You’ve heard that “having a list” is the best way to get clients. But what if you don’t have a list or have a very small one? Then what do you do?
The good news is that there are a lot of ways to get clients without an email list (even though having a list is still a smart idea!), and today I’m going to tell you one approach that’s so easy you can do it—and get clients from it—without having to leave the comfort of your home office.
I got my first 12 clients using this strategy!
In fact, it was a client-getting favorite for my client Shari, and it also landed her boatloads of professional referrals. All she did was follow this one super simple strategy.
Today I’m going to give you all of the specifics (including some Steal This! templates) so you can take action IMMEDIATELY to get clients.
Plus I’m giving you a special bonus just for taking action. If you want more clients, don’t miss this.
New Clients and Effortless Referrals
In Make It Work Online, I teach my clients 21+ ways to get clients, most of which DO NOT require them to have the things that most marketers say are essential, like:
- a huge email list
- a large Facebook ad budget
- tons of traffic
- expensive software
Because if you had a huge email list, an ad budget, and tons of traffic, you’d be rolling in clients!
As a newer business owner, you’re starting with a website, a blog and maybe a tiny email list.
This means you need strategies that work for you right where you are now.
That’s exactly what I do for my clients and what I’m going to help you with today.
Start with Who You Know
What if I told you that there are more than 100 people who want to be or know people who could be your clients? You’d jump on the opportunity to sign them up, right?
Yes, it really is that simple. And today Shari Broder’s going to prove it to you.
Shari’s Success Story: Easy New Client & Effortless Referrals
I reached out to my Make It Work Online clients to ask them what their favorite client-getting strategies have been, and Shari told me about her success with what we call “100 emails.”
It’s a simple and wildly-effective strategy that goes like this:
Step 1. Make a list of 100 people you know.
Step 2. Email all 100 people personally to celebrate your new business and tell them what you’re up to.
(There is no step 3. See, I told you it was easy!)
Shari loved this strategy because it was something she could do in small increments. Her time is limited, as she’s working a full-time job while building her weight-coaching business.
And it worked!
In just a few weeks of sending emails, she got:
- a new, perfect client
- a phone call from a local acupuncturist who wanted to know more so she could refer people to Shari; plus she asked Shari to drop off cards and brochures to display in her office
- a response from a local physical therapist who also wanted Shari to leave cards and brochures in her office
- countless words of encouragement and promises to pass on her information to friends and family
Although not everyone responded to her emails (which is to be expected), those who did were very enthusiastic about her message.
A Peek at Shari’s Email
[A personal tid-bit related to her connection with this specific individual]
I also want to let you know what I’m doing in my life coaching practice, in case you know anyone who be interested. I’ve been focusing primarily on helping people lose weight through kinder, friendlier and more permanent means than dieting.
I work mostly with women who have tried just about every diet there is and are afraid they’ll never take the weight off. I teach them how to enjoy the foods they love while ending their patterns of overeating so they can lose their excess weight for good. A kind of weight loss for foodies!
It was through working with a weight coach that I finally figured out the cause of my food issues and how to stop overeating, and I lost a lot of weight. I realized it was my passion to help people who are ready to make a permanent change in their relationship with food. I’ve had a lot of success, and find it incredibly rewarding. I do most of my coaching by phone with people all over the country.
My website is
So if you know anyone who might be interested, I hope you’ll forward this email or refer them to my website.
[A personal closing related to her connection with this person]
Click to TweetGet more clients, even if you have a tiny list. Grab the perfect email script from Jenny Shih featuring @LifeCoachShariWhy This Works so Well
One of the things that makes Shari’s email strategy so effective is that she takes the time to personalize each email. The above message is simply her starting point.
She takes time to sit down, get her energy right, and focus on the person she’s emailing to. This ensures she’s taking the right action and making the right connection with the intended recipient.
She also avoids the Jargon Trap. Notice that she uses words that her clients would use—no “coach speak.”
Yes, it means emails are sent out more slowly, but they’re also more effective!
Steal This! 5 Email Scripts
While one example is great, I personally do better when I have more examples to work with.
