside? What you're doing wrong Most of us were trained to be good boys Continue reading...
Imagine What Wants to Happen: The Martha Beck Exercise That Helps You Decide Which Direction to Go in Business
Last week I suggested that you could be lying to yourself about what you really want. Many of you agreed. Between the comments on the blog and the personal emails I received, you admitted to not being honest with yourself about what you want. You also said you are ready to claim your dreams. Bravo! But what if you truly don't know what you want? I recently learned Continue reading...
Too Afraid to Admit What You Want? How to Face the Truth and Chase Your Dream (Even If You’re Scared Sh*tless)
Have you ever felt like you were ready to do something new but didn't know exactly what it was? Maybe you knew you wanted to change careers or rebrand your business or try a new hobby, but the specifics eluded you. It happens a lot. I saw it when I was a life coach, and I see it now with my business coaching clients. There is a way to get around it. Let me start Continue reading...
The Easy, 5-Minute Technique You Can Do Right Now to Clean Out Your Inbox and Reduce Email Overwhelm for Good
Even if you're busy with the holidays, emails keep arriving in your inbox, adding to the stress of the seasonal hustle. To provide you with some relief, I'm going to give you the quickest and easiest email stress reduction technique I know. It will take less than 5 minutes and save you hours of headaches in 2012. You're going to do it right now. (Yes, that's me putting Continue reading...
5 Easy Ways to Find Sites for Guest Posting So You Can Get Your Name & Your Business in Front of More People
Guest posting is great way to get your name and your business in front of more people. It can also help you grab newsletter subscribers, customers, and clients. The most common question I get from my clients when it comes to guest posting is "How do I find a good place to guest post?" Today I'm sharing with you exactly what I tell them. Here are my top 5 easy ways to Continue reading...
2012 Is Going to be My Best Year Yet… And It Scares the Shit out of Me: Discover What I’m Going for This Year
2012 scares the shit out of me. It's not because of the whole "world coming to an end" Mayan calendar thing. I'm not worried about that. 2012 scares the shit out of me because I'm taking some huge leaps of faith. I'm taking some chances, and I'm betting on my success. You may think I'm practiced at this. You may think I'm a pro. If you did, you'd be wrong. I've Continue reading...
Overwhelmed with Emails & Scheduling? The Top 5 Tech Tools That Keep Me Organized So My Business Runs Smoothly
I get a lot of questions about how I stay organized and on top of everything that needs to happen in my business. Today I'm sharing with you the top 5 tech tools I use to stay organized and keep my business running smoothly. 1. Gmail and Google Apps I use Google Apps to manage my @jennyshih.com email addresses. Instead of dealing with my hosting company’s interface, I Continue reading...
The Hardest Part about Being the Boss: How to Give Regular, Honest Feedback to Your Employees and Contractors
My stomach was tied in knots. I had been fretting about it for a week. I wasn't sleeping well, and I was eating too much junk food. It wasn't going to be an easy conversation. When the clock hit 3:00 that afternoon, I knew it was time. No more preparing. No more trying to get around it. It was going to happen. He came over to my desk. I suggested we get a room. We Continue reading...
Been Putting Off Your Goals? Now’s the Time to Make Them Happen! My One Simple Step to Finish 2011 with a Bang
What's that thing that you've been putting off doing but want to complete before 2011 is over? Pitch and write a guest post? Write an ebook? Finalize your website? Hire an assistant? I know you know it's time to get it done. Last week I made a list called My Final 2011 Priorities. It has 3 things I want to accomplish before the year is over. I've been dragging Continue reading...
Struggling to Stay Motivated? Overwhelmed by What It Takes to Run Your Business? Here’s How to Fix It [Video]
Today I’m being featured on shesnext.com, where I did a video post (yes--me, on video!) on how to stay motivated. How to Find All the Motivation You Could Ever Need Do you ever struggle with motivation when you have so much to do to start or grow your business? I give you my most honest insights and advice in this video. Leave a comment and let me know what you Continue reading...