That’s why I’m excited to give you a total of 5 email scripts to help you craft your 100 emails. Check out the email scripts here.
My Personal Recommendation for YouSteal This! 5 Email Scripts to Get Clients FastYour Take Action Challenge
Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and get more clients? Take action now!
I’m going to reward you for it!
Here’s your take action challenge:
Step 1. Leave a comment below and declare how many emails you’ll personally send over the next week and next month.
I recommend that you send at least 10 in the next week to get you started and aim for a total of 50 emails in the next month, though 100 is even better!
Step 2. Send those emails. (Be sure to grab all 5 client-getting email scripts help you find the perfect email for you.)
Step 3. Come back in 1 week and tell me how many emails you sent. (Yes, this means you have to set a reminder for yourself. Or better yet, use the “subscribe to comments” feature below, and I’ll remind you!)
Then, keep up the momentum and come back in 1 month to tell me how many emails you sent.
Step 4. If you hit your goal, I’ll send you a second client-getting resource from the Make It Work Online digital library.
As you take action, if you run into challenges or need help be sure to post them below so I can personally help you.
Alright, now go get to it!
This is ah-mazing! My website is still under construction and this advice blows my mind. Thank you so much for sharing Jenny!
Sometimes we make things way too hard! This one’s easy, so have fun getting those clients!
Thank you! I’m getting discouraged with all the marketing “strategies” and love the practical and genuine advice. I promise to send at least 15 emails this week!
There are so many strategies out there, like you say, but sometimes the most straightforward, practical steps do the best. Have fun sending emails (your genuine excitement will totally pay off), and report back how it goes!
Alright, April, it’s been just over 2 weeks. How are the emails coming? What have you done, what have you learned, and how can I help?
Okay with knees shaking and all I am committed to sending 15 emails in the next week and 100 emails in the next month. And as a numbers gal, you know I had to calculate the 100 into 30 that’s 3.33 emails a day. That’s It! #Wow. #IGotThis
YES!!!! Cheering you on, and I’ll watch for your check-in!
Alright, Jennifer, it’s been just over 2 weeks. How are the emails coming? What have you done, what have you learned, and how can I help?
Hi Jenny,
I’ll aim to send 15 in the first week, and a 100 in total for the first month!
Woohoo! You’ve got this! I’ll watch for your check-in!
Alright, Fayann, it’s been just over 2 weeks. How are the emails coming? What have you done, what have you learned, and how can I help?
I didn’t post my goal but I created and sent “21” personal emails to people – actually through facebook messenger – – (is that ok to do? 🙂 ) and I got some lovely responses. People are beautiful.
I loved this exercise because it forced me to get clear on what I am about and what I’m really offering!!!! I feel like this so sums up what I’m all about, that I’m going to share it here.
It took me a long time and a lot of work to get here, but I’m here and it feels ahhmazing…. this is who I am:
“I am an artist, a writer, and an Openness Coach.”
So also, Here is a sample portion of the email as I adopted the template above to my own …..
“As a life coach, I help people set goals and work toward them by offering weekly accountability check-ins and coaching on the mental blocks as they come up. (Which they always do, right?!)
I work with both women AND men who have gone through a lot of changes and are ready to re-build and put the pieces together in a way that feels more authentic to who they want to be. I teach them how to identify their core values and live from there. It takes a new kind of courage, and that’s what I’m there for, to encourage BRAVE ACTION!
It was through working with a coach of my own in a group training program that I finally figured out what was holding me back, and I began to “open up” in new ways. That’s why I call my coaching “Openness Coaching” because I realized it was my passion to help people who are ready to make a permanent change in their lives to, first, believe it is possible, and then second, take intentional, focused action on their own behalf. I’ve had a lot of success recently, and find it incredibly rewarding helping people get over the humps and keep going with their goals. I do most of my coaching by phone, email or FB message with people locally as well as all over the country. I also have a private FB group that goes with the coaching.
So if you yourself want some extra accountability, or if you know anyone who might be interested, I hope you’ll forward this message or refer them to my website.”
That’s it!
Wow, if you are still reading, thank you.
I have figured out the key to making progress and at the heart is accountability. I’m here for the people that are ready to really DO THE THING, that are done with excuses, ready to put their heads down and follow-through to the end with something that they SAY is important but haven’t seemed to be able to find the time…. the time is there…. it’s a matter of priorities…
My new hashtag for goal setting and stating out loud what you will do for accountability is #okiamdoingthis. So this post is my personal example of OPEN living, letting MY FRIENDS and ACQUAINTANCES KNOW, “Hey, you guys, I am a life coach, it’s who I am and it’s what I do naturally, I’m good at it.”
so… OK. I am doing this, and I am taking on clients starting…. NOW! HAHA
Thanks Jenny, I’ve really enjoyed your stuff so far, it’s actually getting me to take action which is completely awesome!
I love that you went for it, Sara! How many more have you sent? What was your total goal? And how’s it been going so far?
Super cool! I Declare,…lol. I’m going to send out 25 emails per week starting on Monday! I’ll be back on the following Monday to follow up and give an update! Here we go!
Cheering you on, Jasmine!
Didn’t get to start last week! Life. However, I was determined to get started this week! 25 emails sent! Whew! It was tough coming up with a list of 100! I got hung up after #32! I had to dig deep. Came up with 78, then got hung up again. I started sending the emails anyway. I now have a list of 87. Still pushing! So far two photographers have agreed to send my information to their clients! Excited to see what the final results are!
Awesome way to take action! And you’re already seeing that it’s creating some traction for you. Love it!
One of the things I talk about with my clients is that we have to push energy OUT into the world about our business in order for it to come back. We don’t always know what OUT energy will create IN energy (money and clients that come back to us), but that’s not our job. Our job is to show up and put the energy OUT there for people to know about us. Very little OUT energy is wasted. It always comes back, proportionally to what we put out. Keep it up!
Jenny! It’s done. 100 emails in four weeks! Whew! It wasn’t easy. I had to fight through resistance, doubt, self-judgment, and even the perceived idea that I didn’t know many people. I’m resting in a sense of accomplishment right now. I’ve gotten some responses, and more are coming in, but honestly I’m just proud for Showing Up. Thanks Jenny!
WAY TO GO!!! Well done! Bravo!
This is awesome! I am launching by business in the next few days and this hopefully will give me the kickstart to my first consults / clients! I am committed to sending out 30 emails in the next 5 days, and 100 or more in the next month!
Woot! Go for it, Amanda! Report back and let us know how it goes! Cheering you on!
Hey Jenny! My goal for the weekend is to make some final touches on my website. I decided I wouldn’t start sending out emails until after the Labor Day Weekend so they wouldn’t get lost in the shuffle. This will also give me a chance to get my list of 100 put together and to personalize the email templates you gave out (thank you for your generosity!).
My goal is to send out 10 emails by the end of next week – Sept 8. Then get to the 75 email mark by the end of September.
I’m counting on you to notify me then because I’m not sure I’ll remember where to find this article again. I’ve been looking through all your content and it’s so fabulous!! I can’t wait to learn more and implement as I go along!
Thanks so much for your help!
Cheering you on, Michele!
Did you do it, Michele? 😉
Question: Can I use my (inert) list for this? I’ve got about 175 people on it and haven’t emailed them in *ages*. I’ve made shifts in my business and would like to reengage them.
I’d recommend this approach instead:
Challenge accepted! I would, however, still love the templates you’re offering. I’ve signed up twice and never received them.
Thank you so much for this blog post, Jenny! I found it via an ad on Facebook and am so glad I clicked on it. It couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m sure this email will have better results than the ones I have been sending out over the past six months.
Welcome, Lizzie! Glad you found your way here. Good luck with the email, and have fun reaching out and making connections!
Wow this is a great article Jenny! I’m going to accept the challenge too and send 100 emails. I’m excited and I’ll post how it all went when I’ve completed this task
I’m cheering you on, Queen!