How to Train an Assistant in 5 Minutes: Delegate Recurring Tasks with Ease So You Can Focus on Your Genius Work
Hiring and training an assistant can seem like a Catch-22. You would hire and train someone to lighten your work load if you only had time to do it. However, by not taking time to hire and train an assistant, entrepreneurs end up spending more time doing recurring tasks and less time doing their genius work. Why have a business if you're not able to spend time doing your Continue reading...
Changing the World and Pissing People Off: What I Really Want to Say to the Person Who Sent Me a Critical Email
The email began, "I am offended by what you wrote." My breathing stopped. My heart pounded. I froze, then I started trembling. A stream of uncomfortable thoughts appeared in my mind. I knew I shouldn't have written that. How many other people did I piss off? Maybe I should send an apology to everyone. I had put off sending that email for over a month. I finally sent it Continue reading...
Jenny Elsewhere: The Pull of My Purpose and What It Means to Me, Featured Blog Post on Lifebyme.com
Today I’m being featured on lifebyme.com. I wrote about what purpose means to me. Purpose My purpose has its own life force. It pulls me up out of bed every morning. It drives me, propels me. Like a tree deeply rooted in the earth, I am clear and strong when I'm connected to my purpose. When I forget why I do what I do, I wobble, waver, and stagnate. During my childhood, Continue reading...
40 Hours a Week? No Way! How I Manage to Work Less (Or Not At All) While Staying Productive and Stress-Free
Last week I was chatting about business with a friend and fellow entrepreneur. The conversation came around to productivity and getting things done. At some point I told her, "Some days I don't work at all." "Really?!" she said. "Wow. That's good to know. I wouldn't have guessed that about you." I was shocked that she was shocked. Doesn't everyone not work now and Continue reading...
Is Your Opt-in Offer Hurting Your Business? The Top 3 Freebie Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and How to Avoid Them
You've heard it from me. You've heard it from others. Having an freebie is the #1 way to get people to subscribe to your list. What you may not know is that having a freebie doesn't do anything. You need to have an irresistible freebie. An irresistible freebie, grabs visitors' attention, piques their curiosity, gets them on your list, and turns them into raving fans. I've Continue reading...
Feeling Overwhelmed by Your Business? 9 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time, Without Pushing Yourself Too Hard
How would you like to get more done in less time, without pushing yourself any harder than you already do? This week I've got a quick list of tips on how to get more done without pushing too hard. 1. Manage overwhelm before it shuts you down. Learn to catch yourself before overwhelm sets in and leaves you utterly stuck. If you can nip it in the bud as soon as it Continue reading...
Passion Alone Isn’t Enough to Make Your Business Work: How to Improve Your Brand, Marketing, and Finance Skills
Sounds silly, doesn't it? A superhero telling you that focusing on your passion doesn't always work. Allow me to first clarify one thing: I believe wholeheartedly in passion and doing what you love. However, I also believe that passion alone isn't enough to make a business work. It takes passion plus a whole lot more. I really, really, really wanted to believe it was Continue reading...
The Ebb and Flow of Creativity: How to Successfully Navigate the Natural Rhythm of Creative Floods and Droughts
Before it even arrived, I knew August was going to bring a creative drought. I could feel it in my bones. I was prepared. That doesn't mean I liked that it was coming. But I embraced and accepted the reality of it and am now reaping the benefits of my creativity's return I've come to learn that creative droughts are always temporary and usually necessary. Without these Continue reading...
Jenny Elsewhere: Guest Posts on Do What You Love, Plus Named One of Dr. Shannon Reece’s Inspiring Entrepreneurs
This week I've been so lucky to be featured on two different sites. Check 'em out! 1. Some sacrifices aren’t sacrifices at all Find this story on Beth Nicholl's dowhatyouloveforlife.com 2. 19 Entrepreneurs Who Are Rockin’ It Out! Thanks to Loralee Hutton for nominating me as an inspiring entrepreneur on Dr. Shannon Reece's blog Continue reading...
How to Chase Rainbows, Leprechauns, and Pots of Gold When Everything Goes Wrong in Business and in Life
Two weeks ago I found myself stranded on an Interstate 5 off-ramp in Washington state. It was sunny at 4:30 that afternoon. I had had a good day. My puppy Mei Mei and I met a friend and her dogs at a fabulous park on Lake Union in Seattle. Later, I relaxed in the sun outside a Starbucks while Mei Mei napped. Then, I headed to meet my husband in a small town called Castle Continue reading...
Stressed About Money? Stop Thinking You Can’t Profit From Your Superpowers and Start to Embrace Financial Freedom
Are you a superhero with money worries? This one's for you. Click here to tweet about this video! Continue reading...
Want More Clients? Marketing Trick #2: Be of Service to Your Clients with Every Class, Blog, or Offer You Create
Marketing doesn't have to be painful. If you've never done it before, it is challenging, but a good challenge is inherent in growing an authentic and thriving online business. Last week I suggested you get to know your ideal customer so well that you can use her words to describe what you offer. This makes it much easier to sell your products and services because your Continue reading...
Does Selling Make You Feel Pushy? Marketing Trick #1: How to Talk to Your Ideal Client in a Way That Feels Good
Does the idea of selling your products or services give you a stomach ache? Does it feel painful to write a sales page for your website? Oh, I know the feeling!!! Here's a trick that learned from this amazing woman to make the pain stop. I'm sure you've heard the idea of a customer profile. It's when you give your ideal customer a name, list her problems, and Continue reading...
What I Learned During My First 2 Years in Business: How to Embrace Fear, Find Love, and Change the World
I did it. Two years ago today I left my corporate job. I said good-bye to my staff, my bosses, and my colleagues, people with whom I had spent much of my previous 10 years. It was all sweet, no bitter. I couldn't stop smiling. When I walked out of the office for the last time, I felt like I was taking the biggest risk of my life. I was leaving behind a 6-figure Continue reading...
Is Your Inbox Overflowing? Tame Your Email Inbox and Get Rid of Overwhelm Once and for All in 9 Painless Steps
Does email stress you out? Is your Inbox overflowing? Does it make you cringe just to look at the volume of email that’s there? I’ve known people who can have over 500 unread messages at any given time, and they felt like it was a hopeless endeavor to get through it. I learned to tame the email demon years ago and found Inbox bliss. You can tame your Inbox and Continue reading...
Need a Productivity Boost? Bribery Is Your Best Ally When You Want to Make Things Happen and Get Things Done
Bribery can be your best ally when it comes to making things happen and getting things done. It’s always a good idea to have a list of easy bribery items to use when you need ‘em. Here are some of my favorite bribery items: extra-hot mocha small bouquet of flowers a walk outside playing with my puppy bite of chocolate bake or cook something yummy Continue reading...
Why Fear Is a Good Sign When You’re Working on Something Important and Sharing Your Ideas with the World
Are you creating something big? Are you sharing your ideas with the world? And, are you afraid? Perfect! Fear has a message for you. You're onto something important. If you're working on an idea and it came from a clean place, and you're still scared, it's a good sign. It means you're doing meaningful work, pushing your boundaries, and on track to making a Continue reading...
Bad Ideas Can Halt Your Business Growth and Waste Your Time: Here’s How to Know if Your Idea Is the Right One
Have you ever had an idea or an inspiration to do something, but you weren't quite sure if it was the right one? Here's a little trick for knowing if your idea is a good one to act on right now. Use the clean or dirty test A clean idea is one that’s pure. It comes from an inspired place. A dirty idea is one that comes from desperation, lack, worry, anxiety, or similar Continue reading...
Inspiration Can Strike Anywhere: How Not to Lose Track of Your Best Ideas When You’re Travelling Out and About
Almost a month ago I wrote about capturing ideas in the shower. If you missed that one, you must check it out, especially if you ever get a good idea in the shower and lose it after you step out. Today I'm going to share my tip for keeping track of your ideas and inspirations when you're out and about. My favorite out and about tool for capturing ideas is a mini Continue reading...
How to Make Your Ideas Actually Happen: An 8-Part Blog Series for Creative, Online Business Owners (Part 8)
This is final in a series of posts about how to make your ideas actually happen. Introduction Figure out the Steps Bring Order to Chaos Ask for Help Conquer Your Fear Get It Done It’s Time to Get Real Wow! You made it. Thanks for sticking it out for some seriously long, detailed, and intense posts on how to make your ideas actually happen. Yipee!! It’s more than Continue reading...
How to Make Your Ideas Actually Happen: An 8-Part Blog Series for Creative, Online Business Owners (Part 7)
This is part of a series of posts about how to make your ideas actually happen. Introduction Figure out the Steps Bring Order to Chaos Ask for Help Conquer Your Fear Get It Done Get It Done Wow, you’ve come far. Everything is set so you can make your idea actually happen. I love this part! Reap the benefits of your hard work The work you’ve done to get to this Continue reading...
How to Make Your Ideas Actually Happen: An 8-Part Blog Series for Creative, Online Business Owners (Part 6)
This is part of a series of posts about how to make your ideas actually happen. Introduction Figure out the Steps Bring Order to Chaos Ask for Help Conquer Your Fear Get It Done Conquer Your Fear [Cue scary music.] You’re scared. You should be. Changing the world is scary. And it’s wildly fun. You’ve got to do it anyway, fear or not. The world needs Continue reading...
How to Make Your Ideas Actually Happen: An 8-Part Blog Series for Creative, Online Business Owners (Part 5)
This is part of a series of posts about how to make your ideas actually happen. Introduction Figure out the Steps Bring Order to Chaos Ask for Help Conquer Your Fear Get It Done Ask for Help As I told you last time, help is not a four-letter word. I don’t know where it came from, but so many of us think that asking for help is a bad thing and that we should do Continue reading...
How to Make Your Ideas Actually Happen: An 8-Part Blog Series for Creative, Online Business Owners (Part 4)
This is part of a series of posts about how to make your ideas actually happen. Take a deep breath before you start reading this one, it’s long. Introduction Figure out the Steps Bring Order to Chaos Ask for Help Conquer Your Fear Get It Done Bring Order to Chaos The last thing you did was create a large stack of index cards that represented a list of tasks that Continue reading...
How to Make Your Ideas Actually Happen: An 8-Part Blog Series for Creative, Online Business Owners (Part 3)
This is part of a series of posts about how to make your ideas actually happen. Introduction Figure out the Steps Bring Order to Chaos Ask for Help Conquer Your Fear Get It Done Figure out the Steps Once you’re clear on your idea, it’s time to figure out the dozens (or millions) of tiny tasks required to make your idea actually happen. Start with a brain dump. Continue reading...
How to Make Your Ideas Actually Happen: 8-Part Blog Series for Creative, Online Business Owners (Introduction)
This is part of a series of posts about how to make your ideas actually happen. I’m going to start off with a little story. Introduction Figure out the Steps Bring Order to Chaos Ask for Help Conquer Your Fear Get It Done How They Had It Wrong Three years ago I was working in my corporate job at a high-tech company managing an engineering staff of really smart Continue reading...
Spring Cleaning for Your Business: 3 Ways to Spruce up Your Physical Space, Client Relationships, and Mindset
Spring has arrived, April is here, birds are chirping, and the sun gloriously illuminates the dust all over my office. (Good thing I work with clients over email and the phone.) Spring cleaning isn't just for our houses anymore. Your office and your business could use a little lift, too. By "spring cleaning" I don't just mean the dust in your office. It's so much Continue reading...
Superhero Postcard Giveaway: Winner Announced
Congratulations to Helen Samson Mullen for winning my superhero postcard giveaway. This is no April Fools' joke! Congrats, Helen! Looking for some of your own superhero postcards, keep watching for future giveaways or order some right now! Continue reading...